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Stephen Lawrence. The saga continues

Eric Cuntman

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4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Mr Stickers was particularly scathing as I (of course) recall, and even Neil had his doubts.

Depending on your mathematical assumptions it is either 99.99% certain that life exists elsewhere in the universe, or a near-impossibility. I happen to favour the first option personally, but I reckon there's more statistical likelihood of me getting a blow job off Jessica Alba than UFOs being piloted by intelligent extraterrestrials. 

Million to one shots have come off before, though, so I remain hopeful abut that blow job.


It's bad enough being the only intelligent life form in my row of cubicles at work, so I can relate with the terror at the thought of us being alone in the universe.

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30 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Bawsey, you may recall (who am I fucking kidding, you will recall) that sometime ago I was mercilessly ripped for saying that I believe in The Stone Tape Theory. It will probably come as no surprise then that I also believe in aliens, and more so, aliens who have visited our planet.

What I'd like to know in all seriousness, is do you believe in UFOs that are of E.T. origin? Because if a man of your intelligence who has worked for NASA believes, then the truth is well and truly fucking out there in my opinion.

They won’t be cute and friendly, wear nappies or do cute stretchy neck things. If they’ve bothered to come here they’re going to be nasty fucking shitcunt aliens with big space guns.

’No glowing fingers on these bastards’

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They won’t be cute and friendly, wear nappies or do cute stretchy neck things. If they’ve bothered to come here they’re going to be nasty fucking shitcunt aliens with big space guns.

’No glowing fingers on these bastards’

If they do come. Eric, then based on the recent sequel of The Man Who Fell To Earth the cunts will be black rather than green.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I assume that you're also a dab hand at reversing the polarity of the neutron flow?

Most people think that neutrons, as their very name implies, don't have a polarity. However, being spin-½ fermions they can indeed be polarised with a magnetic field.

I assume you know where you can stick your sonic screwdriver?

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3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Read my grandson's Beano comic with him today. The Bash Street Kids now have a couple of black kids and a Muslim girl, and there's a couple of new characters who are on the shady side with their own strip. 

Desperate Khan lol

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23 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Most people think that neutrons, as their very name implies, don't have a polarity. However, being spin-½ fermions they can indeed be polarised with a magnetic field.

I assume you know where you can stick your sonic screwdriver?

Up my supermassive black hole?

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