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BBC TV Dan Snows 1066 fuckumentary

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8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Olivier played Othello.

Yes..... and he got cunted for it.... he blacked up.   Fucking rasist twat.    If he had any morals he would have refused the part to a Real black actor.......that's my point !!!


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Guest DingTheRioja
9 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Dahlings dahlings dahlings!

Great acting is about the suspension of disbelief - thus Phil Mitchell and Max Branning are total fanny magnets in 'Eastenders' despite both having the physiognomy of a Maris Piper spud.

Anyway I reckon Kenneth Williams is nailed on for the role of Kunta Kinte in 'Roots', what with him being white, wimpy, homosexual and dead.

No, he can't do it, they're both dead so it's too far fetched...

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Dahlings dahlings dahlings!

Great acting is about the suspension of disbelief - thus Phil Mitchell and Max Branning are total fanny magnets in 'Eastenders' despite both having the physiognomy of a Maris Piper spud.

Anyway I reckon Kenneth Williams is nailed on for the role of Kunta Kinte in 'Roots', what with him being white, wimpy, homosexual and dead.

No, he can't do it, they're both dead so it's too far fetched...

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18 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

I hope he blacked up for it, don't want any cultural appropriation at the RSC now do we?

Yes he did black up for it and got fucking panned...

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On 09/03/2017 at 7:41 AM, Witheredscrote said:

The colour of a mans skin should not matter you racist cunt. Fuck off

Ok...so if the colour doesn't matter...in this factually correct programme....then why are we waisting licence fee on period costumes, locations and sets.....all to give the reality view of the 1066 battle.    Why not film it in a tower block for the castle.... a group of hoodies for harolds lot and a group of bruvs for Williams gang....all meeting on the top deck of Sainsbury's car park to knife fight it out.....the killer blow being despatched by the normans Calvary...obviously depicted by several hundred wheel chair bound old ladies rampaging thru the broken ranks of the Saxon army..........utterly compelling factually accurate BBC Dan Snow viewing worthy of any GCSE course.......... cunt

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On 09/03/2017 at 7:41 AM, Witheredscrote said:

The colour of a mans skin should not matter you racist cunt. Fuck off

You are right, it shouldn't. MC's comment however brings no more discrimination than the utter plethora of prejudiced scat which you continually shit out regarding France and the French people's characteristics, which distinguishes them as superior to another race. There's an air of hypocrisy lurking about your comment, don't you agree?

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

You are right, it shouldn't. MC's comment however brings no more discrimination than the utter plethora of prejudiced scat which you continually shit out regarding France and the French people's characteristics, which distinguishes them as superior to another race. There's an air of hypocrisy lurking about your comment, don't you agree?

Yes, but then again I am French. A two faced cunt 'til my last breath.

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On 09/03/2017 at 7:41 AM, Witheredscrote said:

The colour of a mans skin should not matter you racist cunt. Fuck off

In fucking 1066 it would fucking matter you utter fucking cunt.  Fact

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On 10/03/2017 at 8:13 AM, Witheredscrote said:

No there wouldn't, the majority of people have got more important things to worry about. Why don't you go on Mastermind, your specialist subject could be ' Anger, and it's part in posting boring and repetitive noms'.  Bruce Forsyth indeed.

This IS cunts corner you faggot....not Mums Net.....so fuck off

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Guest DingTheRioja
11 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

In fucking 1066 it would fucking matter you utter fucking cunt.  Fact

Yes it probably would matter, since anyone who was "out of the ordinary" was suspect of witchcraft, consorting with the devil, or morris dancing, any of which could have you run through, hanged, drowned, or all of the above.

Fact? You fucking idiot.

50 minutes ago, ratcum said:

to be defeated is bad enough. Being defeated by some cove called 'Norman' is just embarrassing


Willy is even worse...

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On 12/03/2017 at 6:18 PM, Witheredscrote said:

How do you know it would have mattered, you weren't there.

What!!!.....a fucking black lord called Simon de montford  wouldn't have caused a stir in 1066.... you fucking idiot!    This programme is lavishly costumed and set in period at vast expense to us licence fee payers.   It matters now....and he would have been burnt at the fucking stake then.......you are obviously the product of a fucking limp wristed shite useless moronic education that sets facts aside in favour of questions like....show empathy for "Harold and his poorly eye".  Without any understanding of the facts of who what were when and why...... you are the typical cunt fuck idiot who lives there lives in a fucked up wank stain world ........you will get what you deserve in the end.    Brexit, muzzer terror bombs and mass starvation and death.    Your generation doesn't have any bollocks to hold your shit together because you are fuck wit simpletons who think everyone's nice and equal and fair and sympathetic...........no they are not.   They are out there to fuck with your white heads and make you think it's perfectly normal to show such shit on main stream tv to a fucked up generation of fucking morons !!!!     

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Guest Lady Penelope
On 12/03/2017 at 6:22 PM, Witheredscrote said:

I much prefer you as Frank, much funnier and erudite. Better than when you are wearing this  ' Lorry driver's head '.

