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Islamic culture

Jake The Muss

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

It could be modern cars, on the other hand you might just be getting a bit thicker....lol... fuck off

Your frog cars are the worst offenders. So much plastic casing and other oversized shite in a Renault Clio's engine bay that you can barely get to the fucking spark plugs. You people should have stuck to the 2CV, it was the height of French technology, now that you try and copy real people you just fuck up.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's all turned to bollocks, years ago I used to service and repair my first car, even stripping down the cylinder head and replacing valves and seals was fairly straightforward, a carburettor wasn't difficult to overhaul either. Now I open the bonnet of Mrs Cuntmans fiesta and I have trouble identifying the fucking cylinder head as opposed to the air filter housing.

That's very true. I'm no great mechanic really, but I've changed a couple of gearbox/clutch assemblies, an alternator, a couple of water pumps and suspension bushes etc. My current car is hardly cutting edge technology, it's an old Rover 420, but there are things under the bonnet that i have no idea what they are or what they do.

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Just now, Rick_B said:

That's very true. I'm no great mechanic really, but I've changed a couple of gearbox/clutch assemblies, an alternator, a couple of water pumps and suspension bushes etc. My current car is hardly cutting edge technology, it's an old Rover 420, but there are things under the bonnet that i have no idea what they are or what they do.

It's all about lowering the skilled engineers wages. I took my car into Mercedes-Benz today as engine light came on. They plugged it into a computer which told theme to change a exhaust temp gauge. The computer even showed a picture of the sensor and how to access it. The skilled man is on his way out, replaced by computers and fitters.

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3 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

That's very true. I'm no great mechanic really, but I've changed a couple of gearbox/clutch assemblies, an alternator, a couple of water pumps and suspension bushes etc. My current car is hardly cutting edge technology, it's an old Rover 420, but there are things under the bonnet that i have no idea what they are or what they do.

Anything after about 1995 is designed to confound even the most practically minded motorist. Even switches and dash controls used to have their function printed in English on them, now replaced by meaningless symbols designed to be understandable to any nationality, but in reality, confusing to all. I look back very fondly to owning a MK 4 Cortina, whose every component was simple to replace and available to buy from any local spares shop.

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4 minutes ago, Punkape said:

More in depth knowledge of homo depravity from yourself and because you have AIDS.

More in depth knowledge of Islamic culture and the construction of tower blocks from our resident expert? You've shown yourself on many occasions to be thick as shit which you recently tried to cover up with a vile post about cancer sufferers. I can't wait for you next nom to be taken down within minutes like to last 2 parrot like bags of shite, you fucking pussy. Now run along for your nightly fisting and beating from your gang of Nigerian pimps.

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Just now, Wolfie said:


I can see 20,000 Millwall fans turning up for this......aided and abetted by thousands from West Ham, Arsenal. Orient, Chelsea Crystal Palace, Luton , Spurs , and kicking Moslem and Islamist all over the Capital. If the Mayor of London doesn't cancel the Qud march he crackers Feeling are starting to run very high in London and the north. People have had enough and a movement is growing.

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

More in depth knowledge of Islamic culture and the construction of tower blocks from our resident expert? You've shown yourself on many occasions to be thick as shit which you recently tried to cover up with a vile post about cancer sufferers. I can't wait for you next nom to be taken down within minutes like to last 2 parrot like bags of shite, you fucking pussy. Now run along for your nightly fisting and beating from your gang of Nigerian pimps.


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2 hours ago, Punkape said:

I can see 20,000 Millwall fans turning up for this......aided and abetted by thousands from West Ham, Arsenal. Orient, Chelsea Crystal Palace, Luton , Spurs , and kicking Moslem and Islamist all over the Capital. If the Mayor of London doesn't cancel the Qud march he crackers Feeling are starting to run very high in London and the north. People have had enough and a movement is growing.

A picture not released to the press, some Millwall blokes I know took this book up to him, top man, lives by sofa surfing so now deserves a place of his own, that's the least he deserves 


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Guest nobgobbler
5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Anything after about 1995 is designed to confound even the most practically minded motorist. Even switches and dash controls used to have their function printed in English on them, now replaced by meaningless symbols designed to be understandable to any nationality, but in reality, confusing to all. I look back very fondly to owning a MK 4 Cortina, whose every component was simple to replace and available to buy from any local spares shop.

On my golf an orange dashboard light comes on when the aircon is off. Arse about face or what?

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Anything after about 1995 is designed to confound even the most practically minded motorist. Even switches and dash controls used to have their function printed in English on them, now replaced by meaningless symbols designed to be understandable to any nationality, but in reality, confusing to all. I look back very fondly to owning a MK 4 Cortina, whose every component was simple to replace and available to buy from any local spares shop.

I've got a 1954 Morris Oxford that's been in the family from new (belonged to my granddad) and it's about as basic as you can get. If it won't start, I can usually diagnose the problem in about 5 minutes. So easy to work on.

