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Blue Empire Passports

Guest luke swarm

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Guest luke swarm
20 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Let's wait and see if the UK does actually leave the EU. 

we will leave officially......but we probably wont in actual reality.

also I just read that there was actually no need to adapt the red passport anyway, the government of the day had a range of colours to choose from apparently. 

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3 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

we will leave officially......but we probably wont in actual reality.

also I just read that there was actually no need to adapt the red passport anyway, the government of the day had a range of colours to choose from apparently. 

There are some members of parliament that are finding out if the decision can be reversed without the need for the other member States to vote on it.

Don't you just love democracy?

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hurrah! Having the blue passport back was inevitable as the country decided that we do not wish to become citizens of the United States of Europe - an inevitable state that was evolving through the invidious process of eurocratic mission creep. Having the blue passport is admittedly a symbolic gesture, but an important one nonetheless and the change is cost neutral. Its about time remoaners should stop bitching and go with the flow.

The  saniflow 


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2 hours ago, Manky said:

I still want out. And a blue passport. Fuck all you snowflakes.

You'll be dead by the time that the true ramifications of this collosal fuck up are truly felt. Bigoted fossils over the age of 55 shouldn't have been allowed to have a say in the future of our country.

Thanks for fucking things up for the rest of us, you racist old cunt.

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
58 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You'll be dead by the time that the true ramifications of this collosal fuck up are truly felt. Bigoted fossils over the age of 55 shouldn't have been allowed to have a say in the future of our country.

Thanks for fucking things up for the rest of us, you racist old cunt.

It's at best, disingenuous, to blame the Joe farty boomers and early generation x for the Brexit "situation". Blaming us, is a self serving distraction generated by the real culprits, the greedy fucking fat cats and socially detached, largely unelected liberal elites currently infesting the western halls of power.

We will not see the the momentous and bloody sacrifices of our forefathers, to deliver democracy and freedom into our shit shovelling hands, frittered away on the fanciful whims of those socially inadequate think tank protagonists.



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Guest Wizardsleeve

Black or blue, doesn't matter to me.  I only want to appear singly and uniquely British.  Perhaps a gold foil emblazonment of an uptight, hat wearing, pipe smoking, grumpy old fucking cunt on the cover.  

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I’ve asked quite a number of people I know, that voted for Brexit, to explain to me what was so very bad about their lives, within the EU, that they were prepared to take such a massive gamble on the future of this country. I’ve yet to receive a believable answer, so let’s see what CC has to say.

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40 minutes ago, Ape said:

I’ve asked quite a number of people I know, that voted for Brexit, to explain to me what was so very bad about their lives, within the EU, that they were prepared to take such a massive gamble on the future of this country. I’ve yet to receive a believable answer, so let’s see what CC has to say.

Maybe they just want to be free from the likes of me.  Reasonable I suppose, as I hate the fucking lot of you. I hope that the only thing that Papa Noel gives you Anglo cunts is the screaming shits.

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4 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Maybe they just want to be free from the likes of me.  Reasonable I suppose, as I hate the fucking lot of you. I hope that the only thing that Papa Noel gives you Anglo cunts is the screaming shits.

Come on Withers, if this is truly your last Christmas you should stop being such a miserable cunt and enjoy a bit of seasonal cheer. Cunt.

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57 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Maybe they just want to be free from the likes of me.  Reasonable I suppose, as I hate the fucking lot of you. I hope that the only thing that Papa Noel gives you Anglo cunts is the screaming shits.

Last Christmas, I wished you were dead, 

But you clung to life, just shitting the bed. 

This year, to save me from tears, 

Kill yourself. 

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Guest judgetwi

In my wildest nightmares I never dreamed I would see the day when students, FUCKING STUDENTS!, would be marching in support of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and fucking Deutschebank!!!

This is the result of “education, education and education”......dilute the exams so every fucker gets a gold star and turn our universities into commercial enterprises and what do you get? A generation of wankers with an overinflated sense of achievement and entitlement who lick the arses of the Establishment and believe everything the rich cunts fill their empty heads with. They run and hide in their “safe spaces” too scared to say anything in case they upset a foreigner ( unless they are American or Israeli ) or a sexual deviant.

No wonder the politician cunts are laughing at us and taking the piss. They can do what they like and they fucking know it.

How dare we invade other peoples’ countries to give them “democracy” when we haven’t even got it in our own backyard!

Blair will burn in hell for what he has done to this country......and others. One thing I have learned from this referendum ( the first time I have cast a winning vote ) is :


Voting is for MUGS!


Muggy Fucking CUNTS !!!

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

You'll be dead by the time that the true ramifications of this collosal fuck up are truly felt. Bigoted fossils over the age of 55 shouldn't have been allowed to have a say in the future of our country.

Thanks for fucking things up for the rest of us, you racist old cunt.


2 hours ago, Ape said:

I’ve asked quite a number of people I know, that voted for Brexit, to explain to me what was so very bad about their lives, within the EU, that they were prepared to take such a massive gamble on the future of this country. I’ve yet to receive a believable answer, so let’s see what CC has to say.

So would you vote to join this club? 

Only piss pot, basket case countries want to join.

I don't personally believe UK plc will leave. 

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

You'll be dead by the time that the true ramifications of this collosal fuck up are truly felt. Bigoted fossils over the age of 55 shouldn't have been allowed to have a say in the future of our country.

Thanks for fucking things up for the rest of us, you racist old cunt.

...takes binman persona off....

Unlike my binman cunt self Im not an old cunt Im more your age and I voted neither way but I leaned more to being out for you to think the older generation don't have a say is fucking retarded but as I think your not that stupid to label every cunt a racist blah blah blah I'm pissing in the wind .... recycling this week?

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I voted not to be in in 1975. It took 41 Years and billions in treasure before they got round to finding my vote and doing what I told them to.

Bollocks to foreign things. Why don't all you moaning fuckers take your European Passports and fuck off to foreign places to be miserable cunts.

A new passport. A small but very symbolic step.

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7 hours ago, Snowflake said:

...takes binman persona off....

Unlike my binman cunt self Im not an old cunt Im more your age and I voted neither way but I leaned more to being out for you to think the older generation don't have a say is fucking retarded but as I think your not that stupid to label every cunt a racist blah blah blah I'm pissing in the wind .... recycling this week?

I wouldn't worry about recycling, Snowy my lad. Without the "bleedin' mad 'ealth and safety" meddling ways of the EU, we can get back to the good old fashioned British tradition of dumping everything in the sea. That'll learn them cunts in Brussels.

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Guest Lady Penelope
11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Maybe they just want to be free from the likes of me.  Reasonable I suppose, as I hate the fucking lot of you. I hope that the only thing that Papa Noel gives you Anglo cunts is the screaming shits.

Is your goose going to get cooked for Christmas?

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13 hours ago, Ape said:

I’ve asked quite a number of people I know, that voted for Brexit, to explain to me what was so very bad about their lives, within the EU, that they were prepared to take such a massive gamble on the future of this country. I’ve yet to receive a believable answer, so let’s see what CC has to say.

You sound like a truculent remainer itching for a Brexit debate re-run and a second referendum simply 'cos the original result didn't go your way. Before you receive "believable answers", I would have thought it would be incumbent for you to supply what you thought was good about staying in the EU and why leaving is a "massive gamble". A word of advice: don't attempt the remoaners' disingenuous mantra of "Brexiteers voted to leave the EU, not the Single Market, nor the Customs Union".

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