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Shape of things to come


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Y'all labour under the notion that EU give a shit about y'all. .they don't. .yer a done deal. .hard brexit. .soft brexit matters not to them..they have what you need and they will make you pay for it ..they'll crucify you as a warning to the rest. .tessy is giving the pro-Brexit mob all the rope they need to hang themselves 


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6 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Agreed.  This will be a very slow process.   It will take about ten years for things to really be noticeably different.   I don’t see any deal being a bad one.  If it’s soft brexit we will basically have a deal similar in many respects to what we have now but a bit more control.   So about half will be happy slightly more than half will not be totally happy.    If we have a hard brexit or no deal I think it will mean the E U will be forced back to the table quite quickly to negotiate terms slightly more favorable to us. Particularly if Italy are also at the renegotiating table for their member ship. Which is highly likely.   But again the cogs will not really change overnight.   Neither side can totally ignore the other and a compromise of sorts will always be worked out, one way or the other over a period of years after the initial shit fight.   Of course setting out the EU laws on queuing in line would be top of the list if Stickers was negotiating, using his History degree education to  pin point the more serious subjects and to get us the best deal on how many French are allowed to jump que at customs.

Ten years?! I'm ready to stick my head in the fucking oven after two years of hearing about it on a near constant daily basis. The thought of spending the next decade listening to Owen Jones squeaking in faggot speak about how unfair it all is, plus Jacob Rees Mogg demanding that the island of Britain be towed 1000 miles further west into the Atlantic for the hardest of Brexits, is enough to make me want to cut my dick off and bleed to death.

Both sides are an utter fucking disgrace and should get on with it in complete and utter silence.

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7 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Y'all labour under the notion that EU give a shit about y'all. .they don't. .yer a done deal. .hard brexit. .soft brexit matters not to them..they have what you need and they will make you pay for it ..they'll crucify you as a warning to the rest. .tessy is giving the pro-Brexit mob all the rope they need to hang themselves 


You've nailed it there potato boy. Those vindictive EU tossers will make it as difficult as possible for the UK to have an amicable split and retain as little of the privileges of being in the club gave. This is purely a deterrent to others for wanting out; if and economy the size of ours can be made to scream and our leaders be seen to be making a right balls up, then tin pot back waters like bog land or Spain, for example, will keep their spunk encrusted lips shut and take whatever they're told to (5 million afghan, Eritrean and Boko Haram goat husbandry technicians for example....)

Anyways, my plan of claiming asylum over the water is still very much alive. One assumes you still agree on our proposed house swap? Mrs Pecker and the Stubblets probably won't notice, just don't let the rural silence deafen you. 

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Why would ya leave a green n pleasant land to come to another green n pleasant land..anyway ya wouldn't like it here. .the gay Indian lives two minutes run from me and the yoof n dynamizim would choke ya ..and asking for blackcurrant in yer Guinness would get ya taken out the back n kneecapped. .we're a terribly intolerant  racist and  cliquey society but we conceal it well


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16 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Why would ya leave a green n pleasant land to come to another green n pleasant land..anyway ya wouldn't like it here. .the gay Indian lives two minutes run from me and the yoof n dynamizim would choke ya ..and asking for blackcurrant in yer Guinness would get ya taken out the back n kneecapped. .we're a terribly intolerant  racist and  cliquey society but we conceal it well



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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

Ten years?! I'm ready to stick my head in the fucking oven after two years of hearing about it on a near constant daily basis. The thought of spending the next decade listening to Owen Jones squeaking in faggot speak about how unfair it all is, plus Jacob Rees Mogg demanding that the island of Britain be towed 1000 miles further west into the Atlantic for the hardest of Brexits, is enough to make me want to cut my dick off and bleed to death.

Both sides are an utter fucking disgrace and should get on with it in complete and utter silence.

Too be fair the towing of Britain away from Europe  after two years has brought about the best summer weather since 1976.   So I say we crack on with towing us to Atlantis.

