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History F C scouse cunts

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55 minutes ago, King Billy said:

And who would have ever thought that all the MSM fake news fraudsters would label  the participants as ‘an anti refugee mob’, ‘right wing extremists’,  ‘racists’ etc. etc., and not mention the fact that a local schoolgirl (in uniform) had filmed one of the greasy freeloading cunts accosting, and sexually propositioning her  on her way home from school, despite her repeatedly telling the nonce cunt that she was underage and asking to be left alone?

I can never understand what scousers say and I'm English, so I doubt if the noncy, beardy cunt understood a word what she said. 

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I, like most sane people, fucking hate scousers for their disgusting gutter dwelling accents and general moaning shitcunt ways. However, in this instance the silent majority have voiced their opinion after years of being dictated to; we don’t want these filthy free loading cunts in our country anymore.

If the tories rounded up all the illegals and dumped the fucking lot on the Eastern borders of the EU, they’d win a landslide general election despite their cunting incompetence 

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27 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wonder what happened to the tambourine fiddling student grant cunt.

He probably just couldn’t take the Bill Stickers character any further on here, when he discovered Twitter and realised  it was a far more natural habitat for someone with his leftoid ideology.

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9 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I, like most sane people, fucking hate scousers for their disgusting gutter dwelling accents and general moaning shitcunt ways. However, in this instance the silent majority have voiced their opinion after years of being dictated to; we don’t want these filthy free loading cunts in our country anymore.

If the tories rounded up all the illegals and dumped the fucking lot on the Eastern borders of the EU, they’d win a landslide general election despite their cunting incompetence 

The irony being, 98.49% of those very same scouse cunts protesting against ‘freeloading’ immigrants haven’t worked a fuckin day in their entire lives. Fuck ‘em.

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3 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If the tories rounded up all the illegals and dumped the fucking lot on the Eastern borders of the EU, they’d win a landslide general election despite their cunting incompetence 

I’d bet none of these migrants even went to Eton, so why the Tories seem so fond of them is an absolute mystery. Apart from Winston’s grandson Nicholas Soames Tory MP owning SERCO, who staff most of these asylum hotels, run most of the privatised prisons, the probation service until recently, most of the Covid 19 testing and jib jab circus tents and have almost every other private security contract across the U.K. which the government pay for, I can’t think of a single reason the Tory grifter government could have for allowing more and more of them to turn up at Dover every day? 
It would be far too ridiculous to suggest that importing tens of thousands of illegal migrants, who are mostly criminals, carriers of infectious diseases, will likely end up imprisoned, and then under the supervision of the probation service could, however coincidental, be in any way slightly corrupt.

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’d bet none of these migrants even went to Eton, so why the Tories seem so fond of them is an absolute mystery. 

Probably because after the Muzzas, the British aristocracy and elites are the biggest subculture of nonces in the union.

Beasts of a feather, flock together.

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