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Terrorist cunts fucking shit up in London.

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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29 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

Who knows but yes they got us this time. Bin Laden promised that 9/11 was only the beginning of such attacks, it wasn't, it was bullshit. They are not winning, but they will if we fall into their trap.

I wish I shared your optimism. As I see it, if these mad cunts really decide to go to town on us, or any other county for that matter, they will easily manage it. Despite the work of the security forces, they cannot be prepared for all eventualities. I find your attitude quite simplistic if I'm brutally honest. It's only that the cunts that want to commit these atrocities are currently in a tiny, tiny minority, that they're not so widespread. As I've said - I believe that if they really decide to go for it, they will wreak havoc.

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1 hour ago, Rick_B said:

I seldom agree with May, but the reality is that the terrorists are not winning. The terrorism related deaths which have occurred are tragic, but the reality is that they haven't had a significant strike in the UK since 2005. Why would you want to tell them they are winning when they are not? As I said before they will win if we let them set the agenda, otherwise they wont.

Don't you agree the UK has shot itself in the foot by allowing immigrants from Muslim countries that pose a threat (such as Pakistan) to settle en masse in recent decades, which has spawned unprecedented home-grown terrorism? Most recently, this has manifested itself via way of Muslim 'Britons' travelling freely to and from Syria to join IS, as well as yesterday's attack from another British passport holder – not to mention allowing genuinely dangerous arseholes such as Anjem Choudary to incite racial hatred under the noses of our politicians. It's not about 'winning' er se, Rick – it's about putting a stop to it. Period.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Don't you agree the UK has shot itself in the foot by allowing immigrants from Muslim countries that pose a threat (such as Pakistan) to settle en masse in recent decades, which has spawned unprecedented home-grown terrorism? Most recently, this has manifested itself via way of Muslim 'Britons' travelling freely to and from Syria to join IS, as well as yesterday's attack from another British passport holder – not to mention allowing genuinely dangerous arseholes such as Anjem Choudary to incite racial hatred under the noses of our politicians. It's not about 'winning' er se, Rick – it's about putting a stop to it. Period.

Precisely, I fucking said all this yesterday. Time to stop pissarsing around. The attacker yesterday was known to be a threat by MI5 and the CTU, so why was he still walking around free? We need to change the law to allow our security forces to squash these hateful little bastards BEFORE they do what they're inevitably going to. And fuck off the Choudrays before they incite the impressionable morons to do their dirty work, and if that means playing dirty and activating former SAS operatives and rubbing the cunts out then so be it. If young Mohammed knows there's a real chance that one of Andy McNabs mates is going to sneak into his bedroom at 3am and cut his throat, young Mohammed is going to think twice about playing Jihadi.

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7 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Eric, everyone in the cooler is great, thanks for asking.  I'm going to have to get back to you with more details as withers has put a big fucking target on his back, and I'm going to destroy him. 

And then use snatch and ding to mop up the blood, spunk and tears. 

Speak soon. 


The Saviour of CC. 

What does CC need saving from?  Apart from crap admin 

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

A 'Briton' named Khalid Masood, no less. I hope the pro-immigration liberals accusing those of racism who try in vain to protect our borders are pleased with the results. Yes – that's people like you, Rick. Well-done, you luvvy little lefties!

He was actually british born convert from Kunt I mean Kent 

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23 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Precisely, I fucking said all this yesterday. Time to stop pissarsing around. The attacker yesterday was known to be a threat by MI5 and the CTU, so why was he still walking around free? We need to change the law to allow our security forces to squash these hateful little bastards BEFORE they do what they're inevitably going to. And fuck off the Choudrays before they incite the impressionable morons to do their dirty work, and if that means playing dirty and activating former SAS operatives and rubbing the cunts out then so be it. If young Mohammed knows there's a real chance that one of Andy McNabs mates is going to sneak into his bedroom at 3am and cut his throat, young Mohammed is going to think twice about playing Jihadi.

The thing is, our security forces prevent much more from happening than we actually know about. But it's not enough, because there are too many posing a threat who can slip through the net – case in point with Lee Rigby's murder and Musthafa Wank yesterday. Blair's government (and Cameron's to some extent while May was Home Secretary), via way of failing to achieve border control targets for decades, has fashioned an irreversible situation. Sadly, I think it will escalate.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

The thing is, our security forces prevent much more from happening than we actually know about. But it's not enough, because there are too many posing a threat who can slip through the net – case in point with Lee Rigby's murder and Musthafa Wank yesterday. Blair's government (and Cameron's to some extent while May was Home Secretary), via way of failing to achieve border control targets for decades, has fashioned an irreversible situation. Sadly, I think it will escalate.

