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Right wing cunts endlessly spewing the same shite.

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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2 hours ago, Manky said:

OK. Enough of the shit. How come the mega-rich countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuwait don't take in all these highly educated and skilled doctors and engineers who also share a set of values with them?

Because they know what they really are and don't fucking want them.

As long as the Western people will carry on giving, the cunts will keep on taking. On a small island that could sustain maybe 50 million people, it is virtual suicide to allow economic liabilities to wander in at will.

I expect the majority of people in this country feel this way but are scared of saying so because of the vitriol and hate poured upon them by some of our enlightened fellow countrymen.

This is not rabid right wing ideology, it is simple practically

With the obvious exception of welsh_cunt, you are without doubt the thickest gobshite here.

Why would Syrians trying to escape a despotic leader with a brutal secret police which tortures children as young as 4 want to flee to Saudi? Why when fleeing ISIS would they not go south to their arab brothers? Because it's one of the most repressive nations on earth. They want freedom not more of the same. The Wahhabism that is used by ISIS as their guiding principles originated there so, again they might be a little fearful of being whipped by the religion police for having the wrong hair cut. Plus the Saudis don't want them. We unfortunately expect other countries to have similar morals as ourselves but the value for freedom and even human life is an alien concept to those in power. The Saudis could afford to solve this crisis 10 times over as it's one of the richest nations on earth. They've just spent $23 BILLION dollars on an under ground train network in the capital for fucks sake.

Contrary to your moronic opinion formed from reading The Sun whilst scoffing your 3rd Greggs of the morning, the vast majority of folks in the UK, me included, don't want to accept 1000s of refugees or economic migrants, that's one of the lies that won Brexit. I agree, the country is vastly over populated and a long term strategy to address this should be put in place, but the burden of accepting orphaned children pails into insignificance to the billions of pounds payed out to our own proud British patriots who think it's their right to take handouts from the government and contribute nothing to society like, say working or not spawning more of their cunt kids. These are the same scum that proudly fly their St. George's flag whenever our cunt football team (half of whom are 3rd generation migrants or mixed race) is being beaten by Iceland. 

The chickens will come home to roost in Germany through taking so many Syrians to alleviate their deep guilt over the holocaust. I'd be amazed if they can integrate them into society before ghettoisation and mistrust develop. The human wave from Syria should be settled in neighbouring areas with similar cultures and morals agreed, and most have in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. They certainly don't 'wonder into the U.K. at will' not unless they can walk on water. They either enter legally or illegally. 

So carry on standing up for your nationalistic beliefs on a forum called cunts corner which exists as at least 50% of it's content telling anonymous cunts to drink bleach, feed yourself through a wood chipper, claw hammer yourself to death and fuck off.

Now fuck off you toadie little cunt and read some books about how the world works. Whilst you're at have a pint of bleach, fire up the wood chipper etc etc 

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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

'...I have no direct experience of mass immigration. I don't live in a densely populated part of the country and it's not particularly diverse.'

Why, therefore, are you so critical of others whose lives are very much affected by immigration, and wish to argue against it, especially as you have little experience of such matters? Do you think your political bias might change if your life, like mine and millions of other native Britons, was influenced negatively as such? Your opinion is valid, of course. You're a UK national and you pay taxes.

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I can't comment on your two examples as they are based upon your own personal experiences. I do get the overall point of your argument though, that living in a rural predominantly white area, I have no direct experience of mass immigration. You're right of course, I don't live in a densely populated part of the country and it's not particularly diverse. 

Saying that, I have opinions on lots of things that I haven't had direct experience of, as I'm sure you do, and it doesn't mean that they are not valid.

I think that there is an issue with overpopulation in this country, and it obviously has an impact on our infrastructure. But I don't believe that the immigration figures are such that it could explain the problems we are facing. There is a large section of native Britons who are not contributing enough through taxation and we have a government that does not invest enough money into public services. That is the main reason why we are suffering. Obviously an influx of migrants does not help the situation, but their percentage of the overall population is not high enough to warrant assigning the disproportionate amount of blame that is attached to them.

