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Any Documentary Narrated By An American


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Guest Gong Farmer
14 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Are you talking about the multi talented actor or that smug scientist person with the shit eating grin? If it's the latter, then I concur; he can fuck off.

That's him, was in a one hit wonder shit band that Tony Blair used to shag Cherie up the arse to at which time he said to her that he could use one of their songs for his election campagne    all together now all together now TOGETHER The rest is history.

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Guest Lady Penelope
9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I can vaguely remember Fyfe Robinson, a Scottish broadcaster with a twee way of speaking, very much like the old pisshead character in the film 'Whisky Galore'.

"Hellooo therrr, I'm Fyfe Robertson".

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Guest nobgobbler
9 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

When I was a kid we never heard a northern accent on the telly, it was proper BBC English so it seems ironic that it was the BBC's 'diversity' policy that changed all that, that we now have to endure northern and other regional accents. That Professor Brian Cox get's up my jacksy with his fucking 'Well wah duurn't relly nooooo!' Fuck off and bring back Sir Patrick Moore, he fucking knew yah fucking northern thicky cunt.

I could listen to Brian Cox all day, he makes my favourite subject easy to understand. I think he has an honest approach, Patrick Moore didn't know either! He was a pompous twat, and you can't bring him back coz he's brown bread.

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14 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

I could listen to Brian Cox all day, he makes my favourite subject easy to understand. I think he has an honest approach, Patrick Moore didn't know either! He was a pompous twat, and you can't bring him back coz he's brown bread.

I'm with Gong on this one. Brian Cox gets on my fucking tits, with his gay, lisping fucking whiny voice and charity shop demeanour. He's been living off this cool 'Alex James from Blur' image for far too long, which BBC producers saw and exploited from the outset. He's about as rock 'n' roll as my arsehole after a hot curry. He also does this stupid fake smile for the camera, which brings him very near the top of my most punchable faces ever list. And this is a shame, because the cosmos interests me greatly – which was brought about in the first instance by the unique icon that is Sir Patrick Moore.

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Guest nobgobbler
8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I'm with Gong on this one. Brian Cox gets on my fucking tits, with his gay, lisping fucking whiny voice and charity shop demeanour. He's been living off this cool 'Alex James from Blur' image for far too long, which BBC producers saw and exploited from the outset. He's about as rock 'n' roll as my arsehole after a hot curry. He also does this stupid fake smile for the camera, which brings him very near the top of my most punchable faces ever list. And this is a shame, because the cosmos interests me greatly – which was brought about in the first instance by the unique icon that is Sir Patrick Moore.

Yeah, but if you were a woman, who would you rather look at?

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13 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Yeah, but if you were a woman, who would you rather look at?

It's virtually impossible to see things from a female viewpoint, especially as such irrelevances distract from the serious scientific nature of the programme. That said, at a push, I'd rather see an old man with a monocle who's likely wearing an incontinence nappy than some overgrown student depicting a huge Uranus.  

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Guest Snatch
9 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

Yeah, but if you were a woman, who would you rather look at?

If he was a women he would be watching cookery programmes and reading romantic novels.

Just like it used to be before all this gender neutral bollocks.

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 hour ago, nobgobbler said:

I could listen to Brian Cox all day, he makes my favourite subject easy to understand. I think he has an honest approach, Patrick Moore didn't know either! He was a pompous twat, and you can't bring him back coz he's brown bread.

I don't want to piss on your strawberries but Brian Cox talks a load bollocks. When he says 'Well we don't really know' after being asked a reasonable question by an eleven year old he's either lying or can't answer the question. Other professors and experst on the subjects he covers in the same field argue with him, you're watching a grinny tv personality spewing disingenuous information to a public that will never bother to check out what they've been told. 


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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, Gong Farmer said:

I don't want to piss on your strawberries but Brian Cox talks a load bollocks. When he says 'Well we don't really know' after being asked a reasonable question by an eleven year old he's either lying or can't answer the question. Other professors and experst on the subjects he covers in the same field argue with him, you're watching a grinny tv personality spewing disingenuous information to a public that will never bother to check out what they've been told. 


There's no proof that it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. There is just no proof that it is. Yet. To be able to prove it we would first have to achieve it and unless we develop the technology to create a time machine which is unlikely, the only option is to go out into space and put the space time continuum wormhole leap theory into practice. And that isn't going to happen any time soon. Call me cynical but I don't believe any astrocunt got as far as the moon. Jules Verne was cunt. 

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Whilst it can be argued  that Brian Cox has some annoying personality traits it has to be said that academics aren't made professors at respected universities nor are they accorded Fellowships at the Royal Society for the ability to talk Bollocks. One of the problems with UK tertiary education is that it churns out too many social science and humanities degrees (usually of little worth to the individual or the country) and not enough in the pure sciences, technology and engineering. If Brian Cox's skill in communicating complex concepts in a way that the lay person can understand, and more importantly, enthuses the younger generation to study subjects that are considered "too hard" then that can only be a good thing.

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15 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Whilst it can be argued  that Brian Cox has some annoying personality traits it has to be said that academics aren't made professors at respected universities nor are they accorded Fellowships at the Royal Society for the ability to talk Bollocks. One of the problems with UK tertiary education is that it churns out too many social science and humanities degrees (usually of little worth to the individual or the country) and not enough in the pure sciences, technology and engineering. If Brian Cox's skill in communicating complex concepts in a way that the lay person can understand, and more importantly, enthuses the younger generation to study subjects that are considered "too hard" then that can only be a good thing.

Well fuck me sideways - I agree with Roops!

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47 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

That Bernadette would certainly get it...

Don't fancy the Chinese, does that make me racist?

Of course not. I rarely fancy a Chinese and usually opt for a chicken madras and pilau rice with a Bombay aloo and keema naan, and other types of proper English food, like korma.

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Guest DingTheRioja
11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Of course not. I rarely fancy a Chinese and usually opt for a chicken madras and pilau rice with a Bombay aloo and keema naan, and other types of proper English food, like korma.

Kormas are for poofs, Madras and above only, Phaal for real men... and yes, it's British...

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