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Pubs which are shit.

Guest 'eavensabove

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Guest 'eavensabove


Mon:  Punkers Does Drag

Tues:  Visit Punkers in Casualty - by coach

Wed:  "The Franketts" - Live on stage playing the spoons

Thurs:  Thai Chi & Exfoliation

FRI:  Shellfish Night (for beginners)

Sat:  Closed for refurbishment

Sun: Open for refurbishment


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18 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:


Mon:  Punkers Does Drag

Tues:  Visit Punkers in Casualty - by coach

Wed:  "The Franketts" - Live on stage playing the spoons

Thurs:  Thai Chi & Exfoliation

FRI:  Shellfish Night (for beginners)

Sat:  Closed for refurbishment

Sun: Open for refurbishment


Jazz, old boy. Mental cunt though you undoubtedly are, I'm willing to set aside your constant threats to set me aflame and join you in your righteous cunting of Frank.

He's a fucking menace, and if you would have seen the disgusting shit he aimed at our Eric, you'd agree. He burnt his bridges (without borrowing your gear) and now needs to be hounded off of the site. 

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8 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

kinnell M ... that sounds like todays contribution to " Trumpisms R Us " 

If I recall correctly, on that day I had to throw my trollies at the wall 3 times before they stuck. Good enough for where I was going.

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Guest 'eavensabove
16 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Jazz, old boy. Mental cunt though you undoubtedly are, I'm willing to set aside your constant threats to set me aflame and join you in your righteous cunting of Frank.

He's a fucking menace, and if you would have seen the disgusting shit he aimed at our Eric, you'd agree. He burnt his bridges (without borrowing your gear) and now needs to be hounded off of the site. 

Aside from the fact that I am not who you think I may be, I tire of bickering whether it be with you or any other cunt. In truth, I have only cunted you off due to your own spitefulness towards me, which I may add, you began along with a few. However, let bygone's be bygones and lets all for fucksake have a fucking laugh... at Frank 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
10 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Aside from the fact that I am not who you think I may be, I tire of bickering whether it be with you or any other cunt. In truth, I have only cunted you off due to your own spitefulness towards me, which I may add, you began along with a few. However, let bygone's be bygones and lets all for fucksake have a fucking laugh... at Frank 

I agree, frankape needs to be ridiculed, the multi id, balding old twit that he is.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

Point of clarification. Is it The Ole Frank, or The Olé Frank?

This is an important distinction, as one implies a flamenco dancing poofter who sticks his tiny sword into animals, and the other is a Spaniard.

The first one.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
19 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Point of clarification. Is it The Ole Frank, or The Olé Frank?

This is an important distinction, as one implies a flamenco dancing poofter who sticks his tiny sword into animals, and the other is a Spaniard.

Sod, you just spilled my pint!

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3 hours ago, deebom said:

You mean flat roof pubs.


There was a pub very much like this one in camberwell, it may still be there but it's in the back streets where I don't go. If I remember, it was usually festooned with union jacks and had large shaven headed no necked blokes swigging outside in the summer. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
27 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

There was a pub very much like this one in camberwell, it may still be there but it's in the back streets where I don't go. If I remember, it was usually festooned with union jacks and had large shaven headed no necked blokes swigging outside in the summer. 

That will be The Bald Wankers Arms, on Denmark Hill.

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5 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

Almost everywhere has at least one of these eyesores. They are a blot on the landscape and should all be flattened.

No cunt drinks in them, they lack any amount of character save for their owners which in this case I assume to be a Landlord called Frank… ...An Ole Oddball of a cunt who can often be seen propped at the bar, WORDSEARCH in hand, swigging from a bottle of Old Nick and munching upon out of date Scratchlings.


Just looked up the entry for this pub on 'Pubutopia'. Person commented that the barstaff were rude when he rang up. In Lowestoft. Is that Suffolk?

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just looked up the entry for this pub on 'Pubutopia'. Person commented that the barstaff were rude when he rang up. In Lowestoft. Is that Suffolk?

It's Franks pub. What do you expect! A warm welcome...? An escort to your seat? Loo roll in the Bogs?


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Guest 'eavensabove
10 minutes ago, Ape said:

Frank will be delighted that, even when he's not active on CC, all people seem to do is talk about him. Change the fucking record.

He's always active on here, in one disguise or another.

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Guest DingTheRioja
On 26/01/2017 at 2:42 PM, 'eavensabove said:



Why 2 front doors?  A bit optimistic isn't it?


On 26/01/2017 at 8:28 PM, 'eavensabove said:

He's always active on here, in one disguise or another.

or three.

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, DingTheRioja said:


Why 2 front doors?  A bit optimistic isn't it?


or three.

even five perhaps. The Mods absolutely love the cunt.

As for his pub doors, they are both signed EXIT

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On 1/26/2017 at 2:06 PM, camberwell gypsy said:

There was a pub very much like this one in camberwell, it may still be there but it's in the back streets where I don't go. If I remember, it was usually festooned with union jacks and had large shaven headed no necked blokes swigging outside in the summer. 

In other words, they were stopping you from picking the place to its foundations?  

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Despite applying for a slot on Sky 1's 'Hardest Pubs in Britain', police were called to an altercation 26 years ago at The Greyhound in The Cotswolds, when Monumental Cunt's great grandfather, Sir Charles Lavington-Smith II, accidentally forgot to secure his flies after exiting the ladies' restroom.



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