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camberwell gypsy

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There has been a an uproar over a photo of Hilary Duff going online, giving her child a peck on the lips with fucking idiots saying that it's, in no uncertain terms, Savilry. To add to this, on This Morning (it's my day off so bollocks ) this fucking do gooder decided to put her oar in and agree that parents shouldn't give their kids a peck on the lips because it can fuck them up psychologically. Hee reasoning is that when a peck is caught on camera, it looks like a romantic snog and sends out the wrong messages. So basically this is another fucking PC cretin who see's something  that is not there.  


Ps: sorry I'm unable to upload photo of said cretin.

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Guest nobgobbler

There's so much pervertery around that innocence is no longer recognised. You can't even comfort a crying child anymore for fear of being labelled a pervy cunt. I don't care, it won't stop me showing affection to children, they need it, and are more likely to grow up messed up without it. No tongues though, so Neil and Fatty, don't bother dressing up as a 3 year old. 

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People like her should be fucking shot. It's because of them the population see's stuff that isn't there. Of course you have to be careful where kids are involved. Said cunts no doubt see racism where it isn't as well. Like some idiots on here.


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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I have in the past playfully chased my 8 year old son around the playground to give him a kiss goodbye on the cheek (of the face) just to embarrass him in front of his mates. Fucking little shit deserves it sometimes for giving me back chat. No fucking fat ignorant fugly slut monster is going to stop me doing that so fuck off and die. Why are we even paying any attention to what this munter says? Oh yes, I forgot. Some fucking div nommed her.

Edited by Drew P Pissflaps
too many eeeeee's
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1 hour ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I have in the past playfully chased my 8 year old son around the playground to give him a kiss goodbye on the cheek (of the face) just to embarrass him in front of his mates. Fucking little shit deserves it sometimes for giving me back chat. No fucking fat ignorant fugly slut monster is going to stop me doing that so fuck off and die. Why are we even paying any attention to what this munter says? Oh yes, I forgot. Some fucking div nommed her.

Yeah what fucking div cunt did that??? What...wait. ....Oh. 

I'll get me trench gun 

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