Having an opinion is of course very valid. It is however, more than an opinion for those who actually suffer from the impact of having so many immigrants within their immediate area. Job vacancies filled, homes provided, free this and that and at our expense. The folks who are in direct contact with these immigrants  on a day to day basis, are very right to be completely fucked-off about it. These issues will not go away if they are not addressed. It will escalate even more, and today's empty towns will become densely populated in terms of their size, and densely populated by foreigners.  Your local school or college perhaps will already show you just how many there are, living in your area. And I'd bet that there are more today than there was say a decade ago.    

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42 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

What you said there reminded of a book that I read last year and that I'm due to be read again before I pass it on. The premise focuses on the paradox of 'why Liberals are more intelligent than Conservatives'. The author explains in depth and in detail the intelligence needed to be able to do the mind gymnastics and mental contortions to be able to understand the illogical Liberal ideology. 

I thought to book might be up your street and maybe even validate what you said there.


I tend to let my heart rule my head which immediately negates any intellectual superiority of my adversaries. Good to know my strengths.

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Guest 'eavensabove
15 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Given your general buffoonery, and obvious idiocy, you can hardly blame me for drawing such conclusions.

There wasn't away for me to mention hospital experience without me having had some. It was obvious that some idiot would pick up on it and the word 'treatment' and so I guess that you are that idiot to whom I do extend the blame. :) . 

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Guest Gong Farmer
2 minutes ago, Manky said:

I tend to let my heart rule my head which immediately negates any intellectual superiority of my adversaries. Good to know my strengths.

All you had to say was that you don't read books you nasty little cunt.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Manky said:

I tend to let my heart rule my head which immediately negates any intellectual superiority of my adversaries. Good to know my strengths.

Care to mention your weaknesses?

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There is no chin underneath Wolfies beard, only another fist 

I knew that, but I was also led to believe he has a pair of bollocks under his beard and upon his chin. Well, most nights anyway.

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4 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Care to mention your weaknesses?

Actually reading a full post of that Stubbly Fucker. Treating Decs with the respect he doesn't deserve and having to dumb down my posts so the pinkies can keep up.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

Reading books beyond his intellectual ability springs to mind. 

Great, I'll send him some pages of sandpaper.  Its a picture book about the desert.

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6 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Why, therefore, are you so critical of others whose lives are very much affected by immigration, and wish to argue against it, especially as you have little experience of such matters? Do you think your political bias might change if your life, like mine and millions of other native Britons, was influenced negatively as such? Your opinion is valid, of course. You're a UK national and you pay taxes.

I'm not critical of opinions from people like you, who qualify their arguments based upon personal experience and economic arguments.

What I do take exception to, are the uninformed ramblings of racists such as Manky and IKTC, who take any and every opportunity to spill their disgusting bile on issues about immigration. And yes, they are racist, and I'm not saying that because I'm a "snowflake" who labels anything to do with the subject of immigration as racist because I do not like my opinion being challenged. They are racist in the literal sense, peruse their combined posts if you think I am exaggerating.

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Just now, ratcum said:

I loved them. Did you ever read any Leo Kessler?

Yes. And H. H. Kirst. Used to read them for relaxation whilst sat in holes in the ground waiting to kick fuck out of 3rd Shock Army in the 70's and 80's. Half of the cunts on here were probably reading 'Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance' and preparing to change the world with their intellectual prowess.

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Guest Gong Farmer
12 minutes ago, Manky said:

I have read all of Sven Hassel's classics. 100 times at least.

I noticed that some of his books are back in print. Nearly bought the one that was advertised on the bag I was given to put the books in that I did buy. 'Vuur en Staal' (Fire and Steel) I think it was without checking. Probably a good holiday read as pulp fiction goes so might risk picking a copy up the next time I see it.

