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Employer Cunts


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Guest luke swarm
6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm afraid that I take umbrage with this, Rick. If you scan back you will clearly see that the self-appointed clique™ had nothing to do with the frankly quite disgusting comments our new friend was subjected to.

Can you please submit a formal apology to us via Luke.

Libellous cur.

No correspondence as yet Decimus, I am particularly annoyed as my contribution to the welcome of this Cleaner chap was erased completely. It was a quality piece with no less than 5 likes and more to come. Its a travesty I tell you, I needed those extra likes to rebuild my confidence after a drylike week. 

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12 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Not the point. This has come up before. Here we have a new member taking the remit of CC right from the early days - "The place to name the Cunts of the World!!!" and perhaps getting it a little bit wrong as I'm sure most of us have done  from time to time, immediately being pounced on with abusive comments by a self-appointed clique who think they somehow own the right to post on the corner. If existing members, especially on The Open Corner, choose to abuse each other so be it. Sometimes its funny, other times it's just repetitive and tedious, but that doesn't mean you have a right to gang up and declare  open season on anyone who dares to join the forum and make a post. Clear enough?

Agreed, most of us are guilty of that, but you have made a career of it. For example, as Ape,  and others have said, the original post was on the Open Forum. You have chosen not to comment on this.  Maybe Snatch is right.  lol.  

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54 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm afraid that I take umbrage with this, Rick. If you scan back you will clearly see that the self-appointed clique™ had nothing to do with the frankly quite disgusting comments our new friend was subjected to.

Can you please submit a formal apology to us via Luke.

Libellous cur.

Probably because you and Bubba were too pissed to respond.

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No Prisoners. No Mercy. No Surrender.

That is my CV for the Samaritans. If it is good enough for them daft cunts, surely we should strive to raise our game and seriously damage vulnerable people.

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

Probably because you and Bubba were too pissed to respond.

Au contraire, you thick French fuck......

On 04/01/2018 at 6:40 PM, Bubba C said:

Do you know TataSteelyDan, you verbose, life-failing, stupid fucking cunt?

Just kidding Smiley, not bad for a first efffort, if a little niche, as most of us cunts won’t ever feel your pain as we are the country’s elite: doctors, musicians, millionaire car parts salesmen, a Welshman with a full-time job, a slimy Scottish estate agent and a professional gay golfer. 

Kill yourself. 

My apologies for not mentioning a gîte dwelling, goose fucking surrender monkey among CC’s elite. 

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

 Maybe Snatch is right.  lol.  

Poor Snudge .. my Auntie Elsie had a toy poodle called Snudge. He was very brave .. he ran on to the road whilst Fred Dibner's steam roller was passing by. Poor Snudge died without a whimper and was flat as a pancake :(

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12 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

Poor Snudge .. my Auntie Elsie had a toy poodle called Snudge. He was very brave .. he ran on to the road whilst Fred Dibner's steam roller was passing by. Poor Snudge died without a whimper and was flat as a pancake :(

I had this sudden urge to stand you on your head, fill your minge with draught Guinness, and drink you dry. Unfortunately I can no longer manage 8 pints.

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20 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

Poor Snudge .. my Auntie Elsie had a toy poodle called Snudge. He was very brave .. he ran on to the road whilst Fred Dibner's steam roller was passing by. Poor Snudge died without a whimper and was flat as a pancake :(


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18 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Not the point. This has come up before. Here we have a new member taking the remit of CC right from the early days - "The place to name the Cunts of the World!!!" and perhaps getting it a little bit wrong as I'm sure most of us have done  from time to time, immediately being pounced on with abusive comments by a self-appointed clique who think they somehow own the right to post on the corner. If existing members, especially on The Open Corner, choose to abuse each other so be it. Sometimes its funny, other times it's just repetitive and tedious, but that doesn't mean you have a right to gang up and declare  open season on anyone who dares to join the forum and make a post. Clear enough?

Calm down, you bad-tempered little girl. Had you bothered to check my history you'd see I've never 'pounced' on any newcomer with abusive comments (not unless they've been a complete idiot), nor have I done so via any clique to which you refer. Others have always done it for me – as Stubbs points out in his 'baptisms of fire' comment. Indeed, I'm all for giving people a chance. If ever I have thrown abuse at anyone, it's generally been done: i) with irreverence, and ii) to those who are more than capable of giving as good as they get.

