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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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11 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

What a long winded, boring cunt you are.

For sure, it was only the other day he was chastising ELC for his verbosity.

I've said it before, @Wolfie is always eager to point out other cunts real or imagined grammatical errors, but totally devoid of self-awareness.

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Guest Basil
7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

Goldman Sachs says so! Wow, bugger me sideways, that must be true then.

Brainless turd.

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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 


By Tom Rees
December 25, 2023 at 7:05 PM EST

The UK will be Europe’s best-performing major economy in the next 15 years, narrowing the gap with Germany and extending its lead over France, according to new long-run forecasts.


Hysterical soy boys still going on about brexit nearly 8 years later, time to get a get a life me thinks.

If i was you smug fart sniffers I'd be more concerned with china kicking off as it'll be you soft cock american poodle vassal state cunts in australia who'll be on the front line fighting china for the septics along with the japanese and Koreans(LOL) not the UK or europe.I'm sure china is absolutely shitting itself! 🤣🤣



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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

If you carry on posting this type of nonsense I will demand the immediate return of the tinfoil hat that I sent you the other day. I’ve been tracking it online, and I also covertly placed 2 GPS devices in the Jiffy bag, incase of the expected worldwide cyber attack, that we’ve been repeatedly told is imminent by Klaus Schwab and Billy boy Gates etc. 👀

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

The resurrection of this 134-page monster comes about because you couldn't resist the opportunity to land another cheeky jab on the UK

Come on LCS, while the UK economy is currently not growing, GDP fell by a fairly insignificant 0.3% in just one quarter. 

So, at 0.3%, in a bracket most economists are describing as a 'nano' or 'micro' recession

Tell me, which factor suncream are you slapping on your head at the moment?

Your commitment to the cause is almost impressive, Wolfie. I see you in full dress uniform, saluting, as the water laps at your ankles. Better days ahead! It’s not much of a recession, considering. It’s the war, you know Guv’nor. These arguments make me almost nostalgic for the wisdom of the London Cabbie. You’ll probably troop into the voting booth and volunteer for five more years of this, I shouldn’t wonder. 

Yes, it’s hot here at the moment. It’s bloody lovely. Long days in the pool with a cold beer and some cracking tunes. It’ll soon be Winter here though and I’ll need a light jacket. At the risk of channelling Frank (insert your own sodomy reference here), I’ve just bought a rather nice Tom Ford one with the money I no longer have to put aside for my British Gas bill. I see they’re up to their usual games again. 

Enjoy the weekend. I’m sure your Daily Heil will keep you going with tales of Booming Britain. Might be best to keep a few back, just in case. I’m told they make good linings for the cardboard box if some rain sets in on The Embankment. 

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40 minutes ago, King Billy said:

If you carry on posting this type of nonsense I will demand the immediate return of the tinfoil hat that I sent you the other day. I’ve been tracking it online, and I also covertly placed 2 GPS devices in the Jiffy bag, incase of the expected worldwide cyber attack, that we’ve been repeatedly told is imminent by Klaus Schwab and Billy boy Gates etc. 👀

I’m afraid a Jiffy bag full of tinfoil and electronics probably won’t get beyond your nearest sorting office Bill, before it’s taken out back and destroyed in a controlled explosion. Touched as I am by the gesture, you’re on the list. 

On the subject of worldwide IT blackouts, Australia is conducting its own little trials for this in the Eastern states. Power grid brownouts in @southerncunt ‘s neck of the woods has everybody fretting about how to pay in cash and where you can buy bottled water. It’s hardly The Jetsons and Hover Cars, this 21st Century thing, is it? I was looking forward to my jet pack. 

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3 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Your commitment to the cause is almost impressive, Wolfie. I see you in full dress uniform, saluting, as the water laps at your ankles. Better days ahead! It’s not much of a recession, considering. It’s the war, you know Guv’nor. These arguments  make me almost nostalgic for the wisdom of the London Cabbie. You’ll probably troop into the voting and volunteer for five more years of this, I shouldn’t wonder. 

Yes, it’s hot here at the moment. It’s bloody lovely. Long days in the pool with a cold beer and some cracking tunes. It’ll soon be Winter here though and I’ll need a light jacket. At the risk of channelling Frank (insert your own sodomy reference here), I’ve just bought a rather nice Tom Ford one with the money I no longer have to put aside for my British Gas bill. I see they’re up to their usual games again. 

Enjoy the weekend. I’m sure your Daily Heil will keep you going with tales of Booming Britain. Might be best to keep a few back, just in case. I’m told they make good linings for the cardboard box if some rain sets in on The Embankment. 

