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Guest 'eavensabove

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I heard a while back that it's been made illegal to sell dog meat in South Korea, so that's some progress at least, although they didn't mention personal preparation and consumption. I think it was always more of a "street food" anyway.

Can't really blame the Chinks for eating whatever they can get their hands on in that weird commucapitalrepublicocity  they live in.

It is education that is needed, and yes, you cannot blame anybody for eating whatever they can. After all, we eat chickens by the million and its only their feathers that are different from say a Macaw. Also, it is religious belief which once again influences a certain race, but with species such as the Rhino, it is greed and money... One of the most difficult things I had to cope with whilst living in Nepal, was their belief of reincarnation, where they would quite literally stone an animal to death (particularly a dog) in the belief that the dog would come back as a more intelligent animal? They believe it, and they think that they are doing the dog a favour? We of course have been brought up differently, but then again we eat Pork and also Beef, which to many is wrong of us! But 'wild' animals are a different issue. Surely? Unless we totally domesticate them all too and breed & farm them as we do with sheep. 

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Having worked in conservation for many years it's obvious the human species is a right cunt when it comes to virtually all the others. Africa and a few parts of Asia are the only places left with a megafauna- this existed over the whole planet, seas as well, before the rise of our own species. It's probably because we evolved alongside elephants, rhinos etc in Africa and the relatively low population until recently that they're still alive. Look at once existed in North America before humans crossed from Siberia; mammoths, camels, horses, lions and all manner of impressive beasts. Bison and pronghorn are 2 of the few species left the latter is the second fastest land mammal because their where several species of cheetah over there (now gone). Strangely all these fuckers vanished when cave men arrived....

Perhaps if we were a bit more proactive here in terms of conservation (wolves, bears, lynx were all here until relatively recently) the bongo bongo types wouldn't think we're a bunch of fucking hypocrites. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
15 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Absolutely. There's something particularly satisfying about watching a bull which has been tortured to within an inch of its life tear some sadistic, greasy dego another arsehole.


Exactly. And many English cunts who train their dogs to rip other dogs to shreds, or to chase deer and foxes etc. and the cunts who badger bait. It all goes on. But the fucking Rhino??? God almighty, when I think that my grandkids will only be able to see on in a book, it breaks my heart. Especially when they then read that it was us who wiped them out. 

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Out of likes, the Reverend was on form last night. Owe you one.

Not just on form, it was smoking hot cunting from another dimension. We must all bow our heads in shame an insist the despicable scotch cunt not go into hiatus again any time soon.

Wank puffins.

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8 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

It is education that is needed, and yes, you cannot blame anybody for eating whatever they can. After all, we eat chickens by the million and its only their feathers that are different from say a Macaw. Also, it is religious belief which once again influences a certain race, but with species such as the Rhino, it is greed and money... One of the most difficult things I had to cope with whilst living in Nepal, was their belief of reincarnation, where they would quite literally stone an animal to death (particularly a dog) in the belief that the dog would come back as a more intelligent animal? They believe it, and they think that they are doing the dog a favour? We of course have been brought up differently, but then again we eat Pork and also Beef, which to many is wrong of us! But 'wild' animals are a different issue. Surely? Unless we totally domesticate them all too and breed & farm them as we do with sheep. 

...Am I supposed to say anything to this or are you just mindlessly ranting?

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

...Am I supposed to say anything to this or are you just mindlessly ranting?

I've got the hump about it all RK. It all sickens me to the core.

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Guest 'eavensabove
29 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

T.E Lawrence's' Brough Superior.

He'll be laughing on the other side of his face once the last migratory Haggis has been poached.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

I heard a while back that it's been made illegal to sell dog meat in South Korea, so that's some progress at least, although they didn't mention personal preparation and consumption. I think it was always more of a "street food" anyway.

Can't really blame the Chinks for eating whatever they can get their hands on in that weird commucapitalrepublicocity  they live in.

