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London terror attack

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Mingeeta
1 minute ago, Neil said:

For fucking fucks sake,ENOUGH IS FUCKING ENOUGH!.These muzzie cunts need to be rounded up and fucked off out of our green and pleasant land NOW!Close the fucking borders to any more if the mental cunts that want to come here.We are a white christian country and we should stop pandering to any cunt that wants to live here that doesn't want to live in our way

If living in a multi cultural society means that we have to clear up innocent bodies on a regulay basis when these brainwashed cunts go on one then id be quite hapoy to get rid of everyone of the fucking twats and live amongst my own

If you think this makes me a racist right wing nutter then thats exactly what i must be

Fuck off you muzzie cunts

And there's where the problem starts in this country, too many people think what you have just said, but are to scared to say it. Spot on Neil.

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Guest Mingeeta
1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Our london mayor Mr Khan did warn us, threat of terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city”

Probably find on his family tree his great grandfather was called Genghis.

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12 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

I meant South Georgia USA. Let the redkneck knuckle draggers play with them until they squeal like a pig.

We could even make a few quid. Said rednecks would pay good money to hunt them down, bum them violently then try out the military grade firepower they've got as part of their constitution

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Guest Snatch
1 minute ago, Witheredscrote said:

A tenner says he does

He's entitled to his opinion the same as everyone else is but it's accusations of racism that fucks me off.

Not that he can ever back his accusations up.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:


I will be carrying protection from now.........

I can't imagine a packet of extra small condoms would do you any good.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

What we have here is another Rochdale child grooming situation, MI5 know who they are and where they are but as they are all Johnny Foreigner the police dare not do anything for fear of upsetting any Ricks.

Edited by Drew P Pissflaps
got my Rotherham and Rochdale mixed up. Ay-up North
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I don`t know what " fuck you" sounds like in arabic but make no mistake that`s the statement they made last night. Two attacks on the same area scream we can do this any time we want. Listening to BBC tv in the background all morning and i`ve yet to hear the words " islamic terrorists "  mentioned once. ( no change there then ) One eyewitness heard them shout " this is for allah" as he stabbed a lass multiple times and was it. The thing is neither of the main parties are going to do a damn thing about this as we all know the drill by now. 

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Guest Manky

I would like to see this one explained away as a lone nutter. There were 3 of the fuckers so a degree of organisation must be behind it.

I don't hold out much hope of our leaders doing anything effective.

On a happier note, my favourite kebab house blew up last night. Gas explosion allegedly but god works in mysterious ways.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
2 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I am off down the road in a minute for the early mass Punkers, they have asked me to do a reading. I'm a bit nervous if truth be  told. Any tips.

Imagine everyone is naked you filthy French cunt. Unless it is actually Punkies church then they probably already are.

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Our london mayor Mr Khan did warn us, threat of terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city”

Did he really say that? What a fucking cunt. That's normalising terrorism and no mistake. The muzzie cunts should never have been allowed to hold any political positions. It's obvious where it's heading.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
31 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I can't imagine a packet of extra small condoms would do you any good.

Out of likes you cunt!

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, Snatch said:

Stubbers,don't be so fucking cynical. We'll be having a minutes silence and May will say how these cunts won't win and how it won't be tolerated.

It will be ok after all that just like the last time and the time before that. Etc etc

Hopefully next time the cunts will take out a few politicians for a bit of poetic justice.

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

Two of the injured are French, terrible

Don't worry, we'll be lighting candles for them later so it's ok.

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Khan has just said that "We live in one of the safest cities if not THE safest city in the world"...well,excuse me you fucking dopey cunt but explain that to the relatives of the deceased and see if they fucking believe you.The fucking bullshit that we are now going to be pedalled "we will not tolerate this"  "we strongly condemn this attack" Blah,Blah fucking Blah,A new law should be introduced immediately that if anyone is found to be supportive of these mental muzzie cunts or sympathisers dare try and preach any of their hate filled ideologies they should be deported,shot,imprisoned and just to make sure incinerated immediately.

As I said before,If Timmy Mallet ran for prime minister and his one and only policy was to shut the country and dispose of the cunts already here he'd get my fucking vote.

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, Mingeeta said:

And there's where the problem starts in this country, too many people think what you have just said, but are to scared to say it. Spot on Neil.

Tommy Robinson gets hounded and banged up telling it like it is.

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Guest Lady Penelope

A present the muslims are fasting during daylight hours .. here a suggestion to the "moderate" ones, call off you childish fast .. cook a nice full english breakfast, then cook yourself a wonderful sunday lunch with nice joint of pork. and this evening found it off with a couple of bacon butties and make sure that the meat is not halal.

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Guest Snatch
1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

Did he really say that? What a fucking cunt. That's normalising terrorism and no mistake. The muzzie cunts should never have been allowed to hold any political positions. It's obvious where it's heading.

Yes he did say that and to a point he's right. He's still a massive cunt though the,erm,massive cunt.

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