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Foreign aid budget


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3 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Meh...wuggy baby will gibber something about spelling or some other stack of slash while fretting over a stain on the rug before the significant other gets home 


Ah, yes: easygoing, beer-swilling, lady-charming, backdoor-ploughing, happy-go-lucky Pansy – the very same person who also makes a fastidious and very specific point of writing his/her name after each and every post, and has obviously sniffed an opportunity to get inside the knickers of the site's chief dictatorial harridan.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Shit-stirring, moi? Thanks for this Withers, old boy, especially when it comes to your advice regarding inter-member hostility. Obviously, based on your previous shortcomings, I hope you realise just how much I value your opinion.

I don't give a shit how much you value my opinion. Fuck off, I am busy eating fine cuisine and listening to a Marine Le Pen speech.

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Guest Piston
On 20/04/2017 at 1:25 PM, Mrs Roops said:

I'm all for reducing foreign aid to a certain extent. One has to look at why Britain with other countries fund foreign aid; the first reason is a moral obligation - a sense of duty if you will. I accept that and have no difficulty with the concept. The second reason is aid buys international prestige and influence - that may have been true in the past but with the nature of global trade and fast communications I believe that has a lesser relevance in today's world.

I wouldn't (dare!) argue with the above but I think it's missing an important point (unless I missed it earlier)

A simple spending target, sans: defined objectives, supervision of progress, assessment of outcomes etc always leads to a complete waste of money (at best) and dreadfully unwanted consequences at worst.
It incentivises agencies to just shovel money out of the door, into any hole, in order to hit some holy target and give not a fuck about what happens thereafter.

This is also why our entire fleet of new type 45 destroyers stays in port. Their propulsion system basically does not work. This was suspected even before the first ship proved to be a basket-case but the Admiralty ploughed on, to meet the 2% defence spending commitment. Spend the money whether something works or not....but I digress.

Just spending money, as described above, is not aid and not moral. Indeed, often just the reverse.

It does not project influence etc, we simply look like a country of naive simpletons who should not be taken seriously.

0.3%, sensibly directed, might easily do twice the good and half the damage. Which is the aim, yes?

A simple spending target is for the simple? (*)


(*) No I wasn't suggesting that you...please put the weapon down and step away...

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2 minutes ago, Piston said:

I wouldn't (dare!) argue with the above but I think it's missing an important point (unless I missed it earlier)

A simple spending target, sans: defined objectives, supervision of progress, assessment of outcomes etc always leads to a complete waste of money (at best) and dreadfully unwanted consequences at worst.
It incentivises agencies to just shovel money out of the door, into any hole, in order to hit some holy target and give not a fuck about what happens thereafter.

This is also why our entire fleet of new type 45 destroyers stays in port. Their propulsion system basically does not work. This was suspected even before the first ship proved to be a basket-case but the Admiralty ploughed on, to meet the 2% defence spending commitment. Spend the money whether something works or not....but I digress.

Just spending money, as described above, is not aid and not moral. Indeed, often just the reverse.

It does not project influence etc, we simply look like a country of naive simpletons who should not be taken seriously.

0.3%, sensibly directed, might easily do twice the good and half the damage. Which is the aim, yes?

A simple spending target is for the simple? (*)


(*) No I wasn't suggesting that you...please put the weapon down and step away...

So what you're saying is... bollocks?

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14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Ah, yes: easygoing, beer-swilling, lady-charming, backdoor-ploughing, happy-go-lucky Pansy – the very same person who also makes a fastidious and very specific point of writing his/her name after each and every post, and has obviously sniffed an opportunity to get inside the knickers of the site's chief dictatorial harridan.

Mm..I am pretty easy going and generally contented guy..you wuggy baby however strike me as a deeply unhappy individual ..one of clique that feed off each others projected feelings of hatred and low self worth 


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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

Mm..I am pretty easy going and generally contented guy..you wuggy baby however strike me as a deeply unhappy individual ..one of clique that feed off each others projected feelings of hatred and low self worth 


Yes, but he does work for his money, you freeloading cunt.

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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

Mm..I am pretty easy going and generally contented guy..you wuggy baby however strike me as a deeply unhappy individual ..one of clique that feed off each others projected feelings of hatred and low self worth 


Speaking of cliques, it's surprising yet refreshing to see someone who is prepared to lick Roops' arse clean. While unemployed and on benefits, I suspect all you can afford is Tesco Value toilet roll. That said, being the unsophisticated heathen you evidently are, I'm quite sure you'll relish using your tongue.

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50 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Speaking of cliques, it's surprising yet refreshing to see someone who is prepared to lick Roops' arse clean. While unemployed and on benefits, I suspect all you can afford is Tesco Value toilet roll. Being the unsophisticated heathen you evidently are, I'm quite sure you'll relish using your tongue.

You have a fascination with all things anal wuggy baby. .were it possible I'd say you'd lick your own 


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Guest Gong Farmer
1 hour ago, Snatch said:

He of the massive donations that are in reality only loose change for the cunt,unlike the OAP who gives a tenner to charity and has fuck all left in her purse.

And I don't doubt there is a very big tax reason for Gates' "generosity".

He's a proponent of Malthusian league doctrine. His method of controlling/reducing population is through vaccines and eugenics for the sake of the planet that he believes is being destroyed by humanity it's self.That humanity is soley responsible for the climate change, whatever that means, is based purely on pseudo science whereas as his vaccines and eugenics programs aren't. Bill Gates is a pile of shit eco scammer that needs hanging up by his bollocks from the nearest wind turbine.

