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Driverless truck and car cunts

Earl of Punkape

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8 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

"In the first few miles, Google operated on freeways and the car was simply gathering fresh intel, learning about the environment and figuring out how to recognize and navigate around objects. Then, the company worked on getting the cars to understand how those objects behave in normal situations to teach the the car how it should react."

It has since been tested across the US, including in 4 different cities.

For someone who feels so strongly about it being a load of shit, you don't seem to know very much about it.


1 minute ago, Ape said:

A great bit of quoting from the ‘Net - high five. It tells me nothing, and does not answer my question, which was how many other driveless cars did these Google vehicles have to interact with. You see, the thick human cunts that currently drive cars have an instinctive desire to avoid collisions.


On both sides of this: computers have the ability to react quicker than humans could. This is why they’re now implemented in sectors like the stock exchange market, as they can think/compute (even if by milliseconds) faster than the human grey matter, it also never gets tired, distracted, or angry, a bit like a soppy Terminator. 

However.....when there are silly fucking cunts who’ll cause accidents intentionally (whiplash claims, road rage, etc.), and the fact that a human being distracted for 1 second can travel a long distance and wipe out all in front of it, means no computer, no matter how powerful, will be able to account for it. 

We’re fucked either way, and just wait til Skynet get on the case. 

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It's all well and good having these cars available in a few years but how many can afford to buy one and what will the cunts cost? How much will insurance go up and it will go up as the insurance companies will see the opportunity to up their prices.

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1 hour ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Ape, I have full confidence that machines can drive faster than Doris in her Fiat Panda, ambling dangerously down a dual carriage way at 35 miles an hour, holding everyone up. I also know they can drive far more safely than angry cunts in Audis and BMWs who overtake on blind bends and tailgate other drivers.

The ghosts in the machine wont be prone to getting pissed up on a Friday night, doing a few lines of nosebag and deciding they are still OK to take everyone home from the pub. They wont rev their engines like chavs do in market town car parks, or fail on the 9th attempt to parallel park on busy high streets like many dozy men and women do day in day out across this country. Our machine operators wont play on their phones, fiddle with their radio, or put their foot on the wrong fucking pedal or forget to turn their headlights on because they are a geriatric nuisance.

Accept it Ape, machines will be able to drive better than humans. I know this means your out of a job, and you can't pride yourself on your driving ability, but these are modern challenges to manhood you're just going to have to overcome through a spot of rioting or suicide.

Taking the emotion out of driving a car and the required decision making won't be a bad thing. There will be tariffs that one will have to pay. The more you pay, the less you will queue. Lanes for peasants and lanes for uber rich wankers. The change to electric vehicles will suit the automation process. What will the old bill do for their easy revenue in 3 point speeding tickets?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
36 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I was reading an interesting discussion until you came along. I've got the royal arsehole tonight, so please give the poofta bollocks a rest or you'll be in the cooler. 

He can't help it, the poor little lad is lost without his comfort blanket and of course Mr Mbembe his Nigerian friend. 


On topic, will car computers compensate for worn brake pads or tyres and people who drive wrecks that dont react as predicted?

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4 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

He can't help it, the poor little lad is lost without his comfort blanket and of course Mr Mbembe his Nigerian friend. 


On topic, will car computers compensate for worn brake pads or tyres and people who drive wrecks that dont react as predicted?

One would assume such parts that are prone to wear will have to have working warning level indicators. If the warning alert is activated the car won't go anywhere until repairs are undertaken. You get a warning that something is near its limit and you have a certain time to get the thing sorted. No shitheaps on the road driven by uninsured East European and dodgy African criminal wankers.

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3 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Why would insurance companies put prices up if the cars are proven to be safer, which they’ll need to be before being allowed on the roads? 

Because it is unknown if they will be safer with so many on the roads in everyday use. Having one or two blatting around in tests isn't the same as a few thousand on the road at the same time in all sorts of different weather and road conditions.

And insurance companies will find any excuse to put up prices.

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12 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

On topic, will car computers compensate for worn brake pads or tyres and people who drive wrecks that dont react as predicted?

Can those who drive wrecks afford a brand new car with brand new technology?

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47 minutes ago, Bubba C said:


On both sides of this: computers have the ability to react quicker than humans could. This is why they’re now implemented in sectors like the stock exchange market, as they can think/compute (even if by milliseconds) faster than the human grey matter, it also never gets tired, distracted, or angry, a bit like a soppy Terminator. 

However.....when there are silly fucking cunts who’ll cause accidents intentionally (whiplash claims, road rage, etc.), and the fact that a human being distracted for 1 second can travel a long distance and wipe out all in front of it, means no computer, no matter how powerful, will be able to account for it. 

We’re fucked either way, and just wait til Skynet get on the case. 

