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18 hours ago, Goober said:

Yes, I'm very sorry that you're a dim witted fucking cunt. 

I don't necessarily disagree with your sentiment, but it helps your case to get the basic facts right. Something you regularly struggle with. 

Must do better. D-

Stop grovelling. I forgive you ffs.

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  • 1 month later...

Fucking poofter shitcunts that are the BBC appear to have employed yet another kiddy fiddling nonce In the form of Radio 1 DJ, Mark Page. You would think that tax payer funded cess pit of gender fluid luvvies would have fucking sorted their shit out by now and at least sourced some decent aptitude test to weedle these sexual fucking deviants out of the list of applicants for jobs at this, what appears to be, a training camp for paedophilia.

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8 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Rather than watch a censored version of Little Britain on I-player I prefer to watch my original DVD's that haven't been doctored by a bunch of paedo loving, poofters. Fuck, I hate the BBC.

How the fuck can you watch that shite at all? Put some Mighty Boosh on instead.

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41 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Rather than watch a censored version of Little Britain on I-player I prefer to watch my original DVD's that haven't been doctored by a bunch of paedo loving, poofters. Fuck, I hate the BBC.

Fucking Hell, Drew. I never assumed that a man who puts turps on his cornflakes for breakfast would have a decent taste in comedy, but Little fucking Britain? 

I bet that Mrs. Drew sighs with exasperation everytime that 'Mrs Brown's Boys' comes on, in anticipation of having to clean up your piss yet again whilst you're cackling uncontrollably like a hyena having a fit.

Slapstick, Benny Hill cunt.



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Just had a quick look at BBC Question time and was totally reassured to see 2 benders, a charwallah, a Ukranian bird and Max Hastings sorting out all the silly misunderstandings that everyone seems to be getting all bent out of shape over at the moment. ‘Phew!’

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Guest judgetwi
5 hours ago, King Billy said:

Real men watch Schofield and Willoughby. The BBC is for poofs. 

I’m not sure about this Billy boy. Schofield is one of the most morally degenerate pieces of shit on the planet. However, the last time I made a comment about Philip it was deleted by Mr Roops for some reason.

It’s a debatable point that’s all I’m saying. I don’t want to get into trouble or nuffink.

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On 19/07/2018 at 12:41, White Cunt said:

The BBC are all about "avoidance" news. Anything controversial or not serving the current political dictats gets omitted on purpose. I also found it quite amusing how a lot of their wealthy "self-employed"cunts protested over being dragged into on-book employment by the taxman-prodded corporation. Pay your fucking taxes like the rest of us you squirming, bloated, self-serving, lying, perverted, boring bunch of wankers.

The way its top editors/presenters have been getting paid is fairly despicable. Even though the Beeb essentially funds their salaries via taxes from us, most had registered under the self-employed banner through 'personal service companies', meaning they were responsible for their own tax affairs and the BBC no longer needed to operate via PAYE/HMRC on their behalf. It's been open for abuse for decades via paying less tax (on taxes others have been forced to cough up) than one might otherwise pay in full-time or fully registered public service employment.  

Much of this wasn't audited until as recently as 2019, until the BBC's 'sexist' pay catastrophe was created in an attempt to divert attention from its tax-dodging 'employees' and their whopping £250,000+ salaries. What a fucking joke, lol.

Nope, I'm not buying the 'they've listened to people and are changing their ways' bullshit since your still-relevant 2018 post above. BBC 'fairness and equality' my arse.

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  • 3 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

There's a 'short' programme about Ellie Simmonds on BBC tonight. Lol.

Fuck off.

She's the one who is pissed off about this new drug therapy that's being used on children who have achondroplasia, because it will eradicate dwarfism. Well Halle-fucking-lujah. How fucking selfish is she?

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On 18/03/2022 at 02:45, judgetwi said:

I’m not sure about this Billy boy. Schofield is one of the most morally degenerate pieces of shit on the planet. However, the last time I made a comment about Philip it was deleted by Mr Roops for some reason.

