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Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheik

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These pair of cunts are the last members of the Beatles..No !! not that stupid chick pommy band from the 60's but a pair of pommy ISIS slags, up for trial with and hopefully a death sentence, which old Mick would love to carry out. Now i don't have a problem with a bit of playful torture but these two dingbats are cowardly ugly bastards. They are a bit upset at not getting a fair trial because they have had their British Citizenship stripped, i mean, what did they expect ...a couple of Knighthoods !!

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1 minute ago, Mick Taylor said:

These pair of cunts are the last members of the Beatles..No !! not that stupid chick pommy band from the 60's but a pair of pommy ISIS slags, up for trial with and hopefully a death sentence, which old Mick would love to carry out. Now i don't have a problem with a bit of playful torture but these two dingbats are cowardly ugly bastards. They are a bit upset at not getting a fair trial because they have had their British Citizenship stripped, i mean, what did they expect ...a couple of Knighthoods !!

I saw these bearded goat bothering fucking cunts on the news at ten, and I would also enjoy torturing them, possibly to the extent that I would be reluctant to kill them, you know, that shitty feeling when you're about to reach the end of a really good book. I think I'd rather continue entertaining the cunts with razor blades, pliers, cordless drills and hydrochloric acid.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I saw these bearded goat bothering fucking cunts on the news at ten, and I would also enjoy torturing them, possibly to the extent that I would be reluctant to kill them, you know, that shitty feeling when you're about to reach the end of a really good book. I think I'd rather continue entertaining the cunts with razor blades, pliers, cordless drills and hydrochloric acid.

I know that feeling Eric, old Mick's death sentence would last several months, i once had some poor bastard on a hook for a few months, feeding them on kangaroo testicles and redbacks, just keeping them alive was a real challenge.

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1 minute ago, Mick Taylor said:

I know that feeling Eric, old Mick's death sentence would last several months, i once had some poor bastard on a hook for a few months, feeding them on kangaroo testicles and redbacks, just keeping them alive was a real challenge.

Plenty of tourniquets, antibiotics and pre-loaded adrenaline hypodermics is the key to it Mick, and supplement those kangaroo bollocks with electrolyte drinks and a blood typed intravenous plasma drip. That'll keep the fuckers alive and screaming for many happy months.

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44 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Plenty of tourniquets, antibiotics and pre-loaded adrenaline hypodermics is the key to it Mick, and supplement those kangaroo bollocks with electrolyte drinks and a blood typed intravenous plasma drip. That'll keep the fuckers alive and screaming for many happy months.

Strewth mate, i think you should come and do some work with me, there's a batch of Eastern Europeans bastards in the area, will keep us busy for the rest of the year.

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54 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Plenty of tourniquets, antibiotics and pre-loaded adrenaline hypodermics is the key to it Mick, and supplement those kangaroo bollocks with electrolyte drinks and a blood typed intravenous plasma drip. That'll keep the fuckers alive and screaming for many happy months.

Christ Eric, remind me not to annoy you. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
5 hours ago, Mick Taylor said:

Strewth mate, i think you should come and do some work with me, there's a batch of Eastern Europeans bastards in the area, will keep us busy for the rest of the year.

You ought to have a bit more respect for these criminal types, it is after all what your entire civilisation is founded on - our fucking exports. 

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11 hours ago, Mick Taylor said:

I know that feeling Eric, old Mick's death sentence would last several months, i once had some poor bastard on a hook for a few months, feeding them on kangaroo testicles and redbacks, just keeping them alive was a real challenge.

That's not torture - it's a bloody reality TV show and it's already reached its 'sell-by' date.

Mind you, put this on pay-per-view and it'll make the revenue generated from Joshua vs Wilder look like chickenfeed.

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This simply shouldn't be known to the public. It should have been dealt with behind closed doors between us and the yanks and their bodies incinerated when they had provided all the information asked of them. 

Their, unfortunately, illegal execution if it happens will only become a recruiting tool for other fuckwits. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
42 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

This simply shouldn't be known to the public. It should have been dealt with behind closed doors between us and the yanks and their bodies incinerated when they had provided all the information asked of them. 

Their, unfortunately, illegal execution if it happens will only become a recruiting tool for other fuckwits. 

Not only that, they stink. It's long overdue that we should recruit our own bombers etc., to flatten every last Mosque on our land, culminating with Mecca. It's high-time that these peasants were eradicated completely, and reminded of our comrade Crusaders.  None of them have a place in our world.