It's been 'illegal' in South Korea for about 15-20 years to sell dog meat for the purpose of human consumption – however it's not illegal to 'farm' and 'transport' dogs for the same purpose. It's a hugely grey area. This is because the country likes to be seen to fit in with Western principles, because most of its trade is with the US and northern Europe. Dog (and cat) meat restaurants in Korea's main cities are still widespread; authorities turn a blind eye and do not enforce any kind of prohibition. As for China, you're talking out of your arse. All I will say is, when an earthquake destroys a city there, the human element barely registers on my Richter scale – but I do consider the millions of non-human, sentient beings who no longer have to suffer at the hands of the fucking vile shitcunts.


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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

It's been 'illegal' in South Korea for about 15-20 years to sell dog meat for the purpose of human consumption – however it's not illegal to 'farm' and 'transport' dogs for the same purpose. It's a hugely grey area. This is because the country likes to be seen to fit in with Western principles, because most of its trade is with the US and northern Europe. Dog (and cat) meat restaurants in Korea's main cities are still widespread; authorities turn a blind eye and do not enforce any kind of prohibition. As for China, you're talking out of your arse. All I will say is, when an earthquake destroys a city there, the human element barely registers on my Richter scale – but I do consider the millions of non-human, sentient beings who no longer have to suffer at the hands of the fucking vile shitcunts.


One of the most harrowing pieces of footage I see, was a Korean chef boiling a cat alive in oil whilst he simply stood back and grinned.  

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6 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

One of the most harrowing pieces of footage I see, was a Korean chef boiling a cat alive in oil whilst he simply stood back and grinned.  

That's actually a delicacy known as "boiled alive cat". Quite why the poor little fucker needs to be alive I don't know. It's not so much the eating of cats and dogs that repulses me, but the amount of abuse that they're subjected to before death.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

That's actually a delicacy known as "boiled alive cat". Quite why the poor little fucker needs to be alive I don't know. It's not so much the eating of cats and dogs that repulses me, but the amount of abuse that they're subjected to before death.


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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

That's actually a delicacy known as "boiled alive cat". Quite why the poor little fucker needs to be alive I don't know. It's not so much the eating of cats and dogs that repulses me, but the amount of abuse that they're subjected to before death.

People here are beheading cats, shooting them and setting them on fire. If I ever witnessed anyone doing such things I would end up with a ten to fifteen stretch.

Ripping foxes apart with dogs seems a fucking strange passtime too.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

That's actually a delicacy known as "boiled alive cat". Quite why the poor little fucker needs to be alive I don't know. It's not so much the eating of cats and dogs that repulses me, but the amount of abuse that they're subjected to before death.

Sadistic, twisted, under-endowed little bastards. Prince Phillip was right about the orientals.

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19 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

One of the most harrowing pieces of footage I see, was a Korean chef boiling a cat alive in oil whilst he simply stood back and grinned.  

I believe the traditional premise in Korea and much of east Asia is the more an animal suffers shortly before death, the more blood and adrenaline is pumped around the body, which allegedly tenderises the meat. While the West's animal welfare hypocrisy is huge (seeing as we farm tens of millions of cows, pigs, sheep et al.), we do have stringent farming, transportation and slaughter laws in place to ensure the process is done using specific equipment and as quickly as possible. In Korea, it's commonplace to boil and/or blowtorch dogs, cats etc. alive in the restaurant's onsite butchery in front of the 'customer'. Like Eric, I would be unable to turn a blind eye in such a place. 

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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Sadistic, twisted, under-endowed little bastards. Prince Phillip was right about the orientals.

Don't forget the senile old Greek cunt used to shoot tigers as "sport" and his inbreed grand cunts love to go to Africa to kill big things whilst being spokesmen for the WWF- what kind of message does this send that it's ok to needlessly kill one species yet preach to dusky skinned chaps that they shouldn't do same to the ones we deem special? 

