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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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On 15/02/2024 at 18:10, Witheredscrote said:

@Eddie, it's only taken you 22 months to get this one back to me, you plagiarising black cunt. Your garage indeed.

Withers I have started ranting on TikTok shorts about Brian Harvey. I’ve had 2.6k views on one video alone, what do you think about that then? 

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Withers I have started ranting on TikTok shorts about Brian Harvey. I’ve had 2.6k views on one video alone, what do you think about that then? 

What have you got against Brian, you black bastard? He's calling out all the satanic peados who rule the world.

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16 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So in summary, “no one said it was going to be easy”. (Except the array of lying pricks who wanged on about “Britain holding all the cards” and “easiest trade deal in history” etc). And only a true believer would think rejoining an EU programme like Horizon is a triumph. I expect we’ll see more of this “rejoining but we are still out!” shite as the economic reality bites. I’m loving the twisted verbiage from the usual parties; “microblip in GDP” is up there with the best, and the side order of whataboutery is beautiful to behold. 

Putting your Brexit mess aside, as a member since 2017, I need to have a good whinge about the state of the place under your watch lately. It’s all gone to shit, your eminence. Surely even you can notice this, when you aren’t doing your Sir John Harvey-Jones (BDS) bit and zooming all over the world to give some poor CEO a half-arsed tongue lashing. Can I suggest you put your house in order, or do I have to write to the Agony Aunt pages of Mensa magazine to get your attention?

Horizon Europe (funding thus far c.€170 billion) is a pretty big deal, anyway...again...

On 10/05/2023 at 09:21, Mrs Roops said:

LCS, I suspect your just another whinging pom who will blame everything on Brexit; the recent death of the Monarch - obviously caused by Brexit, the 3.10 from Crewe four minutes late - must be Brexit, recent floods in East England - quite clearly due to Brexit. Just STFU.

As for your mother of all whatabouteries, by "tidying up" I presume you mean get rid of punters you don't like?

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48 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

As for your mother of all whatabouteries, by "tidying up" I presume you mean get rid of punters you don't like?

That's precisely what the cunt means.

He's another little narcissist who stamps his feet, wets his nappy, and throws his toys out the pram when anybody posts an opposing viewpoint to the 'Boys Club' collective or doesn't get his own way.

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On 15/02/2024 at 18:00, Dyslexic cnut said:

We can wait for the General Election and can exercise our democratic right to not bother. I understand that you’ll be locked up if you try the same? Fuck’s that all about, Doc?

One has to appreciate some Aussie voters are willing to get fined for wishing to avoid temperatures of 45C. While failing to vote in Oz falls under Section 245 of the 1918 Electoral Act, which currently permits a basic fine of $20, this can of course lead to a prison sentence if unpaid or not responded to via court – much like our parking tickets system. With all that parking space out there, I guess they've gotta rake in the revenue somehow. At least their Covid laws weren't draconian by Western standards, lol.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Horizon Europe (funding thus far c.€170 billion) is a pretty big deal, anyway...again...

As for your mother of all whatabouteries, by "tidying up" I presume you mean get rid of punters you don't like?

@King Billy, if you join in the above debate, I will leave my beloved France, find you, and kick your expensive teeth down your fucking throat.


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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Horizon Europe (funding thus far c.€170 billion) is a pretty big deal, anyway...again...

As for your mother of all whatabouteries, by "tidying up" I presume you mean get rid of punters you don't like?

Well…you’re clearly doing that. ‘Moderator’ my fucking arse. Fuck off. I blame Mr R. whom, had he introduced you to the hairy side of his hand some years ago, this site would now be flourishing and interesting.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

At least their Covid laws weren't draconian by Western standards, lol.

Last time I was in London I walked past an enormous wall next to the Thames, festooned with hearts of people lost while your leader got pissed with his mates and let nurses wear bin bags to work. 

Here in WA, we have no such wall. I know which I’d prefer. 

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3 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

@King Billy, if you join in the above debate, I will leave my beloved France, find you, and kick your expensive teeth down your fucking throat

I’ve got no intention of interjecting myself into this pointless pile of drivel Withers. As for you leaving your ‘beloved France’ I think that might be quite a good idea you silly old Plastic Gallic cunt, before the FSPB swat team turn up at your chateau (derelict mould ridden hovel) and drag you through the village square with a goose peeking out of your pantaloons.

Fuck off.

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41 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Last time I was in London I walked past an enormous wall next to the Thames, festooned with hearts of people lost while your leader got pissed with his mates and let nurses wear bin bags to work. 

Here in WA, we have no such wall. I know which I’d prefer. 

Did all the bricklayers die of Covid before they could build it?


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37 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Last time I was in London I walked past an enormous wall next to the Thames, festooned with hearts of people lost while your leader got pissed with his mates and let nurses wear bin bags to work. 