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15 hours ago, Mick Taylor said:

These pair of cunts are the last members of the Beatles..No !! not that stupid chick pommy band from the 60's but a pair of pommy ISIS slags, up for trial with and hopefully a death sentence, which old Mick would love to carry out. Now i don't have a problem with a bit of playful torture but these two dingbats are cowardly ugly bastards. They are a bit upset at not getting a fair trial because they have had their British Citizenship stripped, i mean, what did they expect ...a couple of Knighthoods !!


14 hours ago, Mick Taylor said:

I know that feeling Eric, old Mick's death sentence would last several months, i once had some poor bastard on a hook for a few months, feeding them on kangaroo testicles and redbacks, just keeping them alive was a real challenge.


13 hours ago, Mick Taylor said:

Strewth mate, i think you should come and do some work with me, there's a batch of Eastern Europeans bastards in the area, will keep us busy for the rest of the year.

Is there any chance that you can delete all the above shit and project at least an illusion of sanity?

Unless you've been absolutely fucking smashed for the past month, there really is no excuse for your recent bollocks, you deranged cunt.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

Is there any chance that you can delete all the above shit and project at least an illusion of sanity?

Unless you've been absolutely fucking smashed for the past month, there really is no excuse for your recent bollocks, you deranged cunt.

Yes, come on Fender, you're better than this.

At least, I fucking hope you're better than this - brain tumours can be bastards, I know, so I don't want to come across as too judgemental.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

The prisons need stronger de-lousing chemicals.  You can practically see the vermin scurrying about in the beard.  I think Eric is the man for the job of "rehabilitating" them.


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11 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

The prisons need stronger de-lousing chemicals.  You can practically see the vermin scurrying about in the beard.  I think Eric is the man for the job of "rehabilitating" them.


Thanks for the vote of confidence Wiz. I've long dreamed of becoming Guantanamo's chief rehabilitation officer, and I think I have a lot to offer. I'm confident I can deliver a service whereby none of my charges will reoffend, after being hacked to pieces, placed in buckets and fed to the coastal shark population, all the released jihadis will be 100% rehabilitated.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Thanks for the vote of confidence Wiz. I've long dreamed of becoming Guantanamo's chief rehabilitation officer, and I think I have a lot to offer. I'm confident I can deliver a service whereby none of my charges will reoffend, after being hacked to pieces, placed in buckets and fed to the coastal shark population, all the released jihadis will be 100% rehabilitated.

Not to mention converted into shark shit to be deposited on the cunts in cages trying to film another installment for Discovery.  

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Guest judgetwi

I’m glad some cunt posted their photos. Now I can hate them for the colour of their skins rather than what they believe or what they have done. 

That’s the kind of alt.right racist, homophobic, Trump loving, Islamophobic, white supremacist, transphobic, KKK, EDL, BNP cunt I am.

I hate to disappoint.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

These men gave up British civil rights and basic human rights when they joined another nation that has neither. Isis execute people in many horrific ways, so they are now under those rules. Execution should be carried out by using my favourite method of quatering by horse or motorcycle/truck/car.

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1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:

These men gave up British civil rights and basic human rights when they joined another nation that has neither. Isis execute (murder is the correct word) people in many horrific ways, so they are now under those rules. Execution should be carried out by using my favourite method of quatering by horse or motorcycle/truck/car.

Nailing them to an old rugged cross and leaving them to die in sun would be the best option.

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10 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

There is no little irony in these murderous bastards crying for their human rights - although I suspect they themselves couldn't give a fuck, and it's the industry of apologists that surround them that are wetting themselves in their hypocrisy.

They are just the end result of a "production system" than produces them. That production system needs to be closed down. The radical preachers are known along with the mosques that they operate from. The preachers need to at the minimum have their UK status removed and sent to the flea-holes paradises they wish to emulate and of course the mosques they work from closed down. We also need restore the right for people to challenge religious belief and faith so that religious zealots are shown to be the brain-washed fools that they are.

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21 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Aren't they all called Ahmid? Because when the soldiers come to their village they all come out in the open and shout "Ahmid here", "Ahmid over here". 

Fuck off Wolfie 

They should be hanged by the neck whilst the Colon Sisters sing "Ahmid The Mood For Dangling".

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