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The Mutation Of The Left.

Jake The Muss

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Time to have a go at lefties again, but not just any lefties as i share some views with proper left wing politics. The true meaning of left wing politics has been lost in a mutated abomination. left wing politics is all about social equality and egalitarianism and opposes the hierarchy. Well it's all gone tits up now as we see lefties trying their best at destroying right wing politics as soon as someone on the other side is opening their mouths, but will welcome Islam, which is extreme right wing politics (hypocrites).

Today's lefties are against political systems that are elitist but most want to stay in the EU, the EU is full of elitists and for most, you don't know who they are (again hypocrites). As for lefties being for equality, which is a shambles, if you get a white person saying something tame and in a joking way....but can and will be seen as racist by many but when a black person says something similar, then nothing is said...we now have muslim housing just for muslims, that's not going to help them integrate in to our (not theirs) society is it, now i might not be the brightest star in the sky (but brighter than many) so how the fuck is any of that equality !!

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4 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

Time to have a go at lefties again, but not just any lefties as i share some views with proper left wing politics. The true meaning of left wing politics has been lost in a mutated abomination. left wing politics is all about social equality and egalitarianism and opposes the hierarchy. Well it's all gone tits up now as we see lefties trying their best at destroying ring wing politics as soon as someone on the other side is opening their mouths, but will welcome Islam, which is extreme right wing politics (hypocrites).

Today's lefties are against political systems that are elitist but most want to stay in the EU, the EU is full of elitists and for most, you don't know who they are (again hypocrites). As for lefties being for equality, which is a shambles, if you get a white person saying something tame and in a joking way....but can and will be seen as racist by many but when a black person says something similar, then nothing is said...we now have muslim housing just for muslims, that's not going to help them integrate in to our (not theirs) society is it, now i might not be the brightest star in the sky (but brighter than many) so how the fuck is any of that equality !!

Black only music awards, black only charities, Internet forums, social organisations, university societies, etc' etc'. Try and introduce a white only version of any of the above and see how long before you're arrested and sent to Nuremberg. Equality now means that anyone can say or do anything, unless you're white, in which case you are only allowed to be guilty and shame ridden.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Black only music awards, black only charities, Internet forums, social organisations, university societies, etc' etc'. Try and introduce a white only version of any of the above and see how long before you're arrested and sent to Nuremberg. Equality now means that anyone can say or do anything, unless you're white, in which case you are only allowed to be guilty and shame ridden.

What made me smile last week on tele, was a programme about Enoch Powel... Rather than the usual "Some viewers may be upset etc."  They announced between each and every break: Viewers WILL be upset about the content...  No maybe's about it.   Double standards or what!  It was the best t.v. in weeks and I doubt that I was the only viewer who loved and agreed with every fucking minute of it.  They more or less do/say the same thing now, anytime M.L.King or black Slavery of yesteryear hits the screens. 

Oh, and I'm not racist at all. I treat the cunts as I treat any other cunt that I don't like...  I simply block black them out.  


Edited by 'eavensabove
Young Gifted and Black
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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Black only music awards, black only charities, Internet forums, social organisations, university societies, etc' etc'. Try and introduce a white only version of any of the above and see how long before you're arrested and sent to Nuremberg. Equality now means that anyone can say or do anything, unless you're white, in which case you are only allowed to be guilty and shame ridden.

That's just the tip of it all Eric, today's lefties are a dumbed down alt version of what they once was and what they should be, all made possible by the Elite...haha. You really couldn't make it up, left wing politics is against the Elite and yet it's the Elite who have mutated them...How fucking dumb is that !!

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

That's just the tip of it all Eric, today's lefties are a dumbed down alt version of what they once was and what they should be, all made possible by the Elite...haha. You really couldn't make it up, left wing politics is against the Elite and yet it's the Elite who have mutated them...How fucking dumb is that !!

We whipped the cunts arses at Kwajimu (Rorke's Drift)... Thousands of the bastards and without the use of a hammer 7s. Just imagine the head-count we could achieve today, holed-up in your garage with sandbags and the likes. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Fender777 said:

Time to have a go at lefties again, but not just any lefties as i share some views with proper left wing politics. The true meaning of left wing politics has been lost in a mutated abomination. left wing politics is all about social equality and egalitarianism and opposes the hierarchy. Well it's all gone tits up now as we see lefties trying their best at destroying right wing politics as soon as someone on the other side is opening their mouths, but will welcome Islam, which is extreme right wing politics (hypocrites).

