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Manchester terrorist bombing

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Mingeeta
7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

We need to dip the bullets in bacon fat before we shoot them, stops them from entering their heaven.

I'm pretty sure that one rule that the I.S. losers have within their pathetic shit filled organisation, is damnation listening to music, and this wanker who blew himself up must have sat through a whole concert, so I take at least a bit of hope that he has gone to hell where him, and the rest of the filth deserve to go, and the devil is fucking him up the ring as we speak.

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Guest nobgobbler
9 hours ago, Rick_B said:

What has happened to ordinary people, including children, on what should have been an enjoyable night out is incredibly sad. I find some of the posts on here depressing, the inevitable rants that it's all the fault of Guardian reading lefties and we should exact revenge on the Muslim community as a whole, but I've also found some of the posts heartening because it's easy to engage in knee-jerk reactions at times like this and much harder to be measured and constructive when emotions are running high.

Macho posturing wont help those bereaved in this awful attack nor will it solve the problem. One thing the Islamist extremists and the likes of the EDL have in common is that they want to see division and conflict on our streets. I don't. That's pretty much all I want to say on this subject.

It's nothing to do with EDL. It's nothing to do revenge. It's the realisation that Islam is not needed here or wanted here and unless we want it to take over our country and our lives it needs to be got rid of. How can we live peacefully with a bunch of twisted cunts whose aim is to wipe us out?

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Guest DingTheRioja

It's funny how a bunch of supposedly normal muslims can march through the streets of English towns and cities and demand that women all cover themselves up, we all convert to Islam and the UK converts to Sharia Law whether we like it or not, but whitey cannot march and tell all muslims to obey the laws of the land they are living in and get their tits out.


No, it's not funny, it's fucking sick.

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4 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

It's funny how a bunch of supposedly normal muslims can march through the streets of English towns and cities and demand that women all cover themselves up, we all convert to Islam and the UK converts to Sharia Law whether we like it or not, but whitey cannot march and tell all muslims to obey the laws of the land they are living in and get their tits out.


No, it's not funny, it's fucking sick.

Seriously Ding, why don't all 'whiteys' march in protest. What could the government and police do about, say 10 million adults, protesting PEACEFULLY all over the country. Not a lot is the answer. It will never happen though will it, too much apathy. Fucking sad.

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13 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

It's nothing to do with EDL. It's nothing to do revenge. It's the realisation that Islam is not needed here or wanted here and unless we want it to take over our country and our lives it needs to be got rid of. How can we live peacefully with a bunch of twisted cunts whose aim is to wipe us out?

I agree. The average cunt has realised Christianity is past its sell by date, hence why less than a million cunts go to a C of E church service per week. Same ordinary cunt can't relate to a culture that effectively keeps women in servitude, isolates itself, shields the extreme elements of its group and wants its own rules of law separate to the rest of the varied cultures in UK plc. Why home and immigration policy has allowed another religious ideology to take root and cause barbarity makes me believe the ordinary cunt has two enemies, the religious loons and our self serving ruling elite who have encouraged, supported and protected said loons.

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Seriously Ding, why don't all 'whiteys' march in protest. What could the government and police do about, say 10 million adults, protesting PEACEFULLY all over the country. Not a lot is the answer. It will never happen though will it, too much apathy. Fucking sad.

They'd get the army out and teargas or watercannon the fucking lot, peaceful or not.

Apathy isn't the necessarily the problem, there's far too much racist card shit gets pulled if anyone dares to organise something like this, even if you got something going the police would ban it before it got started blaming possible tensions.

