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Children in need


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It's that time of year when cunts sit in a bath full of baked beans or cycle around England whilst inexperienced presenters stubble over links from outside broadcasts. At least that fat dead Mick wogan charged the cunts £1300 per hour to front the shit fest. Not many of the usual cast of celebs helping out this year as most of them are eating porridge for being over friendly with the little ones. Sod the kids, if we don't stop them now they will be the future.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

It's that time of year when cunts sit in a bath full of baked beans or cycle around England whilst inexperienced presenters stubble over links from outside broadcasts. At least that fat dead Mick wogan charged the cunts £1300 per hour to front the shit fest. Not many of the usual cast of celebs helping out this year as most of them are eating porridge. Sod the kids, if we don't stop them now they will be the future.

Fuck 'em. The beeb that is, not kids.

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Just now, Decimus said:

Fuck 'em. The beeb that is, not kids.

I don't trust that pudsey bear, I hope the cunt in that has been fully vetted. If you see the beast let him know to watch after 10.40 as his favourite show citizen Khan are doing a number, probably imitatating roachdale mini cab drivers helping children to drugs and underage sex.

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Whilst I've got you here, Edders, perhaps you could do me a favour. 

I've always considered you to be a classy racist. Clever enough to obfuscate and deceive to the point that I think of you as a loveable rogue of sorts. IKTC on the other hand, is as blunt as a sledgehammer. No double meaning in his posts, no humour, and absolutely no likeability.

Could you please tutor him in how to be a better racist. God knows I fucking love you, and I'm hoping that I can achieve some sort of cordial relationship with him as well. As it stands, he's too obviously Alf Garnett at the moment to fit in here.

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Whilst I've got you here, Edders, perhaps you can do me a favour. 

I've always considered you to be a classy racist. Clever enough to obfuscate and deceive to the point that I consider you to be a loveable rogue of sorts. IKTC on the other hand, is as blunt as a sledgehammer. No double meaning in his posts, no humour, and absolutely no likeability.

Could you please tutor him in how to be a better racist. God knows I fucking love you, and I'm hoping that I can achieve some sort of cordial relationship with him as well. As it stands, he's too obviously Alf Garnett at the moment to fit in here.

That Trump avatar is getting you all the action, Eddie. :)

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11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Whilst I've got you here, Edders, perhaps you could do me a favour. 

I've always considered you to be a classy racist. Clever enough to obfuscate and deceive to the point that I think of you as a loveable rogue of sorts. IKTC on the other hand, is as blunt as a sledgehammer. No double meaning in his posts, no humour, and absolutely no likeability.

Could you please tutor him in how to be a better racist. God knows I fucking love you, and I'm hoping that I can achieve some sort of cordial relationship with him as well. As it stands, he's too obviously Alf Garnett at the moment to fit in here.

I don't think IKTC will take kindly to being compared with a four by two. I do admire the lad, plenty of potential, a draco malfoy to my lord voldemort. Just a fine tune and he will be perfect.

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Guest Cuntsman

Pudsey needs a hot poker ramming into his good eye on live pay per view TV. It'd raise a shit load of cash for the cause and be mildly gratifying

Kids of course could watch it for free

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On Friday, November 18, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Cuntsman said:

Pudsey needs a hot poker ramming into his good eye on live pay per view TV. It'd raise a shit load of cash for the cause and be mildly gratifying

Kids of course could watch it for free

The pervert is naked and has some sort of blindfold, dirty cunt.


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18 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Whilst I've got you here, Edders, perhaps you could do me a favour. 

I've always considered you to be a classy racist. Clever enough to obfuscate and deceive to the point that I think of you as a loveable rogue of sorts. IKTC on the other hand, is as blunt as a sledgehammer. No double meaning in his posts, no humour, and absolutely no likeability.

Could you please tutor him in how to be a better racist. God knows I fucking love you, and I'm hoping that I can achieve some sort of cordial relationship with him as well. As it stands, he's too obviously Alf Garnett at the moment to fit in here.

I must admit to being hurt that you have omitted me whilst listing your most well respected racists. Please review my 2 longer posts in  the "selective prejudice" thread. After doing so I am sure you will conclude that I am almost certainly one of the more eloquent bigots on the corner.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I must admit to being hurt that you have omitted me whilst listing your most well respected racists. Please review my 2 longer posts in  the "selective prejudice" thread. After doing so I am sure you will conclude that I am almost certainly one of the more eloquent bigots on the corner.

He has a good case decs.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I must admit to being hurt that you have omitted me whilst listing your most well respected racists. Please review my 2 longer posts in  the "selective prejudice" thread. After doing so I am sure you will conclude that I am almost certainly one of the more eloquent bigots on the corner.

I think you're almost there, Eric. Perhaps submit a nomination about the merits of physiognomy and then we can talk further. I'm sure there can be a place for you at the top table.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I think you're almost there, Eric. Perhaps submit a nomination about the merits of physiognomy and then we can talk further. I'm sure there can be a place for you at the top table.

If you keep puckering those broad lips and flared nostrils at me I will have to assume from said facial characteristics that you are a sooty.

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Guest Cuntsman
9 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The pervert is naked and has some sort of blindfold, dirty cunt.


Wouldn't surprise me if he had some duct tape, a knife and a photo of the vermin that was Savile behind his back. Dodgy as fuck

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

If you keep puckering those broad lips and flared nostrils at me I will have to assume from said facial characteristics that you are a sooty.

But if you were a sooty you surely wouldn't have known the meaning of physiognomy in the first place and I must be a physogonistic cunt for making assumptions regarding your ethnicity based purely on your facial characteristics. I apologise.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

But if you were a sooty you surely wouldn't have known the meaning of physiognomy in the first place and I must be a physogonistic cunt for making assumptions regarding your ethnicity based purely on your facial characteristics. I apologise.

He's an ugly cunt?

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Guest Extremecunt

Children in need is no better than any begging charity or a filthy piss stained Bob geldof. Until all 100% of money  actually donated goes to charity and has transparent accounts. Dirty piss stained alcoholic tramps at the local train station will continue to get my hard earned pounds.

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Guest DingTheRioja
Just now, Extremecunt said:

Children in need is no better than any begging charity or a filthy piss stained Bob geldof. Until all 100% of money  actually donated goes to charity and has transparent accounts. Dirty piss stained alcoholic tramps at the local train station will continue to get my hard earned pounds.

One of the most seriously fucking annoying things about this shit is this..

I, as a licence fee payer, am directly contributing to these cunts plastering my Friday night (and others) with total shitdom, AND I'm funding their free fucking limos and bar-tab... nevermind any of the cunts being paid for it, which some are..


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4 minutes ago, Extremecunt said:

Children in need is no better than any begging charity or a filthy piss stained Bob geldof. Until all 100% of money  actually donated goes to charity and has transparent accounts. Dirty piss stained alcoholic tramps at the local train station will continue to get my hard earned pounds.

And your unwanted sexual advances.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Putting the headlines of today into context, this donation fest raised £37.1million in 2015 for children in need and we have heard today that some cunts (tax payers) are going to be spending £369 million over the next 10 years replacing the boiler and rewiring Buckingham Palace. I personally hope they replace the boiler over winter and the fucking old slag dies of hypothermia. She'll be fucking dead before its completed anyhow.

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