Today's lefties are against political systems that are elitist but most want to stay in the EU, the EU is full of elitists and for most, you don't know who they are (again hypocrites). As for lefties being for equality, which is a shambles, if you get a white person saying something tame and in a joking way....but can and will be seen as racist by many but when a black person says something similar, then nothing is said...we now have muslim housing just for muslims, that's not going to help them integrate in to our (not theirs) society is it, now i might not be the brightest star in the sky (but brighter than many) so how the fuck is any of that equality !!

Well, I see no problem at all with building these cunts the homes that they want, whilst also ensuring that all of the said homes are bedecked to the rafters with Kensington Council Cladding. 

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Black only music awards, black only charities, Internet forums, social organisations, university societies, etc' etc'. Try and introduce a white only version of any of the above and see how long before you're arrested and sent to Nuremberg. Equality now means that anyone can say or do anything, unless you're white, in which case you are only allowed to be guilty and shame ridden.

It's a pity that Rick is languishing in a home for the terminally boring.  He would have liked this nom.

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1 hour ago, Fender777 said:

Time to have a go at lefties again, but not just any lefties as i share some views with proper left wing politics. The true meaning of left wing politics has been lost in a mutated abomination. left wing politics is all about social equality and egalitarianism and opposes the hierarchy. Well it's all gone tits up now as we see lefties trying their best at destroying right wing politics as soon as someone on the other side is opening their mouths, but will welcome Islam, which is extreme right wing politics (hypocrites).

Today's lefties are against political systems that are elitist but most want to stay in the EU, the EU is full of elitists and for most, you don't know who they are (again hypocrites). As for lefties being for equality, which is a shambles, if you get a white person saying something tame and in a joking way....but can and will be seen as racist by many but when a black person says something similar, then nothing is said...we now have muslim housing just for muslims, that's not going to help them integrate in to our (not theirs) society is it, now i might not be the brightest star in the sky (but brighter than many) so how the fuck is any of that equality !!

No no NO!

We live in fine, progressive times Thanks to the enlightened interventions of Messrs Blair (especially that grinning pixie cunt), Brown, Cameron and May, the statute book and the principles that once informed it have undergone a radical makeover.

Gone are all those toxic masculine/patriarchal attacks on victims (now a protected group consisting of anyone who claims to be one) like the presumption of innocence, due process of law and of course those horribly male, horribly white criminal statutes - you know, the ones that insisted that, for justice to be served, and to ensure that no one was wrongly convicted, criminal acts must be spelled out with the utmost precision.

As wealthy resentful liberal (and Liberal) ideologues have told us, that was nothing but a recipe for racism and all the other neocrimes a more progressive approach to law-drafting has recognised - all the phobias the patriarchy are guilty of, like homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia and now, thank God, humourless, sourfaced phobia.

Now miscreants can be banged up and given criminal records not for their deeds, but for how someone else feels about the words they use.

And the fabulous thing about this?

The more adept at taking offence you become, the more offence you see around you! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

And, as progressives see any expression of humour as a form of assault, the new era of joke crime promises to purge the land of humour-villains (heartless beasts who don't seem to care that while they're busy laughing, hundreds of feminists are at home coping with cystitis) forever

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Guest 'eavensabove
49 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

No no NO!

We live in fine, progressive times Thanks to the enlightened interventions of Messrs Blair (especially that grinning pixie cunt), Brown, Cameron and May, the statute book and the principles that once informed it have undergone a radical makeover.

Gone are all those toxic masculine/patriarchal attacks on victims (now a protected group consisting of anyone who claims to be one) like the presumption of innocence, due process of law and of course those horribly male, horribly white criminal statutes - you know, the ones that insisted that, for justice to be served, and to ensure that no one was wrongly convicted, criminal acts must be spelled out with the utmost precision.

As wealthy resentful liberal (and Liberal) ideologues have told us, that was nothing but a recipe for racism and all the other neocrimes a more progressive approach to law-drafting has recognised - all the phobias the patriarchy are guilty of, like homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia and now, thank God, humourless, sourfaced phobia.

Now miscreants can be banged up and given criminal records not for their deeds, but for how someone else feels about the words they use.

And the fabulous thing about this?

The more adept at taking offence you become, the more offence you see around you! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

And, as progressives see any expression of humour as a form of assault, the new era of joke crime promises to purge the land of humour-villains (heartless beasts who don't seem to care that while they're busy laughing, hundreds of feminists are at home coping with cystitis) forever

As is evident from the new-wave of  'up-the-skirt' photographs. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
58 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

It's a pity that Rick is languishing in a home for the terminally boring.  He would have liked this nom.