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Guest Lady Penelope

Tits still screaming about "leftists" .. these cunts were let in on a right wing watch. Thatcher's and Major's watch especially. We have reaped the whirlwind. As to Rick's comment, I am outraged and so should you be Rick, the situation is out of control and it is totally incompatiple with a socialist philosophy. We need come down on it with an iron fist. A burqua ban and an islamic scarf ban and also an amendment to the benefit rules so that if you leave your job on religious ground you are treated exactly the same as anyone else who leaves of their own accord. We could even start th crackdown with a dynamic (and true) "Your Beliefs and Religion Are Your Own Choice" .. the important words being "your choice" and that your choice must be compatiple wih our society and how it works otherwise your citizenship is withdrawn.

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Guest Lady Penelope
17 hours ago, Snatch said:

This will be the same Saudi Arabia that has just signed a $110 Billion arms deal with America so they can carry on destroying Yemen?

Just who really are then terrorists here?

Ironical .. an arms deal with the country that is the root cause of the problem. The only way we should be dealing with Saudi Arabia is by raising it to the ground.

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I agree. The average cunt has realised Christianity is past its sell by date, hence why less than a million cunts go to a C of E church service per week. Same ordinary cunt can't relate to a culture that effectively keeps women in servitude, isolates itself, shields the extreme elements of its group and wants its own rules of law separate to the rest of the varied cultures in UK plc. Why home and immigration policy has allowed another religious ideology to take root and cause barbarity makes me believe the ordinary cunt has two enemies, the religious loons and our self serving ruling elite who have encouraged, supported and protected said loons.

Quite so. What's worrying is how bad are we going to allow it to get? They're murdering our children and our Queen responds by attending a 1 minute silence ceremony. Really. So what will it actually take?

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Guest Lady Penelope

One thing we do need to get into our mind is that young Salman was not committing suicide, in his tiny mind that switch that triggered the explosion was actually switching on a transporter beam that was taking him to paradise and eternal life with 72 virgins at the other end. We do need to fight dirty and somehow get the message off that no "suicide" bomber here will be be going to paradise.

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11 hours ago, Rick_B said:

What has happened to ordinary people, including children, on what should have been an enjoyable night out is incredibly sad. I find some of the posts on here depressing, the inevitable rants that it's all the fault of Guardian reading lefties and we should exact revenge on the Muslim community as a whole, but I've also found some of the posts heartening because it's easy to engage in knee-jerk reactions at times like this and much harder to be measured and constructive when emotions are running high.

Macho posturing wont help those bereaved in this awful attack nor will it solve the problem. One thing the Islamist extremists and the likes of the EDL have in common is that they want to see division and conflict on our streets. I don't. That's pretty much all I want to say on this subject.

I think you'll find that "macho posturing" is the reason you've had a fairly good life, free to faff about with floppy hair wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt etc' at college. If previous generations had done less "macho posturing" you would probably have been saluting a swastika and swearing allegiance to the fuhrers reich every morning at school.

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Guest nobgobbler
18 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Getting the Army involved is excellent but what we really need is for them to take over.

Too many of our Police forces are run by left wing authorities who use them to protect Islamist scum and hassle middle class motorists.

Have you been speeding again punky?

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Guest nobgobbler
52 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think you'll find that "macho posturing" is the reason you've had a fairly good life, free to faff about with floppy hair wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt etc' at college. If previous generations had done less "macho posturing" you would probably have been saluting a swastika and swearing allegiance to the fuhrers reich every morning at school.

... and marching walking like John Cleese.

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So according to the BBC the cunt who blew himself up was known to security services... Before he blew up. So he'd shown enough terrorist characteristics to be watched but somehow not enough to get shipped back to his home country, despite even his family admitting he was having trouble adjusting to the "Western lifestyle". 

...An I the only one who thinks that this is another way of saying "We knew what he was for a long time, but we were too scared to do anything about it in case people got angry"?

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Guest Lady Penelope
4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

despite even his family admitting he was having trouble adjusting to the "Western lifestyle".

Question should be asked as to why he was finding it difficult to adjust to the lifestyle when he was born here.

