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Stubby Pecker

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Former head of a Christian charity, John Smyth QC has been outed as an evil cunt who sickeningly beat young boys in his care. One of his alleged victims is the current Bishop of Guilford.

He allegedly groomed boys at summer camps where the current AB of C also worked. I might add that it's not been suggested that anything went on at these camps.

Apparently he took them to his house, made them strip then beat the shit out of them with a cane whilst reciting the bible. No bumming took place apparently which is a shocking revelation in itself when god botherers are involved. 

The cunt now lives in South Africa and I truly hope they bang him up there and he's constantly bummed by AIDS riddled cell mates of the foot long Zulu black snake variety. The proper bad AIDS and all. 

Death is too good for this cunt. 

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32 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

See also former Somerset cricketer Peter Roebuck, who used to thrash naked young boys, 'cept without the God-bothering angle

Cunt topped himself eventually

Fuck, I'm a proper cricket anorak but didn't know that. I knew he topped himself so go riddance. Probably why Ian Botham, himself a total cunt, hated is guts. 

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53 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

In all fairness, this is much better than "Ellon cunting John". Oi, Welsh Cunt, are you watching?


47 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

By all accounts he also liked to shower with the boys. Blimey, you'd never think it to look at him!



Looks like Lahey, the fucking drunk. 

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

That's the last time I drink any of that cunts' beer.

Obvious shit, but this noncing stuff is like a broken record. Paedo cunt worms their way into either private education or religious institute. Paedo cunt becomes respected authority figure. Paedo cunt uses position to abuse young boys with impunity. Hunners of folk cover up for paedo cunt, or pretend they didn't know it was happening. Perhaps this sort of industrial scale noncery is endemic in certain institutions? I'm aware of how easy it is to still blag or fudge your way into a teaching post at private schools (public schools for you anglo cunts) as, ironically, state schools scrutinise potential teachers to a far higher degree. 

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26 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Don't tell anyone, but I think Stubby might be functionally illiterate.

How very dare you. It's a result of my comprehensive education. If I'd have been schooled privately or grammar I'd have been beaten and/or buggered till I could spell and punctuate proper, 

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12 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

That's the last time I drink any of that cunts' beer.

Obvious shit, but this noncing stuff is like a broken record. Paedo cunt worms their way into either private education or religious institute. Paedo cunt becomes respected authority figure. Paedo cunt uses position to abuse young boys with impunity. Hunners of folk cover up for paedo cunt, or pretend they didn't know it was happening. Perhaps this sort of industrial scale noncery is endemic in certain institutions? I'm aware of how easy it is to still blag or fudge your way into a teaching post at private schools (public schools for you anglo cunts) as, ironically, state schools scrutinise potential teachers to a far higher degree. 

Correct, you don't even need qualifications to teach at a private school. Maybe young, unqualified staff feel vulnerable and are more inclined to turn a blind eye to the buggering going on. It's deffinatly endemic, almost a right of passage even among pupils it was, and maybe still is. Most stuff I've read that featured bording schools involved some horrible forced bumming. But of course politicians, toffs and royals have been doing this and getting away with if forever.

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