I agree. This will go on and on. There is no shortage of these fruitcakes here. Plenty of sympathisers too.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

The thing is, our security forces prevent much more from happening than we actually know about. But it's not enough, because there are too many posing a threat who can slip through the net – case in point with Lee Rigby's murder and Musthafa Wank yesterday. Blair's government (and Cameron's to some extent while May was Home Secretary), via way of failing to achieve border control targets for decades, with the liberal elite such as George Monbiot continually playing the racism card, has fashioned an irreversible situation. Sadly, I think it will escalate.

Sadly, I agree, unless we get really tough, really quickly and declare a state of emergency allowing the security forces to use the 'Deniable Operatives' that they have retained and available but are politically scared to unleash.

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I have to laugh when i hear twats say, how did this happen and how do we prevent it happening again. Well for a start, don't climb up America's arsehole and help them create wars and invade cuntbreeds for their oil and expect them to be nice to us when we give the poor cunts that we have helped make homeless shelter in our pleasant green lands. Another fantastic idea would be, not to give them the same rights as us (That has to be earned), sorry forgot , they have more rights than us so it appears. One more great idea would be not to let the barbaric slagfarts to preach hate on the streets and create their own fucking laws...and if any PC cunt thinks that's over the top, then you're a complete and utter stupid cuntbrain, look around you and open your rose colored cunt eyes...and lets get something straight, this isn't about being a racist , it's not about a race or colour. It's about a culture that's so barbaric and backwards that the mind fucking boggles.

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On 3/22/2017 at 7:14 PM, Alfie Noakes said:

He looked tanned on the TV. If it was a lone wolf (which I doubt) then good riddance as he has died, but if there are others involved just let me at them with a fully charged  lithium powered makita drill and some sharpened accessories. You cannot kill an ideology unfortunately.

Agreed Alf, you can't kill an ideology but you can help it by not creating wars in their countries and educate it somewhat, that's about the best deal out of this shitpie..or just nuke the whole fucking region, but probably too late for that as the cunts are all over the fucking world.

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Don't you agree the UK has shot itself in the foot by allowing immigrants from Muslim countries that pose a threat (such as Pakistan) to settle en masse in recent decades, which has spawned unprecedented home-grown terrorism? Most recently, this has manifested itself via way of Muslim 'Britons' travelling freely to and from Syria to join IS, as well as yesterday's attack from another British passport holder – not to mention allowing genuinely dangerous arseholes such as Anjem Choudary to incite racial hatred under the noses of our politicians. It's not about 'winning' er se, Rick – it's about putting a stop to it. Period.

This dead cunt aside, it's not recent immigrants from Islamic countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh and the USA created war zones of the Middle East that are the threats, at the moment. These people on the whole want a better life and to escape the likes of the Taliban. Whether it's a good idea they should come to Western Europe a culture and climate so alien to their own is another question, I suspect it's our own high morals and high wealth and the liberal guilt generated by the latter that's the cause. As most sane people suggest, other countries with similar cultures, such as sexism, the right to beat and rape your wife, homophobia and the overwhelming presence of religious dogma would be more compatible. It seems it's, a small minority, of the 3rd or 4th generation Muslims who's families came after the partition of India until fairly recently that have decided to reject our culture in favour of the death cult of ISIS. We enjoy incredible freedoms here; beers, porn, not having to pray 5 times a day, basically-freedom. If, when I was growing up id not been allowed beer, wanking, shagging, all things that are perfectly natural id probably be insane. Islam seems to suppress these natural urges, like most religions, and turn followers into good little robots. 

Incompatible with our freedoms, the way I and most others want to live. There needs to be a big change of ideas to reject the nonsense of religion and all the stupid rules they demand that divides us. Stupid rules that seem to turn some Muslim men suicidally and murderously angry.

