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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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37 minutes ago, Goober said:

I like you RK, but I'm ashamed to admit I now want you dead. Lady P has slipped you a poison pill. 

For the love of God, please kill yourself. I promise I'll send flowers for when you're kicked into a hole in the ground.

I was expecting something like this from Decco but what I see here from you is finer than anything that he could have done. You are truly The King of Norfuck.

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On 09/04/2022 at 11:44, Dyslexic cnut said:

Can’t be easy, typing with rigor mortis?

I'm glad that you've finally sobered up enough to drop the Frank-ciscan monk act. He's now left with only Lady/Lord P as a discipline... 

At least choose someone with a bit of charisma, If you're ever inclined to nail your colours to another punters mast again. 

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19 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

I'm glad that you've finally sobered up enough to drop the Frank-ciscan monk act. He's now left with only Lady/Lord P as a discipline... 

At least choose someone with a bit of charisma, If you're ever inclined to nail your colours to another punters mast again. 

Frank doesn't know what day of the week it is anymore, his descent into full blown AIDS dementia quickens with every day. 

Give him another three months and he'll be joining his senile cabbie cunt old man, mumbling about potting browns whilst murdering Sinatra songs.

I bet he absolutely fucking stinks of piss.

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51 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Frank doesn't know what day of the week it is anymore, his descent into full blown AIDS dementia quickens with every day. 

Give him another three months and he'll be joining his senile cabbie cunt old man, mumbling about potting browns whilst murdering Sinatra songs.

I bet he absolutely fucking stinks of piss.

Other peoples piss.

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On 11/04/2022 at 21:25, Frank said:

You fucking cretin. 

Everyone of us has a shelf-life, Frank. At fifty whatever the fuck it is years old, don't you think that the time has come to hang up the wig and call it a day?

Making a string of utterly shit posts every few weeks or so whilst listening to 'All The Young Dudes' on repeat isn't what this site wants or needs.

Grow the fuck up and log out for good, you're the Robin Williams version of Peter Pan.

Patch Adams cunt.

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Something that I fail to understand post Brexit .. the UK is a disgusting country .. surely it is the duty of every EU supporter to to get out there and stop these boat loads of people attempting to leave the safety of the EU and cross the channel reach the UK?

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On 07/04/2022 at 10:29, ratcum said:

the truly professional drug dealers never partake of their own product OCR. Roops is an amateur.

I've started feeding the local Foxes and every now and again I leave leftover lamb, chicken and pork (bones and all) for them. Some might say I should give it to the poor instead. 

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21 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've started feeding the local Foxes and every now and again I leave leftover lamb, chicken and pork (bones and all) for them. Some might say I should give it to the poor instead. 

Looks like the kind of shit that black cunt @Eddie would eat. Send it to him. Fuck the foxes, and fuck you.

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On 05/04/2022 at 10:10, Dead Penelope said:

Potentially we can actually get to beyond net zero which potentially could allow us build a few highly efficient coal fired power stations and remain net zero .. the problem though is that the climate activists would block it. Just look at the squealing about that proposed coal mine in Cumbria.

Cumbria issue will be resolved.

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On 17/04/2022 at 15:36, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've started feeding the local Foxes and every now and again I leave leftover lamb, chicken and pork (bones and all) for them. Some might say I should give it to the poor instead. 

the poor have never had it so good. I reckon Africa is exporting begging bowls OCR

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  • 1 year later...

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

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58 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

Reading this is so depressing that I've just blocked you.

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6 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

How do I find myself £23,000 worse off, when I didn't have £23,000 in the first place?

Economics is beyond me, I only had a secondary school education, thanks to whichever cuntish government was in charge of the country at that time (I was shite at history as well)

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6 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

The resurrection of this 134-page monster comes about because you couldn't resist the opportunity to land another cheeky jab on the UK – and make yourself feel better about relocating to the most isolated Western city on earth, currently blistering in temperatures of up to 45C. You'll be competing with the white pointers for space in the sea to cool off at this rate!

