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Not Having A Shit Before Going For A Run


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On 01/03/2017 at 9:46 PM, Ape said:

So, off out for a mid week run I go, and after a good start, the feeling begins. A tightness in the stomach and a pressure in the arse, pulsing on every foot fall. The continual pounding action gradually pile driving a large quantity of turd towards the exit, compacting it to almost black hole density. 4 miles from home now and this turd wants out. I stop running, hoping that walking will reduce the back pressure, but no, it's reached critical mass and must come out. I'm in a residential area and there is no place to find cover, and now the turtles head is peeking out, and I'm really getting close to shitting myself. It's dark thankfully, so when a large fir tree appears in view, albeit in some poor cunts front garden, I dart in behind it and release about 4 pounds of steaming turd in literally seconds. I have to use grass to wipe my arse, which was far from ideal. I felt bad for the poor cunt whose garden I shat in, but I had no choice. I walked home.


I reckon the Bottom Inspectors will be round your gaff quite soon.

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On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 10:46 PM, Iam Ape said:

So, off out for a mid week run I go, and after a good start, the feeling begins. A tightness in the stomach and a pressure in the arse, pulsing on every foot fall. The continual pounding action gradually pile driving a large quantity of turd towards the exit, compacting it to almost black hole density. 4 miles from home now and this turd wants out. I stop running, hoping that walking will reduce the back pressure, but no, it's reached critical mass and must come out. I'm in a residential area and there is no place to find cover, and now the turtles head is peeking out, and I'm really getting close to shitting myself. It's dark thankfully, so when a large fir tree appears in view, albeit in some poor cunts front garden, I dart in behind it and release about 4 pounds of steaming turd in literally seconds. I have to use grass to wipe my arse, which was far from ideal. I felt bad for the poor cunt whose garden I shat in, but I had no choice. I walked home.

It has taken me some time to get to the real reason why I fucking hate you.  This is it, you filthy ignorant cunt.

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On 3/1/2017 at 9:46 PM, Iam Ape said:

So, off out for a mid week run I go, and after a good start, the feeling begins. A tightness in the stomach and a pressure in the arse, pulsing on every foot fall. The continual pounding action gradually pile driving a large quantity of turd towards the exit, compacting it to almost black hole density. 4 miles from home now and this turd wants out. I stop running, hoping that walking will reduce the back pressure, but no, it's reached critical mass and must come out. I'm in a residential area and there is no place to find cover, and now the turtles head is peeking out, and I'm really getting close to shitting myself. It's dark thankfully, so when a large fir tree appears in view, albeit in some poor cunts front garden, I dart in behind it and release about 4 pounds of steaming turd in literally seconds. I have to use grass to wipe my arse, which was far from ideal. I felt bad for the poor cunt whose garden I shat in, but I had no choice. I walked home.

Have you considered moving closer to a more familiar environment where some fucking animals roam and shit freely, like for example Croydon or Rhyl? After doing the business you  could wipe your piles’ hole with some second-hand crack foil or a discarded condom.

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39 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Have you considered moving closer to a more familiar environment where some fucking animals roam and shit freely, like for example Croydon or Rhyl? After doing the business you  could wipe your piles’ hole with some second-hand crack foil or a discarded condom.

Wow - you’re spectacularly shite aren’t you? Absolutely dreadful.

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  • 1 year later...
10 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I"ve never read or heard such a complete load of utter shite, as i heard on good authority that you cant even lever your fat self out of a chair without soiling your strides. The truth more like is that you simply shat yourself again, the result of having no control whatsoever over your tattered and aids infested ring piece.

You filthy ring piece ferreting low life. Your kidding no one, cunt.

I can just imagine you as you wrote this - giggling uncontrollably as you typed each (in your opinion) hilarious word, desperately fighting the urge to laugh out loud and risk waking mummy and daddy in the bedroom next door. 

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21 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I"ve never read or heard such a complete load of utter shite, as i heard on good authority that you cant even lever your fat self out of a chair without soiling your strides. The truth more like is that you simply shat yourself again, the result of having no control whatsoever over your tattered and aids infested ring piece.

You filthy ring piece ferreting low life. Your kidding no one, cunt.

You're a bit of a grammatically inept little fartface who appears to have problems distinguishing between a possession and contraction, rules of English that are generally sussed by age 12-13. Your parents really are in the room next door, aren't they?

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