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The arrest of Tommy Robinson

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On 22/05/2019 at 23:27, judgetwi said:

Fuck me, i’ve just found out that Robbo’s real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon!! He kept that fucking quiet didn’t he? 

I wonder why he changed his name? I mean, it’s not as if he turned trannie or anything.

Jewdy baby! I'm both shocked and appalled, that a right wing card carrying UKIP member as yourself, has only just stumbled onto this information. My sources tell me your heavily involved in the Brexit party socials, held at the Clapham Darby and Joan club. I seriously hope you just nodded on receipt of this news, there by downplaying it's significance to your cause, hence making you look less of a cunt, always a tall order in your case I know.

I actually have a bit of time for Yaxley-Lennon. He's put his head above the parapet and is probably in fatwa top 3 position with Salman Rushdie and Israel. Fact that he's done a few bits of bird over exposing the militant cunts, coupled with attempting to blow the lid of the grooming of vulnerable children, makes him ok in my book!

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  • 2 months later...
On 23/05/2019 at 00:58, Eric Cuntman said:

Yes, but I had trusted the intelligence of the membership to realise that Janet S Porter wasn't actually married to John Lennon.

Janet street porter. This no-mark G-list sleb is moving to Norfolk and I reckon she'll be living in Redwings. 

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So Tommy gets out on bail pending a hearing at the Court of Appeal resulting in a 13 month sentence, he'll do half of that then, and possibly get the couple of months he originally served, knocked of to boot.

There's a couple of bones of contention in this whole sorry saga for me. Firstly, he didn't actually break any law to begin with, he only reported on the verdicts involving a bunch of sex-case Mohammed's. Secondly, the establishments constant hypocrisy in the pursuit of this fella, only solidifies his followers beliefs of persecution.

What really gets on my fucking tits though is the no expense spared and every possible resource used to imprison him. It seems to me that cases are being dropped by the CPS like fucking hot potatoes, especially when they involved noncing Peacefulls.

The only icing on the cake for the right wing and possibly the right leaning folk, is the establishment turning him into a martyr. Though obviously the old bill getting a good hiding gets the thumbs up in anyone's language.

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4 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

So Tommy gets out on bail pending a hearing at the Court of Appeal resulting in a 13 month sentence, he'll do half of that then, and possibly get the couple of months he originally served, knocked of to boot.

There's a couple of bones of contention in this whole sorry saga for me. Firstly, he didn't actually break any law to begin with, he only reported on the verdicts involving a bunch of sex-case Mohammed's. Secondly, the establishments constant hypocrisy in the pursuit of this fella, only solidifies his followers beliefs of persecution.

What really gets on my fucking tits though is the no expense spared and every possible resource used to imprison him. It seems to me that cases are being dropped by the CPS like fucking hot potatoes, especially when they involved noncing Peacefulls.

The only icing on the cake for the right wing and possibly the right leaning folk, is the establishment turning him into a martyr. Though obviously the old bill getting a good hiding gets the thumbs up in anyone's language.

Only white people can be guilty of anything. Whenever a black man stabs someone to death, or a Muslim rapes a ten year old, it's not their fault. 

It's white people's fault...

..errrr, because of slavery and racism and stuff. And if you disagree then you're a racist!

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

Only white people can be guilty of anything. Whenever a black man stabs someone to death, or a Muslim rapes a ten year old, it's not their fault. 

It's white people's fault...

..errrr, because of slavery and racism and stuff. And if you disagree then you're a racist!

It's all fucking wrong Eric. So somehow coz I was born a white Englishman I must feel guilty over slavery, well I fucking don't. Last time I checked I never owned any slaves and neither did any living family members.

This is all going to far. Science and history has proven that Caucasian males are the big dogs on the block.

Fuck the feminists, queers, Peacefulls, Zionists, and left wing apologist cunts!

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9 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

errrr, because of slavery and racism and stuff. And if you disagree then you're a racist!

I agree. Can I still be a racist? I do fucking hope so. Being a racist is one of my proudest achievements.

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7 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

It's all fucking wrong Eric. So somehow coz I was born a white Englishman I must feel guilty over slavery, well I fucking don't. Last time I checked I never owned any slaves and neither did any living family members.

This is all going to far. Science and history has proven that Caucasian males are the big dogs on the block.

Fuck the feminists, queers, Peacefulls, Zionists, and left wing apologist cunts!

What about the trannies? You can’t just leave them out. You know how flakey the poor little dears are. Have you no heart Major?

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12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Of course you can KB. I for one, think you're an excellent racist.

Where I grew up racism and sectarianism were the first things kids learned. My parents would have thrashed any thoughts of tolerance or diversity nonsense out of me with a big stick with rusty nails in it. I know that for a fact cos I told them my brother was thinking that way a couple of times and it was fucking hilarious.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Where I grew up racism and sectarianism were the first things kids learned. My parents would have thrashed any thoughts of tolerance or diversity nonsense out of me with a big stick with rusty nails in it. I know that for a fact cos I told them my brother was thinking that way a couple of times and it was fucking hilarious.

At my early primary school I was educated by nuns and they lectured all of us on the evils of Ian Paisley.

How right they were as well....

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Where I grew up racism and sectarianism were the first things kids learned. My parents would have thrashed any thoughts of tolerance or diversity nonsense out of me with a big stick with rusty nails in it. I know that for a fact cos I told them my brother was thinking that way a couple of times and it was fucking hilarious.

It was the time we were kids as well. The phrase; 'does anybody want anything from the paki shop?', used to be normal, if some cunt says it now, they will be reported to the thought police and have their life destroyed.

I'm fucking sick of this 'equality' shit, they don't want equality, they want dominion, and the extermination of anyone normal, ie, straight white cunts.

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14 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

At my early primary school I was educated by nuns and they lectured all of us on the evils of Ian Paisley.

How right they were as well....

Perhaps they should have lectured you more on the perils of having your ringpiece battered by their male colleagues. Advice of that nature might have prevented you from becoming a sexual deviant.  Unlikely but nevertheless possible.

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8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I don't always agree with Tommy but I do respect him; it's the company he keeps which taints his image. The BBC-led media loves to carefully edit footage of him in public, showing only tattooed knuckle-draggers by his side, all chanting anti-Islam slogans while waving the Union Jack flag.

He's been victimised by police like few others by order of our corrupt government, who wish to silence him so it can keep forcing its multicultural agenda down our throats. When so many people go to so much trouble to silence one man in his own country, there’s clearly some hurtful truths being hidden. Tommy was among the first to expose Asian gangs grooming white teenage girls for sex in Rotherham, for which he was vilified and accused (as usual) of 'extreme' racism. The fact is he was right, and in the process helped do enough to bring it to the attention of others through alternative media.

In contrast and disconcertingly, the dangerous, violent, ISIS-supporting racist that is Anjem Choudhairy – as well his terrorist organisation Islam4UK – roamed free for years while publicly spreading anti-West hatred in the process. Yet Tommy Robinson so much as farted in the wrong direction and he generally ended up getting arrested or thrown in prison.

Sadly his image of an EDL thug is a hard one to shake off – and you can bet it didn’t come about from nothing. But nowadays he makes a good deal of sense and he speaks well in public (see his Oxford Union Society address), but his history will never leave him, as will the oafs who publicly advocate his political views.

Stupid bearded cunt. 

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