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Fucking Slags Who Inflict Their Children On Members Of The Public


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Currently travelling home from a course on a sweatbox of a train completely packed full of fucking idiots from Norfolk who have spent the day in "that there London" and are suitably excited like a group of fucking Neanderthals who have been confronted with a tin opener.

Some tattooed, disgusting fucking slapper of a mother has dumped her two kids on my table whilst she has swanned further up the aisle to sit with her husband. I've now spent an hour with some tart's kids completely against my fucking will and if I had a gun I'd shoot her, her ugly fucking kids and everyone else on the train.

I hope the next time this stupid slag inflicts her children on passengers she sits them with a brutal nonce who abducts them and fucking kills them dead.

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24 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm afraid that you can consider yourself reported.

What a whiny little cunt you are, and you were the one threatening the kiddies, suck it up and fuck off, snowflake!

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4 minutes ago, r-soles said:

What a whiny little cunt you are, and you were the one threatening the kiddies, suck it up and fuck off, snowflake!

Shooting a child at point blank range in its face is less of a crime than giving it some sweets and a tickle in the back of a transit van

You make me fucking sick.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Any kids there?

No kids.. just Ming and I. She’s on her first kir royale of the night and her entire fucking being makes me sick. She starts around 7 every night, takes a sip and without fail lets out the longest ’aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhhhh’ you could ever imagine. Do you have any idea how much that upsets me?

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3 minutes ago, Frank said:

No kids.. just Ming and I. She’s on her first kir royale of the night and her entire fucking being makes me sick. She starts around 7 every night, takes a sip and without fail let’s out the longest ’aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhhhh’ you could ever imagine. Do you have any idea how much that upsets me?

Has she ever said “that hits the spot?” If she ever does, punch her in the throat as hard as you fucking can.

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9 minutes ago, Frank said:

No kids.. just Ming and I. She’s on her first kir royale of the night and her entire fucking being makes me sick. She starts around 7 every night, takes a sip and without fail let’s out the longest ’aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhhhh’ you could ever imagine. Do you have any idea how much that upsets me?

I can't even begin to imagine. The Chinese in general are renowned for their uncouth manners, so it's a testament to your patience that you have yet to shove her fat, squinty fucking face into her own boiling hot peanut oil. 

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3 hours ago, Iam Ape said:

Has she ever said “that hits the spot?” If she ever does, punch her in the throat as hard as you fucking can.

She knows I can’t stand it. I think she genuinely enjoys her first kir of the evening so much she just can’t control herself. ‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaggghh.. bliss’ she says, while my eyes are popping out of my fucking head. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
6 minutes ago, Frank said:

........................while my eyes are popping out of my fucking head. 

What more than usual, you emaciated old buffoon?

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5 minutes ago, Frank said:

She knows I can’t stand it. I think she genuinely enjoys her first kir of the evening so much she just can’t control it. ‘Aaaaaaaaaaaaaggghh.. bliss’ she says, while my eyes are popping out of my fucking head. 

If she likes frothy Kir that much, why not force down a few dozen punnets of blackberries and masturbate vigorously all over her face several hours later.

If she says "Aaaaaaaaggghh..." to that, post it on Vimeo. If she doesn't, kick her cunt in.

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49 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I can't even begin to imagine. The Chinese in general are renowned for their uncouth manners, so it's a testament to your patience that you have yet to shove her fat, squinty fucking face into her own boiling hot peanut oil. 

I think Frank forgot the e at the end

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22 minutes ago, Frank said:

Forget it, alf... I’ve got grey pubes. That’s where I’m at. 

What an awful image to contemplate. Your little bullet nestled within a thatch of sparse, silver hair, a solitary drop of precum glistening like a tear at your Jap's eye as your genitals reminisce about a youth and pitch black pubes that were left behind in a bygone era.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Currently travelling home from a course on a sweatbox of a train completely packed full of fucking idiots from Norfolk who have spent the day in "that there London" and are suitably excited like a group of fucking Neanderthals who have been confronted with a tin opener.

Some tattooed, disgusting fucking slapper of a mother has dumped her two kids on my table whilst she has swanned further up the aisle to sit with her husband. I've now spent an hour with some tart's kids completely against my fucking will and if I had a gun I'd shoot her, her ugly fucking kids and everyone else on the train.

I hope the next time this stupid slag inflicts her children on passengers she sits them with a brutal nonce who abducts them and fucking kills them dead.

… it's chucked out the fucking window.


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