Where are you lining your Ted Baker jacket pockets from? You know, we might be next door neighbours. It's currently peak season in the Bahamas: best time of the year, tolerable temperatures and warm sea, no storms, only trouble lots of Yanks splashing their US Dollars which are equally acceptable, same value, as the Bahamian Dollar. After Easter it gets too hot and sticky. Then from August the storms and hurricanes. 

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Guest Basil
38 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Your commitment to the cause is almost impressive, Wolfie. I see you in full dress uniform, saluting, as the water laps at your ankles. Better days ahead! It’s not much of a recession, considering. It’s the war, you know Guv’nor. These arguments make me almost nostalgic for the wisdom of the London Cabbie. You’ll probably troop into the voting booth and volunteer for five more years of this, I shouldn’t wonder. 

Yes, it’s hot here at the moment. It’s bloody lovely. Long days in the pool with a cold beer and some cracking tunes. It’ll soon be Winter here though and I’ll need a light jacket. At the risk of channelling Frank (insert your own sodomy reference here), I’ve just bought a rather nice Tom Ford one with the money I no longer have to put aside for my British Gas bill. I see they’re up to their usual games again. 

Enjoy the weekend. I’m sure your Daily Heil will keep you going with tales of Booming Britain. Might be best to keep a few back, just in case. I’m told they make good linings for the cardboard box if some rain sets in on The Embankment. 

Where exactly are you? Wherever it is I'll bet the locals are absolutely sick to death of you.

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On 15/02/2024 at 11:17, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

Well, best avert your gaze and contemplate your navel instead - you're speaking as someone who was bitch-slapped into emigrating to an antipodean version of Telford-by-the-sea and now you're just another whinging pom. In fact I advocated the Brexit position before, during and after the referendum for several reasons, economics being only part of my reasoning. Moreover I made it clear that economically the UK would not benefit financially in the short and medium term and further opined that there would be chill winds before the our mature monolithic market adjusted to trading with the rest of the world, free from the EU straitjacket. Britain has since shown that a freer, leaner country is more adaptable to negotiating trade agreements in a fraction of time had we stayed with the EU - despite the global recession that has obviously escaped your notice. Its worth noticing that despite the Remainers' doom-mongering the London stock exchange, insurance, futures and commodities markets have not decamped to Bonn, Paris or Benelux (one reason: Germany, France and Benelux couldn't agree where the exchanges should move to, it appears said countries were too busy shafting each other - so much for EU "unity") and that the UK has re-joined Horizon Europe (a coordinating and funding research entity).

Banging on about a micro blip in UK GDP is a bit rich from an Australian resident whose adopted country escaped its own recession on a statistical technicality thanks to the half a million immigrants who arrived on your shores during 2023 - a country of some 26 Million. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, best avert your gaze and contemplate your navel instead - you're speaking as someone who was bitch-slapped into emigrating to an antipodean version of Telford-by-the-sea and now you're just another whinging pom. In fact I advocated the Brexit position before, during and after the referendum for several reasons, economics being only part of my reasoning. Moreover I made it clear that economically the UK would not benefit financially in the short and medium term and further opined that there would be chill winds before the our mature monolithic market adjusted to trading with the rest of the world, free from the EU straitjacket. Britain has since shown that a freer, leaner country is more adaptable to negotiating trade agreements in a fraction of time had we stayed with the EU - despite the global recession that has obviously escaped your notice. Its worth noticing that despite the Remainers' doom-mongering the London stock exchange, insurance, futures and commodities markets have not decamped to Bonn, Paris or Benelux (one reason: Germany, France and Benelux couldn't agree where the exchanges should move to, it appears said countries were too busy shafting each other - so much for EU "unity") and that the UK has re-joined Horizon Europe (a coordinating and funding research entity).

Banging on about a micro blip in UK GDP is a bit rich from an Australian resident whose adopted country escaped its own recession on a statistical technicality thanks to the half a million immigrants who arrived on your shores during 2023 - a country of some 26 Million. 

What effect do you think the seizure and donation of Russian assets during wartime could have on the economy of the west in the event it's pushed through?

Considering Brexit and the refusal to adopt the Euro anyway, whilst also considering London's dependency on reputation as a reliable financial centre what short and long term implications could we see as a country?

Also considering the Yank's continuing obsession with Trump and his anti NATO rhetoric, how do you see that side of the pond responding to such an event?

Fuck it - I'm boring myself. Can you take the gimp mask off @Dyslexic cnut please? I miss him.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 15/02/2024 at 18:25, and said:

For sure, it was only the other day he was chastising ELC for his verbosity.

I've said it before, @Wolfie is always eager to point out other cunts real or imagined grammatical errors, but totally devoid of self-awareness.

Grammatical errors , moi ? 