Lorry or Lurry?

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29 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

What!!!.....a fucking black lord called Simon de montford  wouldn't have caused a stir in 1066.... you fucking idiot!    This programme is lavishly costumed and set in period at vast expense to us licence fee payers.   It matters now....and he would have been burnt at the fucking stake then.......you are obviously the product of a fucking limp wristed shite useless moronic education that sets facts aside in favour of questions like....show empathy for "Harold and his poorly eye".  Without any understanding of the facts of who what were when and why...... you are the typical cunt fuck idiot who lives there lives in a fucked up wank stain world ........you will get what you deserve in the end.    Brexit, muzzer terror bombs and mass starvation and death.    Your generation doesn't have any bollocks to hold your shit together because you are fuck wit simpletons who think everyone's nice and equal and fair and sympathetic...........no they are not.   They are out there to fuck with your white heads and make you think it's perfectly normal to show such shit on main stream tv to a fucked up generation of fucking morons !!!!     

Calm down Mon,  you have got too much time on your hands. To gain this response I typed 11 words, costing  me  30 seconds of my life.   Your response is 175+ words and took your stubby finger 2 hours to type. Work it out. Love Withers.

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1 hour ago, Monumental cunt said:

What!!!.....a fucking black lord called Simon de montford  wouldn't have caused a stir in 1066.... you fucking idiot!    This programme is lavishly costumed and set in period at vast expense to us licence fee payers.   It matters now....and he would have been burnt at the fucking stake then.......you are obviously the product of a fucking limp wristed shite useless moronic education that sets facts aside in favour of questions like....show empathy for "Harold and his poorly eye".  Without any understanding of the facts of who what were when and why...... you are the typical cunt fuck idiot who lives there lives in a fucked up wank stain world ........you will get what you deserve in the end.    Brexit, muzzer terror bombs and mass starvation and death.    Your generation doesn't have any bollocks to hold your shit together because you are fuck wit simpletons who think everyone's nice and equal and fair and sympathetic...........no they are not.   They are out there to fuck with your white heads and make you think it's perfectly normal to show such shit on main stream tv to a fucked up generation of fucking morons !!!!     

I (mostly) concur with your sentiments. What a shame, therefore, you articulate them much in the same way as an angry teenager.

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5 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I (mostly) concur with your sentiments. What a shame, therefore, you articulate them much in the same way as an angry teenager.

Monumental was obviously educated in a unit that was affiliated with the chimps at Billy Smart's  hit-the monkeys-on-the-head retard troupe. He was wet nursed  by ding's matriarch . Long live the queen

fuck off

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8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I (mostly) concur with your sentiments. What a shame, therefore, you articulate them much in the same way as an angry teenager.

I also feel that he has a point, and his style of expression could be interpreted as an out of control rant, but in his defence, the wall of PC history blurring bullshit is becoming higher and thicker by the day. Sometimes a gentle word will not carry over to the other side and a sledgehammer and foghorn are needed to breach it.

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8 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Calm down Mon,  you have got too much time on your hands. To gain this response I typed 11 words, costing  me  30 seconds of my life.   Your response is 175+ words and took your stubby finger 2 hours to type. Work it out. Love Withers.

No... I'm actually educated and skilled.  So my rage can be expressed in text with minutes not hours"..........you fucking cunt !   See

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7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I (mostly) concur with your sentiments. What a shame, therefore, you articulate them much in the same way as an angry teenager.

Angry old man.     If I was a teenager, I would think a black man, gay, lezzer, crip, cast of actors would be perfectly normal in a period drama set a thousand years ago in Norman France.     All such fucking nonsense has been allowed into the youths heads these days.   Fucking nonsense.  

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Guest DingTheRioja
15 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Angry old man.     If I was a teenager, I would think a black man, gay, lezzer, crip, cast of actors would be perfectly normal in a period drama set a thousand years ago in Norman France.     All such fucking nonsense has been allowed into the youths heads these days.   Fucking nonsense.  

If you were a teenager, you'd only be interested in how many fit birds you can get on your facefuck friends list, even though you'll never meet even one of them.... but you can knock one out over their holiday photos...

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26 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

If you were a teenager, you'd only be interested in how many fit birds you can get on your facefuck friends list, even though you'll never meet even one of them.... but you can knock one out over their holiday photos...

Interesting ...... back in the day as a youth we ACTUALY met people and TALKED to them instead of all this inter web shite.  We just fucked them and cummed on their tits rather than wank off over their face book account.   Do all the youth just live in a virtual day dream world of a thousand face stalker friends who are not real?  Nob head cunts 

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Guest DingTheRioja
16 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Interesting ...... back in the day as a youth we ACTUALY met people and TALKED to them instead of all this inter web shite.  We just fucked them and cummed on their tits rather than wank off over their face book account.   Do all the youth just live in a virtual day dream world of a thousand face stalker friends who are not real?  Nob head cunts 

Fuck knows, not on the shit.

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