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Right wing cunts endlessly spewing the same shite.

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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Guest 'eavensabove


Most cunts on here (including myself) are as guilty as fuck for 'twisting' a thread into an attack upon racism, homosexuality, noncing, disabilities and etc. etc. etc. Nominating cunts will always attract speculation about the poster and their true values, but if any line is to be drawn then draw it through the fucking lot, for every last person on here is a guilty as the next for speaking their mind. Save for Frank.

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Guest DingTheRioja
4 hours ago, Decimus said:

Put on your big boy undies and stop pissing yourself with excitement every time the racism debate appears, you ridiculous little cunt.

Nevermind Decs, maybe next year someone will send you a rose... hopefully with a poisoned thorn.


4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You have a point about selective hypocrisy. The site's owners want as much latitude as possible with "free speech". However, without labouring the point, there are some issues that have proven to be more problematic than others in the past. That might not seem fair, but it is what it is as the owners have no control on outside influences. I take the point that some things are said in jest (which is easy to say after the event) which, when viewed in isolation, may be the case, but when viewed within the context of the whole thread or with a poster's previous history on a subject then its prudent for admins/mods to intervene.

The owners may or may not have any control over outside influences, but as much as they current;y get shit for any perceived racist issues, if they are, as common knowledge shows, giving massive latitude to anti-gay/catholic/fuck knows what, then at some point they will get their arses fucked over by some whiney out of the closet priest.* 

Having "given latitude" they could justifiably be had for being complicit, since the standards applied are not evenly applied despite this issue being repeatedly discussed.

You can also give the same about the drink bleach or I want him dead being taken as incitement.


The majority of the "racist attitude" on here is not true racism, it is used as a scapegoat and/or pisstake depending on who you look at.  I am not racist, but my attitude/politics can be taken as racist by some dozy cunt with an axe to grind, which is kind of funny since they are the ones who usually bleat on about "their is no such thing as race anyway..."

Most of my recent posts are about other Northern European Whites, (yeah fucking racist that...) or economic migrants who are on the beg and come with inherent issues that put extra strain on our already beleaguered services, but apparently thats racist as well, nothing to do with this last year the NHS doing 4m more operations than 5 years ago...


* I mean legally not literally. Fuck off Punkers.


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Guest DingTheRioja
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I did get this in the post this morning actually. Please stop sending me racist, gay propositions, you big, bent bigot.


Not me... I think you need to speak to the poster before me, he seems to like it a lot...

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes it does, but for some reason you omitted to finish the rest of the sentence, "The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races: 'theories of racism' " :rolleyes:

You can polish my sentence any day of the week. 

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22 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:


Most cunts on here (including myself) are as guilty as fuck for 'twisting' a thread into an attack upon racism, homosexuality, noncing, disabilities and etc. etc. etc. Nominating cunts will always attract speculation about the poster and their true values, but if any line is to be drawn then draw it through the fucking lot, for every last person on here is a guilty as the next for speaking their mind. Save for Frank.

The best thing here is the cunting of each other during the course of some, at times, intelligent debate. We all have our own opinions about a variety of subjects and when a punter expresses an opposing view it's our right to disagree whether that be a reasoned debate like the grown ups here (roops, rick) or a childish, piss taking way with plenty of death threats (everyone else). When knuckle dragging fuckwits start banging on about racist crap they needs to be argued against and asked to fuck off and die (I assume that the vile "slap that jiggaboo" character was fucked off for good by the mods along the lines of blatant and provocative racism?). In the real world you can't get away with either, that's why this place is liberating and refreshing. Insinuating gayness, inbreeding, sheep shagging etc on each other is what we all did at school and the first thing I do to most of my male friends (steady on) when I see them, gay bashing, however is not really on, save for punkape as he's bought it on himself. 

Fuck off 'eavens you massive cunt, I hope your ring piece collapses after the self inflicted uppercunting you carry out and bleed to death screaming. Put it on YouTube.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 14/02/2017 at 4:01 PM, Decimus said:

I did get this in the post this morning actually. Please stop sending me racist, gay propositions, you big, bent bigot.


The 3 B's. Nice.

Schlong slurping slag.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 14/02/2017 at 1:30 PM, 'eavensabove said:


Most cunts on here (including myself) are as guilty as fuck for 'twisting' a thread into an attack upon racism, homosexuality, noncing, disabilities and etc. etc. etc. Nominating cunts will always attract speculation about the poster and their true values, but if any line is to be drawn then draw it through the fucking lot, for every last person on here is a guilty as the next for speaking their mind. Save for Frank.

You must feel exposed, being as you are a retarded, fat, black, lesbian cripple. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
6 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The best thing here is the cunting of each other during the course of some, at times, intelligent debate. We all have our own opinions about a variety of subjects and when a punter expresses an opposing view it's our right to disagree whether that be a reasoned debate like the grown ups here (roops, rick) or a childish, piss taking way with plenty of death threats (everyone else). When knuckle dragging fuckwits start banging on about racist crap they needs to be argued against and asked to fuck off and die (I assume that the vile "slap that jiggaboo" character was fucked off for good by the mods along the lines of blatant and provocative racism?). In the real world you can't get away with either, that's why this place is liberating and refreshing. Insinuating gayness, inbreeding, sheep shagging etc on each other is what we all did at school and the first thing I do to most of my male friends (steady on) when I see them, gay bashing, however is not really on, save for punkape as he's bought it on himself. 

Fuck off 'eavens you massive cunt, I hope your ring piece collapses after the self inflicted uppercunting you carry out and bleed to death screaming. Put it on YouTube.

Don't pin that on me, fuck off and jump in a barkstripper, you backwards-arse, shirtlifting, fucktard. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
12 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You must feel exposed, being as you are a retarded, fat, black, lesbian cripple. 

Run out of likes. You've upped your game somewhat! But hey, less of the exposed if you don't mind.

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