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North Korean prison standards

Stubby Pecker

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Guest Snatch
6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There's more likelihood of punkers refusing a foot long dusky cock or 6 to gobble that these cunts getting a nuke, and even if they do they haven't got the means to launch it without being discovered immediately and it being shot down. As for causing Armageddon it won't be in the same league as the real ones like what we got or the yanks planet destroying fuckers. Let them get on with it and keep up the pressure on the chinks to reign them in. Now, biological weapons, especially ones that affect selected races ie whiteys, that's what we should worry about.

The Yanks underestimated Bin Laden and his mates. A lesson to be learnt maybe?

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Guest Corbynista
14 hours ago, Snatch said:

if your neighbour had a deep seated hatred towards you then there must a reason for it.

And I agree,having a maniac in control of a weapon that could cause Armageddon is a fucking worry but hasn't that always been the same with all  American Presidents.

So it's fine for other countries to have nukes but not Iran and NK? Hypocrisy.

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Guest Corbynista
44 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Fuck off Decs, you shit stirring cunt

I'm not Decs. From reading his post history I have ascertained he's a disgusting blairite so I can assure you I'm not him. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
7 minutes ago, Corbynista said:

I'm not Decs. From reading his post history I have ascertained he's a disgusting blairite so I can assure you I'm not him. 


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Guest Snatch
2 hours ago, Corbynista said:

So it's fine for other countries to have nukes but not Iran and NK? Hypocrisy.

If you read what I wrote you'd see that is what I was saying. 

Now fuck off.

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Guest Corbynista
13 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Exactly right Alf, the cunt will have to do better than that. He's even on-line and posting at the same times, from the toilets at his Council Office in Norwich. What a web footed cunt he is.

I make lutes and run aromatherapy classes, do try and keep up you peculiar little Manlet. 

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2 hours ago, Corbynista said:

I'm not Decs. From reading his post history I have ascertained he's a disgusting blairite so I can assure you I'm not him. 

You would have to read through some 5.5k of posts to determine that, the fact that you would do so via a mobile 'phone would suggest that you are extraordinarily sad, or failing that you are a sock puppet or most likely, one of the banned lifers. With that in mind I have no hesitation in "neutralising" the account, as they would say in Belgium.

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On ‎21‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 11:43 AM, ratcum said:

There is much in what you say Snatchly. Most of these foreign dogs take it as a massive personal insult if some other cunt tells them what to do or worse, tries to 'police' them. The yanks bring this shit on themselves, us and other camp followers like Will Young and Alan Carr.

My Uncle Jack had fingers like tree trunks. He would be the last person the gas man would ask to apply cricoid pressure.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You would have to read through some 5.5k of posts to determine that, the fact that you would do so via a mobile 'phone would suggest that you are extraordinarily sad, or failing that you are a sock puppet or most likely, one of the banned lifers. With that in mind I have no hesitation in "neutralising" the account, as they would say in Belgium.

Ouch! Fuck me to roops is it rag week? One would assume any member caught with another ID is banned for life? If this is the case does this explain decs and quincys continuing absence?

Poor old Cor-bin-sista is going to be in trouble when punkers gets chucked in for his weekly visit, but then he sounds like a very liberal chap.

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21 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Ouch! Fuck me to roops is it rag week? One would assume any member caught with another ID is banned for life? If this is the case does this explain decs and quincys continuing absence?

Poor old Cor-bin-sista is going to be in trouble when punkers gets chucked in for his weekly visit, but then he sounds like a very liberal chap.

They cause too much discord. Reading through page after page of the same juvenile insults and the desire to defecate in others' mouths is tiresome.

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

They cause too much discord. Reading through page after page of the same juvenile insults and the desire to defecate in others' mouths is tiresome.

I disagree. Yes, repetitive drivel is tiresome but the Mods can easily nip it in the bud or if we're lucky call to truce like panzy and minge did, the hand holding homos. Both decs and Quincy posted some top draw funny shit and were capable to intelligent, reasoned arguments (well, decs was). Compare their output to that of punkape. Ok, he occasionally posts something half funny but essentially he's a troll on repeat, and a poof, incapable of self deprecation or a decent contribution. We'll keep getting mongs like welsh cunt if no cunts on call to shite in their gobs, just sayin'. 

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10 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I disagree. Yes, repetitive drivel is tiresome but the Mods can easily nip it in the bud or if we're lucky call to truce like panzy and minge did, the hand holding homos. Both decs and Quincy posted some top draw funny shit and were capable to intelligent, reasoned arguments (well, decs was). Compare their output to that of punkape. Ok, he occasionally posts something half funny but essentially he's a troll on repeat, and a poof, incapable of self deprecation or a decent contribution. We'll keep getting mongs like welsh cunt if no cunts on call to shite in their gobs, just sayin'. 

Decs a good poster? Yes. But fucking thick for not realising Ding was not going to cave-in. With someone like Decs, if it wasn't Ding, it would be someone else. MikeD, was completely innocuous, but left because of incessant unwarranted abuse from Decs and Bill. I could quite easily allow all of them back on. Within hours there will be fifty plus posts and the content will be as before. Then they will be banned again. There isn't any point to it. Einstein and all that caper "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

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Guest Lady Penelope
9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Decs a good poster? Yes. But fucking thick for not realising Ding was not going to cave-in. With someone like Decs, if it wasn't Ding, it would be someone else. MikeD, was completely innocuous, but left because of incessant unwarranted abuse from Decs and Bill. I could quite easily allow all of them back on. Within hours there will be fifty plus posts and the content will be as before. Then they will be banned again. There isn't any point to it. Einstein and all that caper "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

TBH I miss Frank but from what I know of him from elsewhere banning him is sensible .. of the missing I miss Catwoman and Drew Peacock the most. Sadly with cat I think that the menopause had got to her.

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25 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Decs a good poster? Yes. But fucking thick for not realising Ding was not going to cave-in. With someone like Decs, if it wasn't Ding, it would be someone else. MikeD, was completely innocuous, but left because of incessant unwarranted abuse from Decs and Bill. I could quite easily allow all of them back on. Within hours there will be fifty plus posts and the content will be as before. Then they will be banned again. There isn't any point to it. Einstein and all that caper "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

I see this gets a like from miss whiplash so can assume they'll just try to keep sneaking back in disguise and the game continues 

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