The gloves of the police, spooks and military need to come off to crush these deluded fuckers once and for all. Maybe some big super prison where all those with even the slightest bit of suspicion on them can go, the isle of manistan I would call it. Patience is wearing thin, people have had enough excuses and reasons of why these things happen. There's no justification, sky fairy lies must end.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

This dead cunt aside, it's not recent immigrants from Islamic countries, Pakistan and Bangladesh and the USA created war zones of the Middle East that are the threats, at the moment. These people on the whole want a better life and to escape the likes of the Taliban. Whether it's a good idea they should come to Western Europe a culture and climate so alien to their own is another question, I suspect it's our own high morals and high wealth and the liberal guilt generated by the latter that's the cause. As most sane people suggest, other countries with similar cultures, such as sexism, the right to beat and rape your wife, homophobia and the overwhelming presence of religious dogma would be more compatible. It seems it's, a small minority, of the 3rd or 4th generation Muslims who's families came after the partition of India until fairly recently that have decided to reject our culture in favour of the death cult of ISIS. We enjoy incredible freedoms here; beers, porn, not having to pray 5 times a day, basically-freedom. If, when I was growing up id not been allowed beer, wanking, shagging, all things that are perfectly natural id probably be insane. Islam seems to suppress these natural urges, like most religions, and turn followers into good little robots. 

Incompatible with our freedoms, the way I and most others want to live. There needs to be a big change of ideas to reject the nonsense of religion and all the stupid rules they demand that divides us. Stupid rules that seem to turn some Muslim men suicidally and murderously angry.

The gloves of the police, spooks and military need to come off to crush these deluded fuckers once and for all. Maybe some big super prison where all those with even the slightest bit of suspicion on them can go, the isle of manistan I would call it. Patience is wearing thin, people have had enough excuses and reasons of why these things happen. There's no justification, sky fairy lies must end.

The secular, atheist and religiously tolerant need to stand up against this shit or it will overwelm reason and take us back at least a thousand years to the dark ages. Problem is the most vocal atheist at the moment, Richard Dawkins, has a bit of a public personality problem and upsets too many people which then means his points are not listened to by the infuriated religious. Those in power are fully aware of the "uses" of religion and are told about the grand lies of the major religions when they get into power (afterlife, forgiveness, omnipotence (good one that, he can see you everywhere so be paranoid muthafukka), the actual nature of the god(s) they are following. Mass population control to stop slaves rebelling (Christianity Roman invention) or to gain control of a load of wandering goat herds (Islam).

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Guest nobgobbler
9 hours ago, Rick_B said:

Has it ever occurred to you that this kind of response is exactly what the terrorists want? They want to divide us, divide our communities, they want conflict and war on the streets and the crap posted on this thread plays right into their hands. Why do you think they do it? When these kinds of atrocities happen there is always a call to "do something", in reality there is little anyone can do other than carry on, be vigilant and not let them set the agenda, not let them win or as Churchill once said "keep on buggering on".

No it hasn't. They do it because they can. These are not one off atrocities. They have an agenda which doesn't end well for anyone who does not worship Islam. 

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8 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

Its turnd out that the cunt's real name was  Adrian Elms and he was a convert to islam.

Fuck, Adrian's a cunts name.

 If my parents had named me 'Adrian' I'd probably want to stab someone, probably my parents!

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Guest nobgobbler
7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Precisely, I fucking said all this yesterday. Time to stop pissarsing around. The attacker yesterday was known to be a threat by MI5 and the CTU, so why was he still walking around free? We need to change the law to allow our security forces to squash these hateful little bastards BEFORE they do what they're inevitably going to. And fuck off the Choudrays before they incite the impressionable morons to do their dirty work, and if that means playing dirty and activating former SAS operatives and rubbing the cunts out then so be it. If young Mohammed knows there's a real chance that one of Andy McNabs mates is going to sneak into his bedroom at 3am and cut his throat, young Mohammed is going to think twice about playing Jihadi.

Except young Mohammed from an early age is being conditioned not to fear death.

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15 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Eric, everyone in the cooler is great, thanks for asking.  I'm going to have to get back to you with more details as withers has put a big fucking target on his back, and I'm going to destroy him. 

And then use snatch and ding to mop up the blood, spunk and tears. 

Speak soon. 


The Saviour of CC. 

While you may have many faults Bubba, at least having a high opinion of yourself isn't one of them.

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Guest Lady Penelope
22 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Except young Mohammed from an early age is being conditioned not to fear death.

Except in this case it was really Adrian.

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