He's probably both eyes-agog in the games room, whilst voicing to the other residents: "I would never have allowed this, and look where its got me!" 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, Fender777 said:

Time to have a go at lefties again, but not just any lefties as i share some views with proper left wing politics. The true meaning of left wing politics has been lost in a mutated abomination. left wing politics is all about social equality and egalitarianism and opposes the hierarchy. Well it's all gone tits up now as we see lefties trying their best at destroying right wing politics as soon as someone on the other side is opening their mouths, but will welcome Islam, which is extreme right wing politics (hypocrites).

Today's lefties are against political systems that are elitist but most want to stay in the EU, the EU is full of elitists and for most, you don't know who they are (again hypocrites). As for lefties being for equality, which is a shambles, if you get a white person saying something tame and in a joking way....but can and will be seen as racist by many but when a black person says something similar, then nothing is said...we now have muslim housing just for muslims, that's not going to help them integrate in to our (not theirs) society is it, now i might not be the brightest star in the sky (but brighter than many) so how the fuck is any of that equality !!

I have to agree Fends.  The lefties of old would maintain a calm and collected demeanor and use facts and logic to rebut the harsh, militant frontal assault of right wing idiocy.  Now they are prostituting themselves to resorting the very tactics they once loathed and fought so gallantly against with eloquence and dignity.  Political discourse has become nothing but a circus show of hostile slagging and scandal mongering cuntfuckery.  

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1 hour ago, Fender777 said:

That's just the tip of it all Eric, today's lefties are a dumbed down alt version of what they once was and what they should be, all made possible by the Elite...haha. You really couldn't make it up, left wing politics is against the Elite and yet it's the Elite who have mutated them...How fucking dumb is that !!

Tony Benn was the last decent left winger. Genuine values, yet balanced and rational, and apparently a nice bloke. 

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2 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

What made me smile last week on tele, was a programme about Enoch Powel... Rather than the usual "Some viewers may be upset etc."  They announced between each and every break: Viewers WILL be upset about the content...  No maybe's about it.   Double standards or what!  It was the best t.v. in weeks and I doubt that I was the only viewer who loved and agreed with every fucking minute of it.  They more or less do/say the same thing now, anytime M.L.King or black Slavery of yesteryear hits the screens. 

Oh, and I'm not racist at all. I treat the cunts as I treat any other cunt that I don't like...  I simply block black them out.  


What really grates on my nerves are the number of topical quiz and discussion programmes on telly, populated exclusively by smug, pseudo intellectual left wing comedians, hand picked squads consisting of a ginger one, a black one, a Muslim one, and one with some type of spastication, oh and a lezza or poof. In order to balance these self congratulating wankers, we should retrieve DNA from Hitler, Powell, Moseley and Vlad the impaler. Clone them and let them sit around chatting shit on a Friday night. I'd buy that for a dollar!

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I feel completely disenfranchised. As someone who holds genuine left wing sympathies with a particular emphasis on freedom of speech and conscience, I find myself completely exasperated by the censorship and hysterics of contemporary left wing politics.

Positive discrimination, quotas, the militancy of the LGBT community and the subtle demonisation of white males isn't something that I wish to subscribe to. I'm all for equality and the protection of minority groups and lifestyles, but this shouldn't be at the expense of freedom of thought and expression.


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Sometimes I think there really is no such thing as coincidence.

Boarding school pupils black up as African slaves

If only we had an expert on (a) elite private schools and (b) catholicism, who hadn't just been coolered for two months.

PS I went for the Sun link rather than the BBC or the Independent, because the Sun had some of the actual pictures.

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

And, as progressives see any expression of humour as a form of assault, the new era of joke crime promises to purge the land of humour-villains (heartless beasts who don't seem to care that while they're busy laughing, hundreds of feminists are at home coping with cystitis) forever

That's super perceptive, Jigs.

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2 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

We whipped the cunts arses at Kwajimu (Rorke's Drift)... Thousands of the bastards and without the use of a hammer 7s. Just imagine the head-count we could achieve today, holed-up in your garage with sandbags and the likes. 

This isn't about whipping anyone Jazz, well apart from mutated snowflakes who waltz about in a blinkered trance their whole fucking lives, knowing nothing about their own politics. Those i would gladly take to the garage for some Hammer time.

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2 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

No no NO!

We live in fine, progressive times Thanks to the enlightened interventions of Messrs Blair (especially that grinning pixie cunt), Brown, Cameron and May, the statute book and the principles that once informed it have undergone a radical makeover.

Gone are all those toxic masculine/patriarchal attacks on victims (now a protected group consisting of anyone who claims to be one) like the presumption of innocence, due process of law and of course those horribly male, horribly white criminal statutes - you know, the ones that insisted that, for justice to be served, and to ensure that no one was wrongly convicted, criminal acts must be spelled out with the utmost precision.