For these reasons your second little hissy-fit of the week is wholly directed at the wrong person. Go and calm down with a bag of weed and a jolly good wank. The second part, I'm quite sure, will come to you naturally.

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Guest Bill Stickers
On 04/01/2018 at 3:03 PM, smileyouareoncandidcamera said:

Hello fellow cunt haters:  I'm sure there are hundreds of posts about CUNT employers, here is another

***** factory in ****** employed me as a full- time cleaner but practice CUNTY employing tactics.

I was started with no employment contract and terms and conditions, no induction and left at the "deep end" to do a job which would have been perfectly doable if the time allotted for the floor cleaning part (which was the size of a rugby field) Mathematically sweeping this area (and mopping) around machine and under machines, with safety hazards everywhere without any signage was impossible unless areas were missed. Time allowed 1-11/2 hrs.  I asked supervisor how I did for the 1st day and she said "pretty good"; I admitted that I was behind the eight ball and did better the 2nd day and made a few errors (Having been inducted would have prevented those errors) On the second day I was called into a room and sacked on the spot for failure to comply to these insane time schedules. I said this was unfair. The factory itself is full of unsafe areas, the cleaning facilities are poor with inadequate drainage and wash areas. The floor is so dirty despite being cleaned maybe 3 times a day, you had you spend a considerable amount of time emptying dirty water (Which lasted all of 3 minutes) and refilling. Not to mention some insane rule about moustache and beard stubble not being allowed over 2mm, (My hair was about 3mm-4mm, I would not have minded if this was pointed out to me at the interview stage and was only mentioned when the manager bumped into me)  which I assumed was so it would not get stuck on any machinery (But the stupid hairnet they gave you to cover up said hair follicles was more dangerous than said hair) It seems this company  only increased its cleaning staff because of changes in government rules involving inspections. They have gone from hardly cleaning at all and every man and his dog rushing around cleaning when they knew the inspector was coming, to employing more cleaners (Not enough cleaners) 

My saving grace for the day was; one other person who started with me did not even bother to notify or turn up the second day. This company treats their workers like shits and is obviously, in my opinion, worthy of the title CUNT. What say you?

Next time, keep your beard well-kempt and your mop water clean you scruffy, idle cunt.

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Guest Snatch
On 05/01/2018 at 12:23 PM, Mrs Roops said:

@Snatch, let me tell you how I am going to handle this...

This is a story that went viral about six months ago, you may have read about it in the news and social media. A lad with learning difficulties and with a history of aggression was reported missing by his concerned mother. Police Officer Tim Purdy heard over the radio that two fellow officers had intercepted the young adult and rushed over to the scene whereupon he found the two cops physically struggling with the lad. Rather than assisting his colleagues in securing the highly agitated and difficult suspect with a view to throwing him in the local jail for a misdemeanour, he told the other officers to bugger off, sat down with the boy and talked to him on his level and in doing so diffused the situation. The analogy I'm drawing is obvious, so it is without reluctance that I must tell you I have neither the empathy nor am I prepared to demonstrate the same sort compassionate care as demonstrated by the excellent Officer Purdy. Cooler for 24 hours.

Thanks for proving once again that Rick is someone who needs you to answer for him. Now your have the arse kissers putting you on a pedestal you must be pleased with yourself. 

If you want to cooler me then do it properly and while your there shove it up you hairy arse.


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16 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Thanks for proving once again that Rick is someone who needs you to answer for him. Now your have the arse kissers putting you on a pedestal you must be pleased with yourself. 

If you want to cooler me then do it properly and while your there shove it up you hairy arse.


Without you, Snatch, there is no Corner. 


You’ll, you’ll and you’re. 

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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

Without you, Snatch, there is no Corner. 


You’ll, you’ll and you’re. 

Forward he cried from the rear,

And the front rank died.

And the general sat

and the lines on the map

moved from side to side.

A bit of Floyd,      (Frank is a shit stirrer)

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20 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Thanks for proving once again that Rick is someone who needs you to answer for him. Now your have the arse kissers putting you on a pedestal you must be pleased with yourself. 

If you want to cooler me then do it properly and while your there shove it up you hairy arse.



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13 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

We should get behind him Bubba. Solidarity and all that.

In your case that would mean 10 miles behind. In a deep hole. Lined with concrete. Protected by a regiment of mime artists ready to do unspeakable things to all your enemies.  Fucking cheese eating surrender monkey.

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