Come on LCS, while the UK economy is currently not growing, GDP fell by a fairly insignificant 0.3% in just one quarter. That's not much, esp. when you consider there's a war in Ukraine (which the UK is chiefly committed to, something I have never advocated); a war in the Middle East (and growing worldwide resentment for Israel and its part UK-funded military); as well as ongoing tensions in Taiwanese waters (not a million miles from Oz – and right in your domain as part of the AUKUS tri-national security treaty).

So, at 0.3%, in a bracket most economists are describing as a 'nano' or 'micro' recession, you must agree, in light of the expense of ongoing worldwide conflicts, and with the aftermath of the worst health crisis in 100+ years, I would consider such a decline to be somewhat benign. Actually, the UK currently has slowing inflation (with cuts to interest rates expected later this year), and with summer on the way... it'll regain in no time.

Tell me, which factor suncream are you slapping on your head at the moment?

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

My only quibble at this excellent timely reminder during the by-election in fascist Wellingborough (Yes, it was an HQ for the Union of Fascists or Blackshirts in the 1930s) our leading Brexit rotten Tory Borough, is your quotation which is a misleading per capita rounding up:

"Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household."

In reality that 23K doesn't get distributed across the whole population but goes straight into or out of the pockets of the super wealthy 0.001% of households. When you mention the great Brexit Betrayal YOU get hammered with the label unpatriotic traitor. Once thickos always thickos. A retirement in Spain for the average Joe or Jill is now a pipedream requiring a golden visa (£500,000 invested in businesses or property) PLUS gold plated unaffordable private health insurance. Per person. That's true folks... PER PERSON inc wives, children, dependents.... Ha ha ha ha. You know the East Midlands is seeing a massive influx of newly arrived African immigration, mainly Nigerian, which has only happened in last three or four years. So the whole taking back control of our borders has been a failure. 


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6 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m resurrecting this 134 page monster thread to note that today’s news from the UK is further proof of the utter triumph that is the Brexit project.

The UK has officially entered recession (and may have been in a per capita recession more than 12 months, only saved by record immigration).

Goldman Sachs says UK GDP is between 4% and 8% lower thanks to Brexit and has significantly underperformed comparable nations. 

Resolution Foundation says UK financial performance is now way off the trend pre-2008 Global Financial Crisis, to the tune of £23,000 per UK Household.

I remember many Brexit arguments on these pages back 6 years ago. Those of us who pointed out the idiocy of the project were told we knew nothing (I’m looking at you @Mrs Roops) and that sunlit uplands were just around the corner. Still waiting?

Is there anyone left on the island who still thinks they weren’t taken for a complete ride? Those pricks advocating for the scam should be in jail, the rest of you should be in the fucking streets. 

Never in the field of duplicitous Conservatism have so many been so thoroughly fucked, by so few. 

We can wait for the General Election and can exercise our democratic right to not bother. I understand that you’ll be locked up if you try the same? Fuck’s that all about, Doc?

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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

The resurrection of this 134-page monster comes about because you couldn't resist the opportunity to land another cheeky jab on the UK – and make yourself feel better about relocating to the most isolated Western city on earth, currently blistering in temperatures of up to 45C. You'll be competing with the white pointers for space in the sea to cool off at this rate!

Come on LCS, while the UK economy is currently not growing, GDP fell by a fairly insignificant 0.3% in just one quarter. That's not much, esp. when you consider there's a war in Ukraine (which the UK is chiefly committed to, something I have never advocated); a war in the Middle East (and growing worldwide resentment for Israel and its part UK-funded military); as well as ongoing tensions in Taiwanese waters (not a million miles from Oz – and right in your domain as part of the AUKUS tri-national security treaty).

So, at 0.3%, in a bracket most economists are describing as a 'nano' or 'micro' recession, you must agree, in light of the expense of ongoing worldwide conflicts, and with the aftermath of the worst health crisis in 100+ years, I would consider such a decline to be somewhat benign. Actually, the UK currently has slowing inflation (with cuts to interest rates expected later this year), and with summer on the way... it'll regain in no time.

Tell me, which factor suncream are you slapping on your head at the moment?

What a long winded, boring cunt you are.

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