It’s a debatable point that’s all I’m saying. I don’t want to get into trouble or nuffink.

We're going on a family trip to Belsen over Easter, Jew boy. 

We're framing it to the kids that it's an educational and respectful trip,but in reality I'm going to be grinning ear to fucking ear the entire time.

Fat, untermenschen cunt.

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19 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

She's the one who is pissed off about this new drug therapy that's being used on children who have achondroplasia, because it will eradicate dwarfism. Well Halle-fucking-lujah. How fucking selfish is she?

What a childish attitude, she needs to fucking grow up a bit*

(*bit, meaning about two and a half foot)

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Guest judgetwi
On 05/04/2022 at 21:44, Decimus said:

We're going on a family trip to Belsen over Easter, Jew boy. 

We're framing it to the kids that it's an educational and respectful trip,but in reality I'm going to be grinning ear to fucking ear the entire time.

Fat, untermenschen cunt.

Belsen? Not a death camp Brightboy, not even a gas chamber for you to salivate over. It’s a just a monument and a museum. I can’t imagine you trailing around a museum…… you haven’t got the attention span for that sort of thing.

Assuming you haven’t got the bottle to  go to Poland (far too close to Ukraine for you) I would recommend Dachau. Not far outside Munich and often crawling with dim tourists like you. They even have a gas chamber there! Sadly, from your point of view, it was never used but it should be enough for  your masturbatory purposes. Do enjoy your trip Sadboy.

No need to thank me. 😁

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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Belsen? Not a death camp Brightboy, not even a gas chamber for you to salivate over. It’s a just a monument and a museum. I can’t imagine you trailing around a museum…… you haven’t got the attention span for that sort of thing.

Assuming you haven’t got the bottle to  go to Poland (far too close to Ukraine for you) I would recommend Dachau. Not far outside Munich and often crawling with dim tourists like you. They even have a gas chamber there! Sadly, from your point of view, it was never used but it should be enough for  your masturbatory purposes. Do enjoy your trip Sadboy.

No need to thank me. 😁

It says something about your disturbed psyche that you acted with complete incredulity that I once sat on a train, but find nothing unbelievable in me taking three small children to a death camp.

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Guest judgetwi
On 07/04/2022 at 08:29, Decimus said:

It says something about your disturbed psyche that you acted with complete incredulity that I once sat on a train, but find nothing unbelievable in me taking three small children to a death camp.

So what are you saying Countryboy? You made the whole thing up? I must admit I don’t get it. 
Belsen was a concentration camp not a death camp, there was no gas chamber despite what the Sex Pistols say. There is a difference between a death camp and a concentration camp  but I can’t be arsed to explain it to a dimmo like you. I have no idea what this “sitting on a train” business is about. Where stupidity and ignorance is concerned I have no incredulity I assure you. I have vast experience with liars, bullshitters and fucking fakes. That’s how I’ve sussed you…….and Mr Roops, obviously.

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14 hours ago, judgetwi said:

So what are you saying Countryboy? You made the whole thing up? I must admit I don’t get it. 
Belsen was a concentration camp not a death camp, there was no gas chamber despite what the Sex Pistols say. There is a difference between a death camp and a concentration camp  but I can’t be arsed to explain it to a dimmo like you. I have no idea what this “sitting on a train” business is about. Where stupidity and ignorance is concerned I have no incredulity I assure you. I have vast experience with liars, bullshitters and fucking fakes. That’s how I’ve sussed you…….and Mr Roops, obviously.

Thank you for the history lesson, I'm sure that the tens of thousands of "guests" who died there would agree with your distinction. Jolly old Belsen, the Disneyland of the Nazi regime.

As for the train incident, you've obviously conveniently forgotten that, just like you have forgotten saying that you're ex-Old Bill, that you once ran to be an MP and that you're a penny-pinching, hook-nosed fucking Jew.

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