As wealthy resentful liberal (and Liberal) ideologues have told us, that was nothing but a recipe for racism and all the other neocrimes a more progressive approach to law-drafting has recognised - all the phobias the patriarchy are guilty of, like homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia and now, thank God, humourless, sourfaced phobia.

Now miscreants can be banged up and given criminal records not for their deeds, but for how someone else feels about the words they use.

And the fabulous thing about this?

The more adept at taking offence you become, the more offence you see around you! It's the gift that keeps on giving!

And, as progressives see any expression of humour as a form of assault, the new era of joke crime promises to purge the land of humour-villains (heartless beasts who don't seem to care that while they're busy laughing, hundreds of feminists are at home coping with cystitis) forever

I never sensed one bit of sarcasm in all of that..

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Guest 'eavensabove
45 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What really grates on my nerves are the number of topical quiz and discussion programmes on telly, populated exclusively by smug, pseudo intellectual left wing comedians, hand picked squads consisting of a ginger one, a black one, a Muslim one, and one with some type of spastication, oh and a lezza or poof. In order to balance these self congratulating wankers, we should retrieve DNA from Hitler, Powell, Moseley and Vlad the impaler. Clone them and let them sit around chatting shit on a Friday night. I'd buy that for a dollar!

Indeed, and even in the workplace one cannot be seen to be selective in who or what we want to employ, unless being labelled this ist or that ist or three-cunts-full ist.  It can at times, serve as entertainment, watching the 'hand-picked squads' on t.v. as they rarely if ever get further than a first-round, and reaching a final is alien to the cunts. I've often wondered why there's not an Arabic Games, or a 'Who Want's to be A Muslin On Air' hosted by mega-cunt Tarrant...   However, having a 'Generation Show' for any of these 'squads' would only result in them remembering the sliding-doors & conveyor belt... 'Dwarf-Throwing' should most definitely be a blood sport, as so too should 'Maim That Coon' on a weekday evening until further notice. Why, I may even purchase a licence then and upgrade from Black to White to colour.  

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1 minute ago, 'eavensabove said:

Indeed, and even in the workplace one cannot be seen to be selective in who or what we want to employ, unless being labelled this ist or that ist or three-cunts-full ist.  It can at times, serve as entertainment, watching the 'hand-picked squads' on t.v. as they rarely if ever get further than a first-round, and reaching a final is alien to the cunts. I've often wondered why there's not an Arabic Games, or a 'Who Want's to be A Muslin On Air' hosted by mega-cunt Tarrant...   However, having a 'Generation Show' for any of these 'squads' would only result in them remembering the sliding-doors & conveyor belt... 'Dwarf-Throwing' should most definitely be a blood sport, as so too should 'Maim That Coon' on a weekday evening until further notice. Why, I may even purchase a licence then and upgrade from Black to White to colour.  

Wouldn't a Muslim Generation game be brilliant?!! "AK 47, suicide vest, cuddly toy, head of infidel. Didn't she do well?"

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Wouldn't a Muslim Generation game be brilliant?!! "AK 47, suicide vest, cuddly toy, head of infidel. Didn't she do well?"

Errrrm, yes. The IRA would also do well on Blankety Blank, too, and what about Asianmarket Sooty & Sweep? 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What really grates on my nerves are the number of topical quiz and discussion programmes on telly, populated exclusively by smug, pseudo intellectual left wing comedians, hand picked squads consisting of a ginger one, a black one, a Muslim one, and one with some type of spastication, oh and a lezza or poof. In order to balance these self congratulating wankers, we should retrieve DNA from Hitler, Powell, Moseley and Vlad the impaler. Clone them and let them sit around chatting shit on a Friday night. I'd buy that for a dollar!

Dollars aren't worth a fuck. 


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Guest judgetwi

The Left died the day Kinnock cut off his combover and got measured up for his Armani suit. The career of that turncoat traitor is an allegory for what has happened to the British Left.

Catweazle might be described as Left ( if you can pin the cunt down long enough  ) but he is between a rock and a hard place. On his right he has the PLP, the Tories with red ties, on his left he has the middle class Guardianistas, the soppy cunts who all want to be Che but don’t want to upset anyone.

Throw into both parties, the marketing men, who are convinced that the only way to win is identity politics. Hence we have to bow and scrape to the poofs, the trannies, the feminazis, the religious nutters and any other bunch of wankers who have “issues”.

After nearly 30 years of this shit all we have are careerist politicians who only want to fill their pockets and don’t believe in jackshit. They are all bought and paid for.

Now we cower in fear of being labelled with the R word, the H word, the I word and the B word.

I believe it was Jefferson who said “ where governments fear the people you have liberty, where the people fear governments you have tyranny.”

As I see it we need to be afraid, very afraid. 

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