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6 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

I noticed that some of his books are back in print. Nearly bought the one that was advertised on the bag I was given to put the books in that I did buy. 'Vuur en Staal' (Fire and Steel) I think it was without checking. Probably a good holiday read as pulp fiction goes so might risk picking a copy up the next time I see it.

Treat with caution. Sven, who was a Danish volunteer, took part in major operations in 3 places simultaneously. You will also be branded as a Nazi apologist. 'Legion of the damned' is the best starter for the character backgrounds.

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 minute ago, Manky said:

Treat with caution. Sven, who was a Danish volunteer, took part in major operations in 3 places simultaneously. You have will also be branded as a Nazi apologist. 'Legion of the damned' is the best starter for the character backgrounds.

Just ordered it on Bol,com, in Dutch, Bataleon Der Verdoemdem. I'm already a racist it seems on here to some despite buying my Sudanese Muslim colleague lunch last week after he'd left his wallet in his desk. 

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I don't really have a problem with immigration, it's always happened and we're none the worse for it really. And I do live in a densely populated area full of the cunts.

What I do have a problem with, is immigrants receiving benefits, social housing and other 'perks' of living in a country such as ours, over people born here.

It's wrong that an ordinary single British person, with a run of the mill job will have to wait 15/20 years before a local authority will house them. They're not entitled to any help with rent, mortgage, tax relief, tax credits whatever, and a whole host of other things.

Whereas someone can come here from wherever, with a load of kids and get priority housing, just because they've got kids. They get all the benefits due to low paid employment, or simply being unemployed.

I'm rambling, but you get my point. I understand why the system is the way it is, but it's being taken advantage of, it needs changing so it can help people who don't have the shittiest jobs, but can still barely afford to live.

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Guest DingTheRioja
On ‎16‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 9:47 PM, deebom said:

I don't really have a problem with immigration, it's always happened and we're none the worse for it really. And I do live in a densely populated area full of the cunts.

What I do have a problem with, is immigrants receiving benefits, social housing and other 'perks' of living in a country such as ours, over people born here.

It's wrong that an ordinary single British person, with a run of the mill job will have to wait 15/20 years before a local authority will house them. They're not entitled to any help with rent, mortgage, tax relief, tax credits whatever, and a whole host of other things.

Whereas someone can come here from wherever, with a load of kids and get priority housing, just because they've got kids. They get all the benefits due to low paid employment, or simply being unemployed.

I'm rambling, but you get my point. I understand why the system is the way it is, but it's being taken advantage of, it needs changing so it can help people who don't have the shittiest jobs, but can still barely afford to live.

There's a girl on the local news whose got some wierd illness where she can have 10 fits an hour and is constantly dislocating joints, her parents are expected to care for her full time without additional help, they often sleep on chairs by her bed taking turns to re-locate her joints.

The dad has cancer.

Social services supposedly can't afford anything else, yet they've spent shit loads on illegal immigrants housing whilst they wait processing.

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On Thu Feb 16 2017 at 9:47 PM, deebom said:

I don't really have a problem with immigration, it's always happened and we're none the worse for it really. And I do live in a densely populated area full of the cunts.

What I do have a problem with, is immigrants receiving benefits, social housing and other 'perks' of living in a country such as ours, over people born here.

It's wrong that an ordinary single British person, with a run of the mill job will have to wait 15/20 years before a local authority will house them. They're not entitled to any help with rent, mortgage, tax relief, tax credits whatever, and a whole host of other things.

Whereas someone can come here from wherever, with a load of kids and get priority housing, just because they've got kids. They get all the benefits due to low paid employment, or simply being unemployed.

I'm rambling, but you get my point. I understand why the system is the way it is, but it's being taken advantage of, it needs changing so it can help people who don't have the shittiest jobs, but can still barely afford to live.

Careful,you'll have the leftie yoghurt knitters on here choking on their muesli,Poncing immigrants can fuck right off and take their British sympathisers with them.

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