I can see the logic in the argument for driverless cars. But I am opposed to it for the reason that technology, if given too much autonomy will and already is rendering us useless as a species. People need to learn practical skills, even ones as simple as taking responsibility for our own safety when crossing a road. How many times have we all despaired as we have had to brake to avoid hitting a gormless fucking kid who's just stepped off a kerb, not paying attention to anything but their phone. That's why we have to smash up our suspension on speed humps when driving in a 2 mile radius of a school. The green cross code is long forgotten and kids are not expected to look, listen etc. Same with tech which drives your car while you stare at a screen, unaware of what's going on around you. There are shit drivers as Bill has mentioned, well ban the cunts then and leave driving to the competent. If we allow technology to do everything for us, we will as a species end up a gormless race of useless cunts, reliant on computers to make every decision and have no practical skills or purpose. Most of us as kids, could probably dismantle, repair and reassemble a bicycle, change a plug and pitch a tent. Most 15 year olds now can't do anything but text, download 'choons' and upload photos of their genitalia. Technology should assist us to achieve, not achieve for us.

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17 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Because it is unknown if they will be safer with so many on the roads in everyday use. Having one or two blatting around in tests isn't the same as a few thousand on the road at the same time in all sorts of different weather and road conditions.

And insurance companies will find any excuse to put up prices.

What if they’re proven to be safer and to decrease the likelihood of accidents?   

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2 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

What if they’re proven to be safer and to decrease the likelihood of accidents?   

That could take years to work out in which case insurance will be more expensive anyway and their not known for dropping prices on a regular basis.

You know that as well as I do.

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2 hours ago, Ape said:

Yes, yes, yes, we’ve all heard the supposed benefits. I’m utterly unconvinced that this technology will be as safe and wonderful for everyone as we are being told. I’m certainly not accepting it on the basis of your Victor Meldrew ranting. 

In the future we'll all travel around in electric or biogas powered cars, controlled by satellite. No badgers will ever be run over again.

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12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I can see the logic in the argument for driverless cars. But I am opposed to it for the reason that technology, if given too much autonomy will and already is rendering us useless as a species. People need to learn practical skills, even ones as simple as taking responsibility for our own safety when crossing a road. How many times have we all despaired as we have had to brake to avoid hitting a gormless fucking kid who's just stepped off a kerb, not paying attention to anything but their phone. That's why we have to smash up our suspension on speed humps when driving in a 2 mile radius of a school. The green cross code is long forgotten and kids are not expected to look, listen etc. Same with tech which drives your car while you stare at a screen, unaware of what's going on around you. There are shit drivers as Bill has mentioned, well ban the cunts then and leave driving to the competent. If we allow technology to do everything for us, we will as a species end up a gormless race of useless cunts, reliant on computers to make every decision and have no practical skills or purpose. Most of us as kids, could probably dismantle, repair and reassemble a bicycle, change a plug and pitch a tent. Most 15 year olds now can't do anything but text, download 'choons' and upload photos of their genitalia. Technology should assist us to achieve, not achieve for us.

Eric, I can imagine you giving this speech in parliament in your capacity as the future right honourable member for Jaywick.

You might be just the sort of cove who can save us from a future of feeling the lick o'the cat wielded by a race of sentient Breville toastie machines.

Edited by Decimus
Account hacked by Rat.
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5 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

What if they’re proven to be safer and to decrease the likelihood of accidents?   

Why not just increase standards of competence required to be licensed to operate a vehicle, and strictly enforce the prohibition of those who fail to reach or maintain those standards? Surely it's better to encourage humanity to achieve competence rather than give them a magic rolling box and let them continue to be ignorant fucking spastics. Let the flids lick the windows on a bus instead.

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I can see the logic in the argument for driverless cars. But I am opposed to it for the reason that technology, if given too much autonomy will and already is rendering us useless as a species. People need to learn practical skills, even ones as simple as taking responsibility for our own safety when crossing a road. How many times have we all despaired as we have had to brake to avoid hitting a gormless fucking kid who's just stepped off a kerb, not paying attention to anything but their phone. That's why we have to smash up our suspension on speed humps when driving in a 2 mile radius of a school. The green cross code is long forgotten and kids are not expected to look, listen etc. Same with tech which drives your car while you stare at a screen, unaware of what's going on around you. There are shit drivers as Bill has mentioned, well ban the cunts then and leave driving to the competent. If we allow technology to do everything for us, we will as a species end up a gormless race of useless cunts, reliant on computers to make every decision and have no practical skills or purpose. Most of us as kids, could probably dismantle, repair and reassemble a bicycle, change a plug and pitch a tent. Most 15 year olds now can't do anything but text, download 'choons' and upload photos of their genitalia. Technology should assist us to achieve, not achieve for us.

Eric, I fucking love you. 

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