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Stubby Pecker

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I'm sure this demented hag has a nom but she deserves another. Turned on the radio this morning and it was Tory this Tory that. Fuck me you've had your own cunting parliament for how long? Accept responsibility for your own misguided policies. What next, have a go at Edward the 1st for the battle of Falkirk? Try kicking out all the Russian, Arab and English absentee landowners that own half of Scotland so they can shoot grouse, deer and catch salmon, pardon the pun. If they did that, I'd back independence and they could become a third word country north of Yorkshire. Come to think of it lets get rid of them too.

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1 hour ago, Noakes said:

Stubby there are a few. You cannot have enough nominations when it comes to her.

I've got no problems with the pasty ginger fuckers north of the Antonine but in their fancy parliament that looks like it was designed by a blind chimp, all they do is blame Westminster. The SNP are back stabbing cunts who'd stoop to the lowest levels to get their own way-another independence vote and total power but with plan full of holes. Formerly referred to as the tartan Tories 

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Guest 'eavensabove
19 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

I watched a bit of The One Show tonight and the Sturgeon impression was uncanny. If I didn't know it wasn't her it would have probably fooled me.

she's close enough.

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On 03/02/2017 at 0:10 PM, Stubby Pecker said:

I'm sure this demented hag has a nom but she deserves another. Turned on the radio this morning and it was Tory this Tory that. Fuck me you've had your own cunting parliament for how long? Accept responsibility for your own misguided policies. What next, have a go at Edward the 1st for the battle of Falkirk? Try kicking out all the Russian, Arab and English absentee landowners that own half of Scotland so they can shoot grouse, deer and catch salmon, pardon the pun. If they did that, I'd back independence and they could become a third word country north of Yorkshire. Come to think of it lets get rid of them too.

She's just a cunt

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  • 2 years later...
56 minutes ago, The Bishop said:

I was talking to a wee scottish bus driver yesterday. When I asked why he moved to the West Country .. his answer was "That little poisoned dwarf called Nicola Sturgeon".

What’s left of Hadrian’s Wall is only about 3 ft high but I suppose the Romans weren’t stupid and why waste materials when the average height of the little angry sweaty socks is only around 2’ 6” Horrible little McCunties

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  • 1 year later...
Guest 'eavensabove

Sturgeon makes my fucking feet itch. She's been in her fucking element lately giving her speech to her nation which is more or less a tweak of yesterdays load of bollocks issued from No.10, but today she's upped her game as a wanna be Prime Cunster of Scotchland, by telling her troops when 'She' is gonna lift and ease the lockdown restrictions, as if she rules the fucking world and owns it. It's high-time that this arrogant & incoherent Salmon arse-felcher was brought down to the level of her true status as the closeted dyke that she is. 

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14 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Sturgeon makes my fucking feet itch. She's been in her fucking element lately giving her speech to her nation which is more or less a tweak of yesterdays load of bollocks issued from No.10, but today she's upped her game as a wanna be Prime Cunster of Scotchland, by telling her troops when 'She' is gonna lift and ease the lockdown restrictions, as if she rules the fucking world and owns it. It's high-time that this arrogant & incoherent Salmon arse-felcher was brought down to the level of her true status as the closeted dyke that she is. 

Strange as it may seem, its her call for Scotland, the same for the leader of the Welsh Government. Not sure about N. Ireland though.

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