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Marc Gurney -vegan activist

camberwell gypsy

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This interfering twonk is a vegan. Nothing wrong in that says I, each to his own. But this shit stick decides to go around supermarkets slapping graphic stickers on meat shelves hoping that he can persuade normal, sorry dont want to offend veggies or vegans do I, meat eating people to stop buying meat or meat products. He wants supermarkets to install vegan only aisles. Fine by me. Now I eat meat because I love it. I've dabbled in vegetarianism but gave up because it was dull and boring. Therefore I am comfortable eating meat. I know how it reaches my plate and again, I'm fine with it. What I do fucking mind is cunts trying to persuade me to give up a lifestyle because it doesn't fit into their way of thinking. My advice to Marc (bet he changed the 'k' to a 'c' because he thought it makes him more avant garde) is to get on with your life choice and shut the fuck up trying to tell people how they should live their lives. Veganism is dull as fuck. Within 10 years of being a vegan your body starts to rebel and illness will set in. Now if you don't mind I have a Hedgehog to skin and roast. Bon appetite 

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

This interfering twonk is a vegan. Nothing wrong in that says I, each to his own. But this shit stick decides to go around supermarkets slapping graphic stickers on meat shelves hoping that he can persuade normal, sorry dont want to offend veggies or vegans do I, people to stop buying meat or meat products. He wants supermarkets to install vegan only aisles. Fine by me. Now I eat meat because I love it. I've dabbled in vegetarianism but gave up because it was dull and boring. Therefore I am comfortable eating meat. I know how it reaches my plate and again, I'm fine with it. What I do fucking mind is cunts trying to persuade me to give up a lifestyle because it doesn't fit into their way of thinking. My advice to Marc (bet he changed the 'k' to a 'c' because he thought it makes him more avant garde) is to get on with your life choice and shut the fuck up trying to tell people how they should live their lives. Veganism is dull as fuck. Within 10 years of being a vegan your body starts to rebel and illness will set in. Now if you don't mind I have a Hedgehog to skin and roast. Bon appetite 

Do you wear stockings and suspenders when you're skinning your hedgehogs ?

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51 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Do you wear stockings and suspenders when you're skinning your hedgehogs ?

She wears wellies cos she has to dig up clay to pack round the spines. Lob it on the fire until the clay hardens, then crack the clay and peel, the spines and skin come off, hey presto! Tiggywinkle roast.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

I knew a vegan guy. He was so pale you could see light through him, he seemed to be astonishingly feeble and he was always ill. Constantly fucking ill. Stupid twat looked like he was allergic to sunlight. 

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22 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

I knew a vegan guy. He was so pale you could see light through him, he seemed to be astonishingly feeble and he was always ill. Constantly fucking ill. Stupid twat looked like he was allergic to sunlight. 

Most of these vegans wear leather shoes, drive cars and use appliances made with plastic that utilises animal derivatives, not to mention fill their cars with fossil fuels. I used to work for a packaging manufacturer and 99% of cardboard boxes and food packaging are held together with animal glue, boiled down bones and connective tissue. Vegans are naive, fucking stupid, cunts.

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I have mixed feelings here. But the long and short of it is this: each to their own. If you wish to eat meat, that is your choice, and if you decide to not eat meat, that is also fine. Most people have enough intelligence to know exactly how the farm-plate process comes about.

The mixed bit is this. I do think it's OK to eat animals bred for the purpose of human consumption, however, isn't it best to ensure they've not suffered lives in concrete and slaughtered appropriately?

I used to know a chap called Marc Gurney, who was a right nasty little chavvy cunt, whom I recall fingering lots of girls at middle school. I suspect it's not the same person. As for vegan Marc, I can't comment because I've never seen him on TV, heard him on the radio, or read anything he's written. I have however just Googled him briefly. Do you have something you can upload, gypsy? 

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37 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I have mixed feelings here. But the long and short of it is this: each to their own. If you wish to eat meat, that is your choice, and if you decide to not eat meat, that is also fine. Most people have enough intelligence to know exactly how the farm-plate process comes about.

The mixed bit is this. I do think it's OK to eat animals bred for the purpose of human consumption, however, isn't it best to ensure they've not suffered lives in concrete and slaughtered inappropriately?

I used to know a chap called Marc Gurney, who was a right nasty little chavvy cunt, whom I recall fingering lots of girls at middle school. I suspect it's not the same person. As for vegan Marc, I can't comment because I've never seen him on TV, heard him on the radio, or read anything he's written. I have however just Googled him briefly. Do you have something you can upload, gypsy? 

No sorry. Just read it in a newspaper. Just made me so angry with that I had to cunt him. He's probably some skinny, weasel faced tit who wears a wooly hat. Bit like Micheal Naismith, the ropey guitarist and songwriter from the Monkees. 

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

No sorry. Just read it in a newspaper. Just made me so angry with that I had to cunt him. He's probably some skinny, weasel faced tit who wears a wooly hat. Bit like Micheal Naismith, the ropey guitarist and songwriter from the Monkees. 

I've played golf with Micky Dolenz the Monkey's drummer.Nice guy.

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1 hour ago, ratcum said:

I posted some info on the word Deleted but it got deleted. It was basically saying that original usage was more to do with people who came from elsewhere, rather than their actual colour.  Did you see it?

Yes but so did Rick.

Edited by Snatch
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