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I believe the traditional premise in Korea and much of east Asia is the more an animal suffers shortly before death, the more blood and adrenaline is pumped around the body, which allegedly tenderises the meat. While the West's animal welfare hypocrisy is huge (seeing as we farm tens of millions of cows, pigs, sheep et al.), we do have stringent farming, transportation and slaughter laws in place to ensure the process is done using specific equipment and as quickly as possible. In Korea, it's commonplace to boil and/or blowtorch dogs, cats etc. alive in the restaurant's onsite butchery in front of the 'customer'. Like Eric, I would be unable to turn a blind eye in such a place. 

Its not that long ago when the same practice was happening here. I have visited several abattoirs and by far the most cruellest was the slaughtering of lambs, which were quite literally screaming with fear whilst being bludgeoned to death in front of others waiting for the same fate. Animals as a food source is one thing, but the eradication of a species is an entirely different ball game in my book. However, I'm fairly certain that if most people visited a slaughter house, even the humane ones, would think twice before sitting down to a feast of chops or a breast of chicken and the likes. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
4 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Don't forget the senile old Greek cunt used to shoot tigers as "sport" and his inbreed grand cunts love to go to Africa to kill big things whilst being spokesmen for the WWF- what kind of message does this send that it's ok to needlessly kill one species yet preach to dusky skinned chaps that they shouldn't do same to the ones we deem special? 

Their excuse was and still is that there were thousands of herds of beasts and so taking a few out was O.K. Even today, culling is done by those who are trying to save a species from eating itself out of food by destroying its own environment or whatever, but?

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7 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

People here are beheading cats, shooting them and setting them on fire. If I ever witnessed anyone doing such things I would end up with a ten to fifteen stretch.

Ripping foxes apart with dogs seems a fucking strange passtime too.

Last time I was up at the PDSA with my cat George to get his heart murmur checked there was a lady with another cat that wouldn't stop yowling. Turned out the poor thing had been shot by some sadistic teenage chav cunt with a .22 air rifle because it had been using his mothers gravel driveway as a litter box. The horrible bastard had shot him point blank in the privates when he'd been busy doing his business.

She said she knew he'd killed two of her other cats using his rifle but the police in her area never even bothered showing up after she'd reported it. I told her to ask the vet to contact the RSPCA for her instead, so hopefully the 'horrible shit is enjoying juvie right now.

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15 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I believe the traditional premise in Korea and much of east Asia is the more an animal suffers shortly before death, the more blood and adrenaline is pumped around the body, which allegedly tenderises the meat. While the West's animal welfare hypocrisy is huge (seeing as we farm tens of millions of cows, pigs, sheep et al.), we do have stringent farming, transportation and slaughter laws in place to ensure the process is done using specific equipment and as quickly as possible. In Korea, it's commonplace to boil and/or blowtorch dogs, cats etc. alive in the restaurant's onsite butchery in front of the 'customer'. Like Eric, I would be unable to turn a blind eye in such a place. 

I would take their philosophy and turn it round, I would inflict as much pain, terror and anxiety as possible on the chef during his drawn out demise, not to tenderise him, just for shits and giggles.

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Don't forget the senile old Greek cunt used to shoot tigers as "sport" and his inbreed grand cunts love to go to Africa to kill big things whilst being spokesmen for the WWF- what kind of message does this send that it's ok to needlessly kill one species yet preach to dusky skinned chaps that they shouldn't do same to the ones we deem special? 

Good point. Don't kill anything unless it's trying to kill you, or you need to eat it.

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Last time I was up at the PDSA with my cat George to get his heart murmur checked there was a lady with another cat that wouldn't stop yowling. Turned out the poor thing had been shot by some sadistic teenage chav cunt with a .22 air rifle because it had been using his mothers gravel driveway as a litter box. The horrible bastard had shot him point blank in the privates when he'd been busy doing his business.

She said she knew he'd killed two of her other cats using his rifle but the police in her area never even bothered showing up after she'd reported it. I told her to ask the vet to contact the RSPCA for her instead, so hopefully the 'horrible shit is enjoying juvie right now.

And being arse raped by a cornucopia of aids infected crackheads.

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