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Considering Brexit and the refusal to adopt the Euro

I’m not sure if you’re aware Killer (as a resident of the North East) that for quite a while now the British Pound note/coin is worth a miserly 100 pennies? A kick in the bollocks compared to the 240 pennies per pound which I’m sure still fill the mechanical tills of the working men’s clubs in Hebburn and the condom machines in the discotheque toilets down at The Bigg Market every weekend. 
Wy Ay man!

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26 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’m not sure if you’re aware Killer (as a resident of the North East) that for quite a while now the British Pound note/coin is worth a miserly 100 pennies? A kick in the bollocks compared to the 240 pennies per pound which I’m sure still fill the mechanical tills of the working men’s clubs in Hebburn and the condom machines in the discotheque toilets down at The Bigg Market every weekend. 
Wy Ay man!

Don't worry about us, Billy. If things get bad we'll just invade Sunderland and sell the Mackems to Ukraine so they can run into the minefields and disarm them.

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Don't worry about us, Billy. If things get bad we'll just invade Sunderland and sell the Mackems to Ukraine so they can run into the minefields and disarm them.

I’m not a big fan of military conscription  Killer, but I’d be quite happy to drop all my objections when it comes to sending the Mackems to the meat grinder ASAP (if it would help the war effort).

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, best avert your gaze and contemplate your navel instead - you're speaking as someone who was bitch-slapped into emigrating to an antipodean version of Telford-by-the-sea and now you're just another whinging pom. In fact I advocated the Brexit position before, during and after the referendum for several reasons, economics being only part of my reasoning. Moreover I made it clear that economically the UK would not benefit financially in the short and medium term and further opined that there would be chill winds before the our mature monolithic market adjusted to trading with the rest of the world, free from the EU straitjacket. Britain has since shown that a freer, leaner country is more adaptable to negotiating trade agreements in a fraction of time had we stayed with the EU - despite the global recession that has obviously escaped your notice. Its worth noticing that despite the Remainers' doom-mongering the London stock exchange, insurance, futures and commodities markets have not decamped to Bonn, Paris or Benelux (one reason: Germany, France and Benelux couldn't agree where the exchanges should move to, it appears said countries were too busy shafting each other - so much for EU "unity") and that the UK has re-joined Horizon Europe (a coordinating and funding research entity).

Banging on about a micro blip in UK GDP is a bit rich from an Australian resident whose adopted country escaped its own recession on a statistical technicality thanks to the half a million immigrants who arrived on your shores during 2023 - a country of some 26 Million. 

So in summary, “no one said it was going to be easy”. (Except the array of lying pricks who wanged on about “Britain holding all the cards” and “easiest trade deal in history” etc). And only a true believer would think rejoining an EU programme like Horizon is a triumph. I expect we’ll see more of this “rejoining but we are still out!” shite as the economic reality bites. I’m loving the twisted verbiage from the usual parties; “microblip in GDP” is up there with the best, and the side order of whataboutery is beautiful to behold. 

Putting your Brexit mess aside, as a member since 2017, I need to have a good whinge about the state of the place under your watch lately. It’s all gone to shit, your eminence. Surely even you can notice this, when you aren’t doing your Sir John Harvey-Jones (BDS) bit and zooming all over the world to give some poor CEO a half-arsed tongue lashing. Can I suggest you put your house in order, or do I have to write to the Agony Aunt pages of Mensa magazine to get your attention?

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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Don't worry about us, Billy. If things get bad we'll just invade Sunderland and sell the Mackems to Ukraine so they can run into the minefields and disarm them.

I’m working my way through the latest Sunderland Till I Die on Netflix, Killer, and must say your ending would be quite the plot twist. I suspect if you told the red and white idiots they’d be guaranteed promotion if they retook Donetsk, you’d have a battalion of fat pricks on mobility scooters heading for Dover before you can say “Niall Quinn fucked us, man”. 

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Guest Basil
4 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What effect do you think the seizure and donation of Russian assets during wartime could have on the economy of the west in the event it's pushed through?

I don't think dancing bears, borscht, potato vodka and rural incest are enough to give much of an economic boost, but then again I was never Alan Greenspan.

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22 minutes ago, Basil Brush said:

I don't think dancing bears, borscht, potato vodka and rural incest are enough to give much of an economic boost, but then again I was never Alan Greenspan.

Well the incest would at least increase the conscription fodder within a few generations.

Considering how radioactive the Ukrainians are it might even be the key to superheroes, bashing all that fucked up DNA together. That or exploding atomic foetuses.

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Guest Basil
Just now, Roadkill said:

Well the incest would at least increase the conscription fodder within a few generations.

Considering how radioactive the Ukrainians are it might even be the key to superheroes, bashing all that fucked up DNA together. That or exploding atomic foetuses.

I guess we're all the product of incest if you go back far enough. Not me though, I don't have to go back far at all.

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