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Torture makes an official return

Guest Manky

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7 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

You don't seem to have learned from history, if you talk to and deal with these morons within civilised rules, they keep coming back.  Delete them and it's no longer an issue.


I justified my postion, those who take up arms to purposefully slaughter innocents are fair game for any and all methods. 

Those donning a uniform and attacking the army/security services "up front" are a different subject.


Now fuck off you apologist cunt, and take that bit of paper you're waving with you and shove it up your arse.

As usual, you are talking absolute bollocks. Am I an apologist, or a liberal, because I am against the murder and torture of another human being? Or am I a well adjusted human being because I oppose maiming and slaughtering other people?

You're a fucking psycho, no better than a brain washed jihadist who believes the enemy must be maimed and killed. 

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Guest I know that Cunt

Torture never went away of course, even we Brits use torture but are run by liberals we sub contract it out to others. Donald is just being honest in saying it has its place and good on him. Of course the lilly-livered right-on liberal softy pinko cunts with be up in arms with their bullshit rhetoric pointing out that we must lead by example etc, but where has that got us to date? They still want to wipe the west out despite the liberalist's softy approach.

Go on Donald, go for it.

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1 minute ago, I know that Cunt said:

Torture never went away of course, even we Brits use torture but are run by liberals we sub contract it out to others. Donald is just being honest in saying it has its place and good on him. Of course the lilly-livered right-on liberal softy pinko cunts with be up in arms with their bullshit rhetoric pointing out that we must lead by example etc, but where has that got us to date? They still want to wipe the west out despite the liberalist's softy approach.

Go on Donald, go for it.

Yeah, we're all soft as fuck faggot cunts because we don't want to kill or torture another human being. Or is it that we are actually the only normal, adjusted people in this conflict?

You're a fucking nutter and as dangerous as a bearded jihadist with a hardon over the Koran. They'd happily kill and mutilate anyone different from them, as would you. You and your ilk are a fucking disgrace and just as dangerous as a raw ISIS recruit. The only difference being, is that you are all fucking cowards who can talk the talk but would shit yourself if ever forced to back up your racist philosophy.

Fuck off.

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Guest Gong Farmer

If I ever found myself in a torture predicament and really didn't have anything to tell them I'd tell anything they wanted to hear and anything I could make up and embellish.  Try lying, if that doesn't work you're fucked.

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Guest I know that Cunt
Just now, Decimus said:

Yeah, we're all soft as fuck faggot cunts because we don't want to kill or torture another human being. Or is it that we are actually the only normal, adjusted people in this conflict?

You're a fucking nutter and as dangerous as a bearded jihadist with a hardon over the Koran. They'd happily kill and mutilate anyone different from them, as would you. You and your ilk are a fucking disgrace and just as dangerous as a raw ISIS recruit. The only difference being, is that you are all fucking cowards who can talk the talk but would shit yourself if ever forced to back up your racist philosophy.

Fuck off.

Yes, you were right first time you soft fag


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A definition of security that I like is, to be in a position where your enemy can't do you harm even if he wants to. A dead man can't do you any harm ergo, if all your enemies are dead, you have security.

In an existential war, which is what this is, it is win or die. If cunts like Decs had his way, I don't think my grandchildren would get christened as C of E

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Just now, Manky said:

If cunts like Decs had his way, I don't think my grandchildren would get christened as C of E

No, they wouldn't. Because I would educate them that any worship of a sky fairy, be it an emaciated nutter from Nazareth, or a child abuser from Arabia, is fucking pathetic.

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3 minutes ago, Manky said:

A definition of security that I like is, to be in a position where your enemy can't do you harm even if he wants to. A dead man can't do you any harm ergo, if all your enemies are dead, you have security.


You must love Israel nearly as much as Donald.

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Just now, Decimus said:

No, they wouldn't. Because I would educate them that any worship of a sky fairy, be it an emaciated nutter from Nazareth, or a child abuser from Arabia, is fucking pathetic.

May God strike you down with a rusty lightning bolt.