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Guest Snatch
9 hours ago, Punkape said:

I can see 20,000 Millwall fans turning up for this......aided and abetted by thousands from West Ham, Arsenal. Orient, Chelsea Crystal Palace, Luton , Spurs , and kicking Moslem and Islamist all over the Capital. If the Mayor of London doesn't cancel the Qud march he crackers Feeling are starting to run very high in London and the north. People have had enough and a movement is growing.

We can only hope. 

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On 15/06/2017 at 8:30 AM, Snatch said:

Unbelievable. And they try to silence people like Tommy Robinson.


The irony isn't lost on the elite lefty nuts who do everything they can to control and silence people such as Tommy Robinson, as well as the woman in the clip. You wouldn't find her speaking the truth on the BBC, would you? The 'liberals' who run the organisation won't allow it.

The fact the Al-Quds Day march is going ahead, despite three recent Islamic terror attacks causing public outrage among an indigenous British public, is proof it's now getting too late for this country to eradicate Muslim extremism. If Theresa May was serious when she said 'enough is enough', she wouldn't allow the march to take place. This says to me her poignant little speech was purely election bullshit. What an arrogant old bag she's proving to be.

Rick: what is your take on the Al-Quds Day march being allowed to take place, in which those supporting Muslim extremism will undoubtedly be in attendance?

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Guest Lady Penelope
7 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The irony isn't lost on the elite lefty nuts who do everything they can to control and silence people such as Tommy Robinson, as well as the woman in the clip. You wouldn't find her speaking the truth on the BBC, would you? The 'liberals' who run the organisation won't allow it.

The fact the Al-Quds Day march is going ahead, despite three recent Islamic terror attacks causing public outrage among an indigenous British public, is proof it's now getting too late for this country to eradicate Muslim extremism. If Theresa May was serious when she said 'enough is enough', she wouldn't allow the march to take place. This says to me her poignant little speech was purely election bullshit. What an arrogant old sow she's proving to be.

Rick: what is your take on the Al-Quds Day march being allowed to take place, in which those supporting Muslim Extremism will undoubtedly be in attendance?

Its the PC brigade and they come from both the left and the right. You have to remember that a lot of right wing "nationalists" hate the jews. A good part of the problem of the media speaking out is fear. I am a lefty but I would ban the march outright and round the organisers and supporters up and find them a nice secure place down an abandoned coal mine.

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5 hours ago, The Lady Penelope said:

Its the PC brigade and they come from both the left and the right. You have to remember that a lot of right wing "nationalists" hate the jews. A good part of the problem of the media speaking out is fear. I am a lefty but I would ban the march outright and round the organisers and supporters up and find them a nice secure place down an abandoned coal mine.

I would never have guessed you're a lefty, Pen. I've mullered my new white shirt because of the ensuing coffee gasp.

Otherwise I agree with you – to a point. My point is British people still feel terrified of accusations of racism and Islamophobia even though we don't have a left-wing government in power. On this basis, therefore, I agree. What I think you are wrong about is singling out right-wing nationals as having something against Jewish people. Jews and Israel in particular are gilt-edged examples of American right-wing capitalism, a political ideal traditionally despised by the left than any other bias. When you make a 'lefty' self-reference, I suspect you mean more in the traditional sense i.e. social equality and the distribution of wealth from those who have it to those who don't.

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Guest King_Cunt
On ‎14‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 10:42 PM, Punkape said:

More in depth knowledge of homo depravity from yourself and because you have AIDS.

I have only been here a short time, but, does this Punkape chap have some deep rooted issues? I'll be diplomatic and say some of his post's are rather odd...

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Just now, King_Cunt said:

I have only been here a short time, but, does this Punkape chap have some deep rooted issues? I'll be diplomatic and say some of his post's are rather odd...

Punky is a rogue AI program that found its way onto the Corner after escaping its original server when one of the technicians responsible for creating it tried to torrent gay porn using a company computer. It's likely that it was corrupted during the transfer, hence the repeated insults and queries concerning subjects like AIDS, HIV, and personal income. 

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4 minutes ago, King_Cunt said:

I have only been here a short time, but, does this Punkape chap have some deep rooted issues? I'll be diplomatic and say some of his post's are rather odd...

He's an invention of some clever cunt, a cartoon character of sorts. The back story is that he is landed gentry with a country estate, drives a range rover, and is connected to those in high places through membership of exclusive golf clubs, he considers us all to be 'oiks, peasants and perverts' he tells everyone that they have AIDS and herpees, deliberately mis-spelt. He's fucking hilarious, like a Harry Enfield character. Never take it personally when he rips on you, he's an actor playing a part. And the cunt stays in character all the time. Here endeth the users guide to Punkape.

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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Punky is a rogue AI program that found its way onto the Corner after escaping its original server when one of the technicians responsible for creating it tried to torrent gay porn using a company computer. It's likely that it was corrupted during the transfer, hence the repeated insults and queries concerning subjects like AIDS, HIV, and personal income. 

That too.

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