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" It would be inappropriate to comment further until that investigation has taken place." and 
" Cannot be named for legal reasons "
These arse covering statements are a cunt and clearly originate from fuckwit lawyers and the like. 
We never fail to get get this guff in response to every type of fuck up from rat droppings in
takeaways to A308's nose diving into a mountain side. 
So what if it's "inappropriate"... it's hardly exciting is it ? What the fuck is wrong with some
gut wrenching coverage - in colour and where possible with full sound effects.
Also needed is much more naming the twats responsible , giving full addresses with postcodes
and any sordid family secrets.
Hopefully when this here Brexit from the eurovision song contest is complete we will at last
have us a government that can sweep away all this namby pamby nonsense.

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Guest Lady Penelope

The problem with showing the gut wrenchng photos is that some sad cunt might sue them for causing them to suffer PTSD. We really need to start at an early age and teach cunts not to be such fairies. Perhaps every school should have a rotting pig displayed by the entrance gates.

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Guest Lady Penelope

The other way to sold a lot of problems is to make sure that every pupil in school has a meal once a day that consists of pork or bacon. And there should be no hala or kosher meat allowed,It would cause mayhem for a while but after a while things would settle and the daft cunts would fuck off.


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Homosexual asylum seekers have risen 10 billion fold in the last year, (including a married man with 4 brats). We are not to be told their names and addresses so now we have loads of secret  rampant bumboys trying to get coaching jobs  at football clubs. If we don't know their ID, how can we hand them to the anti faggot patrol when we deport them. I suppose we can always say they are all bummers.

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Guest Lady Penelope
32 minutes ago, Manky said:

Homosexual asylum seekers have risen 10 billion fold in the last year, (including a married man with 4 brats). We are not to be told their names and addresses so now we have loads of secret  rampant bumboys trying to get coaching jobs  at football clubs. If we don't know their ID, how can we hand them to the anti faggot patrol when we deport them. I suppose we can always say they are all bummers.

Couldn't they be vetted by Punky first?

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10 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

Couldn't they be vetted by Punky first?

I have told the President of ISIS that Punkape wants to bum him. He has reserved Punkape his very own multi-storey car park for flying lessons.

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2 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

The problem with showing the gut wrenchng photos is that some sad cunt might sue them for causing them to suffer PTSD. We really need to start at an early age and teach cunts not to be such fairies. Perhaps every school should have a rotting pig displayed by the entrance gates.

I can tell you didn't go to a Scottish comprehensive.

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Guest I know that Cunt
4 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

" It would be inappropriate to comment further until that investigation has taken place." and 
" Cannot be named for legal reasons "
These arse covering statements are a cunt and clearly originate from fuckwit lawyers and the like. 
We never fail to get get this guff in response to every type of fuck up from rat droppings in
takeaways to A308's nose diving into a mountain side. 
So what if it's "inappropriate"... it's hardly exciting is it ? What the fuck is wrong with some
gut wrenching coverage - in colour and where possible with full sound effects.
Also needed is much more naming the twats responsible , giving full addresses with postcodes
and any sordid family secrets.
Hopefully when this here Brexit from the eurovision song contest is complete we will at last
have us a government that can sweep away all this namby pamby nonsense.

Well that's a typical Liberal bullshit attitude that makes me feel sick. Let's hope the backlash against the liberal bleeding heart mob brings and end to that shit.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

" It would be inappropriate to comment further until that investigation has taken place." and 
" Cannot be named for legal reasons "
These arse covering statements are a cunt and clearly originate from fuckwit lawyers and the like. 
We never fail to get get this guff in response to every type of fuck up from rat droppings in
takeaways to A308's nose diving into a mountain side. 
So what if it's "inappropriate"... it's hardly exciting is it ? What the fuck is wrong with some
gut wrenching coverage - in colour and where possible with full sound effects.
Also needed is much more naming the twats responsible , giving full addresses with postcodes
and any sordid family secrets.
Hopefully when this here Brexit from the eurovision song contest is complete we will at last
have us a government that can sweep away all this namby pamby nonsense.

You're not asking for the moon and stars with that, are you?  Perhaps if you ran for office on the platform of fucking off the soft cunts infesting the halls of power, a difference could be made, but I'm not going to hold my breath.  You have far too many skeletons, and the things you ask for would only be employed against you.  That would only be entertaining until you officially lost the election or were convicted and locked away. 

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1 hour ago, I know that Cunt said:

Well that's a typical Liberal bullshit attitude that makes me feel sick. Let's hope the backlash against the liberal bleeding heart mob brings and end to that shit.

Shut up, you fucking idiot. I doubt that you even know what the definition of liberal is. Just because you have seen the word mentioned in your daily edition of Breitbart, doesn't mean that you can commandeer it as your own special word. Expand your vocabulary, you stupid cunt.

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Guest I know that Cunt
Just now, Decimus said:

Shut up, you fucking idiot. I doubt that you even know what the definition of liberal is. Just because you have seen the word mentioned in your daily edition of Breitbart, doesn't mean that you can commandeer it as your own special word. Expand your vocabulary, you stupid cunt.