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Guest Snatch
8 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

He's a proponent of Malthusian league doctrine. His method of controlling/reducing population is through vaccines and eugenics for the sake of the planet that he believes is being destroyed by humanity it's self.That humanity is soley responsible for the climate change, whatever that means, is based purely on pseudo science whereas as his vaccines and eugenics programs aren't. Bill Gates is a pile of shit eco scammer that needs hanging up by his bollocks from the nearest wind turbine.

Funny how millions around the world use electricity from power stations to use a Windows based computer. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
2 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

I don't give a shit how much you value my opinion. Fuck off, I am busy eating fine cuisine and listening to a Marine Le Pen speech.

Fucking hell. Haven't you been shot yet? 

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Just now, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Fucking hell. Haven't you been shot yet? 

He's in France so hopefully it's just a matter of time till a 7.62 round from an AK47 wielded by an Islamic extremist pierces his beret clad dome.

Repose en Paix, little froggy. You've just reached your ultimate potential: a bullet sponge.

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Guest Gong Farmer
Just now, Snatch said:

Funny how millions around the world use electricity from power stations to use a Windows based computer. 

He's not concerned with reducing the populations that use a lot of electricity to power Windows on a PC, that's us in the west. He's only concerned with flogging gmo's, vaccines and eugenics methods to developing and third world countries to reduce their populations and to keep them in perpetual debt to the relevant corporate entities and banks while managing to convince everyone that he's a saint, the second coming and the savior of the world. He's a devious shithouse.

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5 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

He's not concerned with reducing the populations that use a lot of electricity to power Windows on a PC, that's us in the west. He's only concerned with flogging gmo's, vaccines and eugenics methods to developing and third world countries to reduce their populations and to keep them in perpetual debt to the relevant corporate entities and banks while managing to convince everyone that he's a saint, the second coming and the savior of the world. He's a devious shithouse.

And responsible for one of the most cringe worthy pictures to ever exist:


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8 hours ago, Piston said:

I wouldn't (dare!) argue with the above but I think it's missing an important point (unless I missed it earlier)

A simple spending target, sans: defined objectives, supervision of progress, assessment of outcomes etc always leads to a complete waste of money (at best) and dreadfully unwanted consequences at worst.
It incentivises agencies to just shovel money out of the door, into any hole, in order to hit some holy target and give not a fuck about what happens thereafter.

This is also why our entire fleet of new type 45 destroyers stays in port. Their propulsion system basically does not work. This was suspected even before the first ship proved to be a basket-case but the Admiralty ploughed on, to meet the 2% defence spending commitment. Spend the money whether something works or not....but I digress.

Just spending money, as described above, is not aid and not moral. Indeed, often just the reverse.

It does not project influence etc, we simply look like a country of naive simpletons who should not be taken seriously.

0.3%, sensibly directed, might easily do twice the good and half the damage. Which is the aim, yes?

A simple spending target is for the simple? (*)


(*) No I wasn't suggesting that you...please put the weapon down and step away...

Some interesting points there...

The Type 45 debacle is yet another sorry example where MoD procurement is not fit for purpose. Under the contract between the Government and BAE Systems, RN engineers and technicians were forbidden to go anywhere near the "under the bonnet" until acceptance of contract, i.e. after the ships were delivered. FTR the ships electrical systems cut out when full demand (eg during military engagement) was required of the propulsion unit and defence-offense systems. To compound the problem we have an amazing situation where due to ITAR regulations (International Trade in Arms Restrictions) BAE cannot train naval personnel or effect repairs themselves to specific American components without incurring hefty fines by the USA. ITAR was insisted on by the USA when BAE bought major components from Westinghouse (propulsion units) and Northrop Grumman (software). The MoD nodded the clauses through.

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8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Oooh – I did hit raw raw nerve with my comment about you not liking to be challenged, didn't I? Even my four-year-old niece knows that if you dish it out in the school playground, you have to be able to take it. Clearly, you are unaccustomed with this. I'm glad my comments affect you so: if they didn't, you wouldn't bother responding with such consistent haste.

I do however admire the fact you have the stomach for a fight, Roops, because you have few other worthy traits.

Hmm, clearly you were red in face and emotionaly raw when you wrote this and subsequent posts...

I think we will be going 'round in circles if all you can do is spew out recycled clichéd insults. Not sure where "consistent haste" comes into this either. Stay warm pet.

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm, clearly you were red in face and emotionaly raw when you wrote this and subsequent posts...

I think we will be going 'round in circles if all you can do is spew out recycled clichéd insults. Not sure where "consistent haste" comes into this either. Stay warm pet.

Is this the best you can do? Throughout the past couple of days, metaphorically, I have spunked on your face and literally watched you scuttle off in the other direction like a little girl who's been handed a venomous spider for Christmas. Take care, you adorable, modest creature.

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34 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Is this the best you can do? Throughout the past couple of days, metaphorically, I have spunked on your face and literally watched you scuttle off in the other direction like a little girl who's been handed a venomous spider for Christmas. Take care, you adorable, modest creature.

Yeah, the problem with that is we can all read, so no, you haven't. Instead of pulling meaningless insults out of the air, dazzle us all with reasoned argument and advocacy in future.

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yeah, the problem with that is we can all read, so no, you haven't. Instead of pulling meaningless insults out of the air, dazzle us all with reasoned argument and advocacy in future.

My previous comment obviously affected you more than I had anticipated. I have to say I'm not surprised.

I'm glad I wind you up. It's really not all too difficult. Anyone would think I'll be exploiting your obvious inferiority complex before too long! You know – the one which makes you feel the need to continually exhibit the unnecessary high opinion you have of yourself.

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