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Guest I know that Cunt
7 minutes ago, Manky said:

A definition of security that I like is, to be in a position where your enemy can't do you harm even if he wants to. A dead man can't do you any harm ergo, if all your enemies are dead, you have security.

In an existential war, which is what this is, it is win or die. If cunts like Decs had his way, I don't think my grandchildren would get christened as C of E

Life means nothing to your local friendly neighbourhood jihadi so we don't want to kill the fuckers, just maim them badly.


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24 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Torture never went away of course, even we Brits use torture but are run by liberals we sub contract it out to others. Donald is just being honest in saying it has its place and good on him. Of course the lilly-livered right-on liberal softy pinko cunts with be up in arms with their bullshit rhetoric pointing out that we must lead by example etc, but where has that got us to date? They still want to wipe the west out despite the liberalist's softy approach.

Go on Donald, go for it.

Every fucking post you make is a form of torture. Fuck off.

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9 minutes ago, Eddie said:

You must love Israel nearly as much as Donald.

Israel is just another country but you must admit that they don't fuck about when it comes to smiting those that sin against them.

Imagine Jihadi John was a Palestinian from Jerusalem. Would he be welcomed home to a tax payer funded house and loads of benefits when his Jihad was over? Would he get tax payer funded legal aid to sue the government for trying to bomb him in Raqqa?

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9 minutes ago, Manky said:

Israel is just another country but you must admit that they don't fuck about when it comes to smiting those that sin against them.

Imagine Jihadi John was a Palestinian from Jerusalem. Would he be welcomed home to a tax payer funded house and loads of benefits when his Jihad was over? Would he get tax payer funded legal aid to sue the government for trying to bomb him in Raqqa?

Fuck me, I was hoping that your fanatical racism would also extend to a hatred of Jews. You're the worst bigot I've ever come across, at least Eddie is spot on about the Israelis.

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6 minutes ago, Manky said:

Israel is just another country but you must admit that they don't fuck about when it comes to smiting those that sin against them.

Imagine Jihadi John was a Palestinian from Jerusalem. Would he be welcomed home to a tax payer funded house and loads of benefits when his Jihad was over? Would he get tax payer funded legal aid to sue the government for trying to bomb him in Raqqa?

Israel sin against the Palestinian people daily. They are worse than Nazi Germany. Just look at the land grab since the 2nd world war, still very active today, another 3000 new homes given the go-ahead since Trump's victory. They are the biggest cunts committing crimes against humanity ignored by everyone. At least Obama attempted to keep the cunts in check, trump will ignore the atrocities.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fuck me, I was hoping that your fanatical racism would also extend to a hatred of Jews. You're the worst bigot I've ever come across, at least Eddie is spot on about the Israelis.

The Jews are the cause of the world's problems. They control the media and banking. This is evidently true as Manky sees the Israelis as the country under attack, rather than the oppressor. 

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

If someone commits an atrocity, they are caught, tried and imprisoned. That's how we work, and that's the civilised thing to do. If you start killing and torturing in retaliation then you are no better than what you are facing, and by acting like an animal, at least by your logic, should also lose all human rights.

How can you seriously justify using torture and murder, yet then condemn the other side for doing exactly the same? Or is it a case of "they started it"? Because if it is, no cunt knows who started it, this shit has been kicking off between the west and Islam right back to fucking Muhammad. The fundamentalists may not have moved on from the brutality of the Mamelukes, but I thought that most people in our society had progressed beyond that way of thinking.

Apparently not, judging from the comments on this thread. 

I have to agree with most of that. I'm quite sure that the atrocities of Guantánamo Bay have been a major driving force in the rise of the likes of ISIS. If you grab people off the street on a hunch that they might be involved in terrorism and subject them to torture and brutality you encourage and justify terrorism and retaliation.

Actually Trump is doing what he usually does, being a big fat bag of hot air. He announces that torture works, then says he's not inclined to authorise it. It's what he does, he grabs news headlines around the world and sadly we fall for it. I doubt his version of the Berlin wall will happen either, and there is not a cat in hell's chance that Mexico will pay for it.

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3 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The Jews are the cause of the world's problems. 