More bullshit from the liberal in chief. Fuck off you cretinous do gooder. 


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Guest Wizardsleeve
14 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

More bullshit from the liberal in chief. Fuck off you cretinous do gooder. 



You may be interested to know that more legitimate studies have been done examining the pathology of conservatism than equating liberalism as a mental illness.  The university of London is just one, a joint study conducted by the University of Manitoba and the University of California at Berkley also conducted in depth studies and concluded that conservative brains have two parts that contribute to flawed logic and thought only a spastic chimpanzee could normally produce.  

In summary, Fuck off.  

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18 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

More bullshit from the liberal in chief. Fuck off you cretinous do gooder. 


Again, from the above shit, you clearly do not understand the classical concept of liberalism. How can you rail against something that you are too fucking stupid to comprehend?

I don't mind anyone having an opinion on politics, as long as they at least have a basic idea about what they are discussing. All you understand in your dense fucking skull is:

White = Good 

Black = Bad

Fuck off and educate yourself, your brainless fucking retard.

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4 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

The problem with showing the gut wrenchng photos is that some sad cunt might sue them for causing them to suffer PTSD. We really need to start at an early age and teach cunts not to be such fairies. Perhaps every school should have a rotting pig displayed by the entrance gates.

That's the local beat bobbies well and truly fucked then?

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Guest I know that Cunt
Just now, Decimus said:

Again, from the above shit, you clearly do not understand the classical concept of liberalism. How can you rail against something that you are too fucking stupid to comprehend?

I don't mind anyone having an opinion on politics, as long as they at least have a basic idea about what they are discussing. All you understand in your dense fucking skull is

White = Good 

Black = Bad

Fuck off and educate yourself, your brainless fucking retard.

Don't preach to me you fucking arrogant prick. If you fucking liberals hadn't rammed your pathetic soft as shit tree hugging policies down the throats of ordinary people there wouldn't be the worldwide backlash against you're sort now. Think of that next time you're beating your meat over the latest immigration figures. Wanker.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
8 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Don't preach to me you fucking arrogant prick. If you fucking liberals hadn't rammed your pathetic soft as shit tree hugging policies down the throats of ordinary people there wouldn't be the worldwide backlash against you're sort now. Think of that next time you're beating your meat over the latest immigration figures. Wanker.

You are a broken record of a cunt that cannot argue any of their opinions with any conviction. Anybody educated beyond a secondary school level will have, hopefully, had to argue a point from two or more sides. You thick right whinger cunts are completely incapable of this... How often do you clean your white van, cunt?

What would the People's Princess Lady Di think of it? I would cut off their hands! 

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10 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Don't preach to me you fucking arrogant prick. If you fucking liberals hadn't rammed your pathetic soft as shit tree hugging policies down the throats of ordinary people there wouldn't be the worldwide backlash against you're sort now. Think of that next time you're beating your meat over the latest immigration figures. Wanker.

Shit, I'm watching my back, you're the bollocks.

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47 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Don't preach to me you fucking arrogant prick. If you fucking liberals hadn't rammed your pathetic soft as shit tree hugging policies down the throats of ordinary people there wouldn't be the worldwide backlash against you're sort now. Think of that next time you're beating your meat over the latest immigration figures. Wanker.

Again, you haven't got a clue about what you are frothing at the mouth about, like a rabid fucking dog. This "liberal" bogeyman you have been brainwashed to hate through watching endless Milo Yiannopolous YouTube videos whilst other folk are at work, has absolutely nothing to do with what actual liberals espouse.

Again, before you bash out another load of uninformed shit, I urge you to actually research the ideology behind different political persuasions. Now fuck off and beat your meat over archive footage of The Apprentice U.S.A.

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:


You may be interested to know that more legitimate studies have been done examining the pathology of conservatism than equating liberalism as a mental illness.  The university of London is just one, a joint study conducted by the University of Manitoba and the University of California at Berkley also conducted in depth studies and concluded that conservative brains have two parts that contribute to flawed logic and thought only a spastic chimpanzee could normally produce.  

In summary, Fuck off.  

Prove it.

And show just whereabouts the "spastic chimpanzee" is mentioned in the publications while you're at it.



56 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Actually there should be a part that makes them give their kids stupid names 

There is, it's that bit called The Victim Gland, giving their kids them names certainly makes them victims.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:

Prove it.

And show just whereabouts the "spastic chimpanzee" is mentioned in the publications while you're at it.




Stop being so defensive, Ding, you'll give yourself a heart attack.  To satisfy your rabid curiosity, look up Professor Robert Altmeyer at the University of Manitoba and his studies into authoritarianism.  The conclusions are striking.  Then I suggest you have a drink.  

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
1 hour ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Stop being so defensive, Ding, you'll give yourself a heart attack.  To satisfy your rabid curiosity, look up Professor Robert Altmeyer at the University of Manitoba and his studies into authoritarianism.  The conclusions are striking.  Then I suggest you have a drink.  

Of course. Who better to tell us things about real world issues then a bunch of university alumni separated from the real world by the university (formerly polytechnic) gates.

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