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Laura Plummer

Guest Earl Albert of Ross (Bt)

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Well, now I’m retired I thought reading the Mail was part of the deal. Once I’m safely ensconced in my new place in the sun, I’ll probably find a new hobby and give up recreational vitriol. 


On 2/13/2018 at 5:53 PM, Last Cunt Standing said:

That’s a pretty good retort Wolfe, fair play. Coherent, well structured, and much less hysterically abusive than many, so bravo. I even gave you a like. 

However I do need to correct you. Firstly, if you think the phrase “Asperger-lite” is offensive, I would reconsider your choice of website. Robust language and schadenfreude is fairly universal in these parts. 

Secondly your estimated time stamp is about right. Once a quarter (that means every three months, Ape) the partners at my surgery have a meeting day away from the practice to discuss our performance data, financial position and so on. Our salaried GP and Nurse Practitioner hold the fort. To save on cost, we tend to rotate around Partners’ houses, and today was my turn. The meeting starts at 930, allowing kids to be dropped off at school etc. I had set up my dining room with the coffee and biscuits, and was killing time waiting for my guests. I do hope this satisfies your time-based query. Kinda suggests an ASD to me but there we are. 

As for impressing my career on my fellow CC members, I’ll just let the record reflect the fact I didn’t announce or shout anything till I was asked. I had posted occasionally since joining, and some of my posts made it obvious that I spent my working life behind a stethoscope. I went about my business, amused at the invective wit of others. 

However it was only recently, when the Flid King of Norfolk, his pet homunculus, and the rabid clique he surrounds himself with demanded a straightener and unfairly questioned my honesty that I was arsed with any confrontation. I expect they’ll get bored and move on to some other sod shortly. Like pecking birds on an elephants’ back, I give less of a fuck by the hour.

Lastly - and here I suspect you are still sadly trying to ingratiate yourself with the cool kids - you repeat the assertion that I am a fantasist student. Well obviously that needs a fuck you, so fuck you, but I should make you aware that I haven’t set foot in a college library since the 1990s, and even when I did the notion I would spend 90% of my time there is beyond parody. Medical students study in bed or the pub, and always have. 

Thanks for your concern. 

PS. My consulting room chair isn’t leather, the CQC won’t allow it for reasons I don’t really understand. 

Retired, yes? Interesting.

With the facts above in your post of 13/02/18, two conclusions can be drawn: 1) you've retired altogether since 13 February, and 2) if you were a (post-graduate) medical student at college in the 90s, you would have been about 25 in 1995 – and that's a fairly forgiving assumption. This would make you in your mid- to late-40s now. This is a little early for a practicing GP's retirement, don't you think?

I've been in the cunting business a long time and I know a bullshitter when I see one. This place is somewhat addictive, hence I'm sure Roops will keep the Corner informed of whether posts fitting your calculated style and sharp grammar, which consistently display the characteristics of a fairly young man, continue to come in from a locale considerably further south than the UK.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


Retired, yes? Interesting.

With the facts above in your post of 13/02/18, two conclusions can be drawn: 1) you've retired altogether since 13 February, and 2) if you were a (post-graduate) medical student at college in the 90s, you would have been about 25 in 1995 – and that's a fairly forgiving assumption. This would make you in your mid- to late-40s now. 

Don't waste your time wolfie, baws will have covered all this ground long ago and in far greater depth than you or I could ever aspire to. 

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4 hours ago, scotty said:

Don't waste your time wolfie, baws will have covered all this ground long ago and in far greater depth than you or I could ever aspire to. 

It's true. I was drafting a post on here just the other week, and my wife walked in and said that a Scottish man just rang the house phone to say that I should put a hyphen between "goat" and "fucker". I hadn't even hit send yet. The bloke is a fucking enigma.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 hour ago, The Bishop said:

She's back in Blighty.

I noticed that she has given a couple of interviews already. I certainly hope she hasn't been paid for them or some malicious bastard might report her to the police under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

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11 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

I noticed that she has given a couple of interviews already. I certainly hope she hasn't been paid for them or some malicious bastard might report her to the police under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

You write the letter and I'll pay for the stamp.

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The shiny faced tart should have been clapped in steel bracelets by Humberside plod as soon as the wheels hit the runway. Where the fuck did she get 290 Trams and what else had she purloined for her swarthy husband? 

On the up side though, her inevitably cavernous Cunt has taken such hammering in Hurghada for the last year or two, I imagine that her next smear test could be done by Michael J. Fox in a pair of those foam hands off Gladiators

‘‘Tis a brave man that swims in that pool in future. 

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
1 hour ago, The Bishop said:

You write the letter and I'll pay for the stamp.

Already typed and addressed to Scotland Yard. Just needs the appropriate blanks filling in.

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11 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Do we have to see this Hellenic cunts face all the time?  Let's face it, he only became famous because he teamed up with that helium voiced midget from Yes. 

I agree, shoehorning your dislike of another punter into every thread is becoming tedious.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
16 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I agree, shoehorning your dislike of another punter into every thread is becoming tedious.

Are the HRT meds not doing the job today Roops?

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I agree, shoehorning your dislike of another punter into every thread is becoming tedious.

Dislike?  I find him to be more entertaining than dislikeable, and whereas 'some' may find a few of my posts to be tedious, 'many' find them to be not. I'm hardly the one and only soul on here to quote other members as they see fit, and the only ones pitiful enough to be bothered about it, are cunts such as Frank. Less of course such banter is aimed at dying family members or their kids. You're one for History, aren't you. Check out Franks historical past, and leave me alone for fucksakes.  

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1 hour ago, 'eavensabove said:

Dislike?  I find him to be more entertaining than dislikeable, and whereas 'some' may find a few of my posts to be tedious, 'many' find them to be not. I'm hardly the one and only soul on here to quote other members as they see fit, and the only ones pitiful enough to be bothered about it, are cunts such as Frank. Less of course such banter is aimed at dying family members or their kids. You're one for History, aren't you. Check out Franks historical past, and leave me alone for fucksakes.  

Frank has been censured and has received penalties (including bans and being placed in the Mod Q). Some of his infractions were similar to the ones that got you into trouble. The only difference between you and him is that he moves on and doesn't scream about injustice or bleat on incessantly about the people he has issues with.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit
21 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Frank has been censured and has received penalties (including bans and being placed in the Mod Q). Some of his infractions were similar to the ones that got you into trouble. The only difference between you and him is that he moves on and doesn't scream about injustice or bleat on incessantly about the people he has issues with.

You really give me the horn when you go into headmistress mode.

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