They are the biggest trouble makers of the past two thousand years. Bearing in mind what an insignificant minority they are, they have been at the centre of some of the biggest political scenes in recent memory. 

Is there a Jewish conspiracy at the highest levels of our society that has ensured their survival? I certainly think so, no other marginalised middle eastern group has thrived and murdered in quite the same way that they have, and they could never have achieved it without western support.

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1 minute ago, Rick_B said:

I have to agree with most of that. I'm quite sure that the atrocities of Guantánamo Bay have been a major driving force in the rise of the likes of ISIS. If you grab people off the street on a hunch that they might be involved in terrorism and subject them to torture and brutality you encourage and justify terrorism and retaliation.

Actually Trump is doing what he usually does, being a big fat bag of hot air. He announces that torture works, then says he's not inclined to authorise it. It's what he does, he grabs news headlines around the world and sadly we fall for it. I doubt his version of the Berlin wall will happen either, and there is not a cat in hell's chance that Mexico will pay for it.

Actually trump is cutting financial aid to Mexico to pay for the wall, indirectly They will be paying for it. His hot air has saved thousands of jobs for Americans already and upset big business trying to maximise profits with cheap labour oversees. He is doing exactly what he said he would do, a refreshing change.

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15 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fuck me, I was hoping that your fanatical racism would also extend to a hatred of Jews. You're the worst bigot I've ever come across, at least Eddie is spot on about the Israelis.

Israel is what you get when you let the "They did it to us, so it's OK if we do it to them" philosophy get out of hand.

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29 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Israel sin against the Palestinian people daily. They are worse than Nazi Germany. Just look at the land grab since the 2nd world war, still very active today, another 3000 new homes given the go-ahead since Trump's victory. They are the biggest cunts committing crimes against humanity ignored by everyone. At least Obama attempted to keep the cunts in check, trump will ignore the atrocities.

I don't think it's being ignored; there's simply not much anyone is prepared to do.

There's a difference between the continued onslaught at the hands of the Israeli military and Zionism per se, and what many Jewish people believe is right. I agree with most of what you say, but everyone shouldn't be tarred with the same brush.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

They are the biggest trouble makers of the past two thousand years. Bearing in mind what an insignificant minority they are, they have been at the centre of some of the biggest political scenes in recent memory. 

Is there a Jewish conspiracy at the highest levels of our society that has ensured their survival? I certainly think so, no other marginalised middle eastern group has thrived and murdered in quite the same way that they have, and they could never have achieved it without western support.

Was that a quote from "The protocols of the elders of Zion?"

If it wasn't for Israel, the ISIS Aircraft Carriers would be in the Med, besieging Cyprus.

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1 hour ago, I know that Cunt said:

...even we Brits use torture but are run by liberals we sub contract it out to others.

You euphemistically paint it as though the British proudly boast one of the best human rights records among any nation. The British Empire was not built using benevolence – far from it.

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13 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

I have to agree with most of that. I'm quite sure that the atrocities of Guantánamo Bay have been a major driving force in the rise of the likes of ISIS. If you grab people off the street on a hunch that they might be involved in terrorism and subject them to torture and brutality you encourage and justify terrorism and retaliation.


I don't advocate grabbing random people off the street for a lesson in pain.

If you are a plumber and unilaterally decide to retire your 16 mm Whitworth left hand thread screw hammer, you hand an advantage to your rival. If stressed interrogation techniques are the only way to get an answer, why not use them.

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3 hours ago, JackoTC said:

True , but naive of us to think that just because its "illegal" we haven't always been doing it. When it comes to war, terrorism or general world domination the rules don't matter - who gives a fuck ? Not the perpetrators.

I saw a man in Turkey in 2006 covered in the most hideous scars and holes in his torso. He was working in Iraq during the war for the U.N. The Americans lobbed in a load of white phosphorus shells into the town and burned loads of civilians alive, in the most hideous and painful way possible. The cunts later admitted using it.

Just like the Israelis are using it now - so really ? Who gives a fuck about torture - all the best countries already do it anyway.

'All the best countries already do it anyway' - and a few shit ones as well 

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