Here in WA, we have no such wall. I know which I’d prefer. 

Are you allowed to go out in Oz now Doc? What about Granny? Don’t you care if the smelly, wheezing, piss soaked old cunt dies because of your selfish so called rights? At least stick on  a couple of face nappies so the rest of the sheeple will think that you’re one of the flock, and not some mental ‘antivaxxer’ covidiot superspreader. 

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7 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Did all the bricklayers die of Covid before they could build it?


Watch what you fucking say about Australia Withers or else.

Im sure you’ve seen the photo of my Ned Kelly tat so tread carefully cunt.

I won’t warn you again.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Are you allowed to go out in Oz now Doc? What about Granny? Don’t you care if the smelly, wheezing, piss soaked old cunt dies because of your selfish so called rights? At least stick on  a couple of face nappies so the rest of the sheeple will think that you’re one of the flock, and not some mental ‘antivaxxer’ covidiot superspreader. 

Covid was a pretty benign experience for us in the Hermit Kingdom, Bill. Our lockdown was measured in hours, and I’m quite used to not having a reason to go out. I binged The Sopranos and Better Call Saul, and - no pun intended - ate a fruitcake. If that’s a global health emergency, sign me up for another. 

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54 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Covid was a pretty benign experience for us in the Hermit Kingdom, Bill. Our lockdown was measured in hours, and I’m quite used to not having a reason to go out. I binged The Sopranos and Better Call Saul, and - no pun intended - ate a fruitcake. If that’s a global health emergency, sign me up for another. 

Lucky you weren’t living in Victoria or Queensland etc.  Doc, or even visiting when the fake plandemic was launched. You might still be waiting for permission from whichever tinpot tyrant State Premier (too many to choose from) had decreed that you couldn’t  cross state borders in your own country, not even for life threatening medical emergencies. But tbf it could have been worse, you could have been in N. Zealand.

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On 17/02/2024 at 23:33, Last Cunt Standing said:

Covid was a pretty benign experience for us in the Hermit Kingdom, Bill. Our lockdown was measured in hours, and I’m quite used to not having a reason to go out. I binged The Sopranos and Better Call Saul, and - no pun intended - ate a fruitcake. If that’s a global health emergency, sign me up for another. 

Covid won’t kill Abbos, Doc. Your lineage is intact. Also, caveman-fucker, fuck off.


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On 16/02/2024 at 23:00, Last Cunt Standing said:

Say it in a Churchill voice, Bill. You know you want to. I don’t mean the dog. 

On a serious note though Doc, since you keep reminding us all how shit the U.K. now is and how free and wonderful W A is perhaps you could have a quick look at the ‘2016 Western Australia Public Health Act’? Section 158 in particular makes very interesting reading to say the least. I expect you’ll say you can’t be bothered to Google it, you’ve got better things to do etc. but I’m pretty certain you (or anyone else) won’t read it in any WA tourist brochure or any of the MSM rags.

Your thoughts please?

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  • 2 months later...
On 15/02/2024 at 15:08, Wolfie said:

The resurrection of this 134-page monster comes about because you couldn't resist the opportunity to land another cheeky jab on the UK – and make yourself feel better about relocating to the most isolated Western city on earth, currently blistering in temperatures of up to 45C. You'll be competing with the white pointers for space in the sea to cool off at this rate!

Come on LCS, while the UK economy is currently not growing, GDP fell by a fairly insignificant 0.3% in just one quarter. That's not much, esp. when you consider there's a war in Ukraine (which the UK is chiefly committed to, something I have never advocated); a war in the Middle East (and growing worldwide resentment for Israel and its part UK-funded military); as well as ongoing tensions in Taiwanese waters (not a million miles from Oz – and right in your domain as part of the AUKUS tri-national security treaty).

So, at 0.3%, in a bracket most economists are describing as a 'nano' or 'micro' recession, you must agree, in light of the expense of ongoing worldwide conflicts, and with the aftermath of the worst health crisis in 100+ years, I would consider such a decline to be somewhat benign. Actually, the UK currently has slowing inflation (with cuts to interest rates expected later this year), and with summer on the way... it'll regain in no time.

Tell me, which factor suncream are you slapping on your head at the moment?


On 15/02/2024 at 21:49, Last Cunt Standing said:

Your commitment to the cause is almost impressive, Wolfie. I see you in full dress uniform, saluting, as the water laps at your ankles. Better days ahead! It’s not much of a recession, considering. It’s the war, you know Guv’nor. These arguments make me almost nostalgic for the wisdom of the London Cabbie. You’ll probably troop into the voting booth and volunteer for five more years of this, I shouldn’t wonder. 