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4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Man-up Rick, please. It's precisely your soft attitude which you share with thousands of others that's exacerbating our ongoing problem. It's the 'don't rock the racism boat' perspective which continues to create conditions that allows people's kids and loved ones to die because this country's attitude remains too weak. We should be defending our culture and ways of life against the onslaught of Islam with renewed gusto after Monday's events. While all Muslims are not the same, a disturbingly large proportion do not respect our traditions, they do not respect animals, and they do not respect women. Many treat those of Sikh and Hindu ancestry with utter disdain, both of which are proof those of a different religion to Christianity can co-exist peacefully in Britain. Islam spawns racism time and again. They are different to other migrants.

As Gong asked you very directly – where is your outrage over what's happened? All you did yesterday was criticise others for expressing theirs. I didn't agree with some other opinions, but at least they used this site as a stage to rightly express them.

While the attacks are being carried out by a small minority, support for them among the Muslim community is worryingly divided. Does this not concern you? British Muslim authorities have condemned the attack, as indeed they do (and ought to) with all ongoing attacks, though I have yet to see Muslims en-mass marching against what's happening to 'their' country – in particular against those who are murdering in the name of the same religion, beliefs and principles. For this reason, surely Muslim authorities should be taking a leading role to eradicate the extremism. What if a white, far-right group had blown up a mosque in which dozens of Islamic children had died? I'm pretty sure tens of thousands of Muslims would be marching in the streets of Manchester and London with placards, expressing their disgust. If they wish to be treated with equality, they must act with equality.

This country has become so soft that its indigenous population is too scared to fight back – for fear of being accused as racists. It's been this way for decades. If Tommy Robinson's knuckle-dragging EDL is the only organistation fighting our corner, then it's become a very sad state of affairs indeed. I refer to my comment yesterday about the left-wing elite creating conditions which make it difficult for British people to stand up for their safety. There is what is right and what is wrong. Whether you like him or not, Enoch Powell's words are slowly proving quite correct.

When will you stand up for what is right? Despite my ridiculing, I respect much of what you say, however this doesn't camouflage the fact you often come across as being a fucking pussy and the last person on Earth I'd follow into battle.

Tommy Robinson is no longer a member or head of the EDL nor has been for some time.

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16 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Tommy Robinson is no longer a member or head of the EDL nor has been for some time.

The fact that shit sticks is the problem. Tommy is a neutered force because of his past and conventional media knows it. The word "racist" has become so over influential and feared that it's became the norm to assume people called it are all monsters equal to Hitler himself, incapable of change.

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Guest Lady Penelope
31 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

It's almost as if a certain belief or ideology was influencing him...

It is interesting looking through the social media postings of moderate muslims. What is prevalent is the distancing and denials "They (the terrorists) are not true muslims or not muslims only terrorist" and then "why should we help seek them out as we are not associated with them". This is the scale of the problem .. the simple fact is the terrorists are spawn of islam and this set of beliefs and grassroots moderate muslims are in denial.


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2 minutes ago, The Lady Penelope said:

It is interesting looking through the social media postings of moderate muslims. What is prevalent is the distancing and denials "The are not true muslims or not muslims only terrorist"a nd then "why should we help seek them out as we are not associated with them". This is the scale of the problem .. the simple fact is the terrorists they are spawn of islam and this set of beliefs and grassroots moderate muslims are in denial.

Terrorist Islamist losers are perpetually spun out of the Mosques everywhere. Islam need to reform itself, or be reformed by imposition or totally expunged.

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3 minutes ago, The Lady Penelope said:

It is interesting looking through the social media postings of moderate muslims. What is prevalent is the distancing and denials "The are not true muslims or not muslims only terrorist"a nd then "why should we help seek them out as we are not associated with them". This is the scale of the problem .. the simple fact is the terrorists they are spawn of islam and this set of beliefs and grassroots moderate muslims are in denial.

I understand their unwillingness to a certain extent, but surely one has to question if you're following the right religion when you're too terrified to speak up against it, or even acknowledge that its fundamentally flawed.

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