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Guest Erroreptile404
21 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Too be fair the towing of Britain away from Europe  after two years has brought about the best summer weather since 1976.   So I say we crack on with towing us to Atlantis.

I still say we tow ourselves to 65 miles off the coast of south africa.

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22 hours ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

I still say we tow ourselves to 65 miles off the coast of south africa.

Now that would be stupid being just 65 miles of Africa.  Thousands of rubber dinghies floating over the sea from Africa with all those immigrants and sharks in the water.  Who would want to see that?  

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Guest Wizardsleeve
53 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Now that would be stupid being just 65 miles of Africa.  Thousands of rubber dinghies floating over the sea from Africa with all those immigrants and sharks in the water.  Who would want to see that?  

No real entertainment value to speak of when you put it that way.  Now were you tip a few of those rubber "dinghies" that might prove a giggle or two. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 11:54 PM, EreptileDysfunction said:

I still say we tow ourselves to 65 miles off the coast of south africa.

If anything needs towing, then it's time that we towed the line. 

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Guest Erroreptile404
15 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Which part? It's fucking massive you geographically thick twat. 

I reckon we'd all agree with your idea provided you went swimming with the great whites

Who gives a fuck? any part does it really matter. The part with the legendary 30ft+ Great whites dubbed "submarine" if it matters. There's some weird shit in the South Atlantic. Now lets see your papers on oceanology research. 🐳 😎

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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Who gives a fuck? any part does it really matter. The part with the legendary 30ft+ Great whites dubbed "submarine" if it matters. There's some weird shit in the South Atlantic. Now lets see your papers on oceanology research. 🐳 😎

I can assure you, there are no great Whites in Africa. 

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On 7/16/2018 at 10:31 AM, Panzerknacker said:

Had the locals kept their seats on the committee instead of stayin at home or fighting each other  the bigwigs wudna had it all their own way maybe perhaps 


I think this is an interesting point. An ill starred venture from the start made worse by uks obvious ambivalence regarding diplomacy and protocols. We joined and never took it seriously.

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On 7/17/2018 at 7:38 AM, Decimus said:

Ten years?! I'm ready to stick my head in the fucking oven after two years of hearing about it on a near constant daily basis. The thought of spending the next decade listening to Owen Jones squeaking in faggot speak about how unfair it all is, plus Jacob Rees Mogg demanding that the island of Britain be towed 1000 miles further west into the Atlantic for the hardest of Brexits, is enough to make me want to cut my dick off and bleed to death.

Both sides are an utter fucking disgrace and should get on with it in complete and utter silence.

Jacob Rees-Mogg should be Prime Minister.







Massively pro British


Brilliant debater



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6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg should be Prime Minister.







Massively pro British


Brilliant debater



I agree with ya punkers baby...he should be handcuffed to the steering wheel of the nation at this historic time 


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Guest Wizardsleeve
8 hours ago, Punkape said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg should be Prime Minister.







Massively pro British


Brilliant debater



Politicians write the bloody book on corruption.  Those cunts sit atop the highest peaks of fucking graft and thievery.  

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8 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Politicians write the bloody book on corruption.  Those cunts sit atop the highest peaks of fucking graft and thievery.  

Oi Wizzo, I've sent some ideas in for a new uniform for the girl guides. With all this hot weather we've been having, it's just what they need.

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Guest 'eavensabove
8 hours ago, Punkape said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg should be Prime Minister.







Massively pro British


Brilliant debater



… and a Cunt. 

Politicians should all migrate.


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Guest Wizardsleeve
17 minutes ago, ratcum said:

Oi Wizzo, I've sent some ideas in for a new uniform for the girl guides. With all this hot weather we've been having, it's just what they need.

The distinc absence of graphic renderings tells me you put it in writing.  For whatever odd reason, I doubt your message will be received Ratty.  

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