Yes, it’s hot here at the moment. It’s bloody lovely. Long days in the pool with a cold beer and some cracking tunes. It’ll soon be Winter here though and I’ll need a light jacket. At the risk of channelling Frank (insert your own sodomy reference here), I’ve just bought a rather nice Tom Ford one with the money I no longer have to put aside for my British Gas bill. I see they’re up to their usual games again. 

Enjoy the weekend. I’m sure your Daily Heil will keep you going with tales of Booming Britain. Might be best to keep a few back, just in case. I’m told they make good linings for the cardboard box if some rain sets in on The Embankment. 

You see Doc, I knew it would come good; 0.6% and faster than predicted: https://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news/uk-exits-recession-as-economy-grows-faster-than-forecast/

Now, with growing hostility towards China around Western economies, and with Trump II likely (he hates the Chinks even more than me!), and with AUS signing its pro-West anti-China invasion of Taiwan weapons treaty with the UK & US, aren't you worried the country you were pussy-whipped into joining has invested such strong economic ties with said giant shitcunt? (https://www.uts.edu.au/acri/research-and-opinion/factsheets/understanding-australias-economic-dependence-china)

I did notice it's been raining in Perth recently, bringing with it 96-97% humidity in temperatures of 30C+. Nice. (Esp. for aquatic larvae with fangs, such as mosquitos and flying Aussie things which bite.) In contrast, I've just returned from my beautiful, lush, green, venomous snake & spider-free garden, currently around a very pleasant 21-22C, mild scent of warm petrol mower in the air, to fetch another local cider.

Fuck off.

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55 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


You see Doc, I knew it would come good; 0.6% and faster than predicted: https://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news/uk-exits-recession-as-economy-grows-faster-than-forecast/

Now, with growing hostility towards China around Western economies, and with Trump II likely (he hates the Chinks even more than me!), and with AUS signing its pro-West anti-China invasion of Taiwan weapons treaty with the UK & US, aren't you worried the country you were pussy-whipped into joining has invested such strong economic ties with said giant shitcunt? (https://www.uts.edu.au/acri/research-and-opinion/factsheets/understanding-australias-economic-dependence-china)

I did notice it's been raining in Perth recently, bringing with it 96-97% humidity in temperatures of 30C+. Nice. (Esp. for aquatic larvae with fangs, such as mosquitos and flying Aussie things which bite.) In contrast, I've just returned from my beautiful, lush, green, venomous snake & spider-free garden, currently around a very pleasant 21-22C, mild scent of warm petrol mower in the air, to fetch another local cider.

Fuck off.

Let’s face it Wolfie, Australia is ‘a little behind the times’ and has almost no culture or history, the retired HCA must fit in perfectly…

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:


You see Doc, I knew it would come good; 0.6% and faster than predicted: https://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news/uk-exits-recession-as-economy-grows-faster-than-forecast/

Now, with growing hostility towards China around Western economies, and with Trump II likely (he hates the Chinks even more than me!), and with AUS signing its pro-West anti-China invasion of Taiwan weapons treaty with the UK & US, aren't you worried the country you were pussy-whipped into joining has invested such strong economic ties with said giant shitcunt? (https://www.uts.edu.au/acri/research-and-opinion/factsheets/understanding-australias-economic-dependence-china)

I did notice it's been raining in Perth recently, bringing with it 96-97% humidity in temperatures of 30C+. Nice. (Esp. for aquatic larvae with fangs, such as mosquitos and flying Aussie things which bite.) In contrast, I've just returned from my beautiful, lush, green, venomous snake & spider-free garden, currently around a very pleasant 21-22C, mild scent of warm petrol mower in the air, to fetch another local cider.

Fuck off.

The average humidity in Britain is high to begin with let alone when it's warm/hot which is in the 90's.The UK is home to 4 or 5 different types of snake including the Adder which is venomous.Also The UK is home to more than 30 types of native mosquito species, some of which bite and cause a nuisance. The most common indoor species of mosquito is called the 'culex pipiens'. It doesn't bite, but it looks very similar to other species that do bite.

What kind of sterile, nature bereft, chav infested poofter part of the country must you live in to have no spiders?? Do you live on anthrax island?

Britain should not be backing the septics or Taiwank and our navy should not be anywhere near that shit part of the world either.Fuck them both.

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1 hour ago, ClitWestwood said:

The average humidity in Britain is high to begin with let alone when it's warm/hot which is in the 90.The UK is home to 4 or 5 different types of snake including the Adder which is venomous.Also The UK is home to more than 30 types of native mosquito species, some of which bite and cause a nuisance. The most common indoor species of mosquito is called the 'culex pipiens'. It doesn't bite, but it looks very similar to other species that do bite.


I was just wondering, are you a professor of entomology, Reptyle?

Yep, didn't think so, you thick fucking chavvy curry & chips-snorting northern pig.

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