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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I expect as Brexit Banality tightens its little paws on the Un-united Kingdom, and standards and intellect plunge across the board, Billious will become more and more at home. 

Yeah. You got me too Harold. How did I not realise what a genius you are? Probably because you’ve been masquerading as a cabbage since day one. Fucking brilliant.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

Says fur coat and no knickers Mrs. Oops, the font of all knowledge. (As long as it comes up on a google search). Keep up the good work luv. You’ve almost broken me. 😂

Well, I won't be taking any morality preaching from a N.Irishman with a misogynistic, bigoted and proddy mindset, especially from someone with a long list of failed marriages and whom seems coy as to how many children he may or may not have. Lets not forget the boasting about fulfilling "any" sexual fantasy via the administrations of prostitutes.

Mud-slinging aside, do you not understand how absurd you look when using the tired old trope of google searching when all along you've clearly been searching the net to make inaccurate partisan points. The difference between you and I is that I verify and cross reference facts from reliable sources (factoring or discounting variable bias) whilst you obviously scour the 'net to search sites designed to keep Maga-hated sheeple types in Shitsville USA on-message.

It was you who professed to have "knowledge" and a "very keen" interest in US political events and it was you who challenged me to discuss any item concerning the recent election. It seems that on calling out your bluff, rather than engage you've gone full-on Elizabeth Bott and have chosen to deflect and stomp your feet.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, I won't be taking any morality preaching from a N.Irishman with a misogynistic, bigoted and proddy mindset, especially from someone with a long list of failed marriages and whom seems coy as to how many children he may or may not have. Lets not forget the boasting about fulfilling "any" sexual fantasy via the administrations of prostitutes.

Mud-slinging aside, do you not understand how absurd you look when using the tired old trope of google searching when all along you've clearly been searching the net to make inaccurate partisan points. The difference between you and I is that I verify and cross reference facts from reliable sources (factoring or discounting variable bias) whilst you obviously scour the 'net to search sites designed to keep Maga-hated sheeple types in Shitsville USA on-message.

It was you who professed to have "knowledge" and a "very keen" interest in US political events and it was you who challenged me to discuss any item concerning the recent election. It seems that on calling out your bluff, rather than engage you've gone full-on Elizabeth Bott and have chosen to deflect and stomp your feet.

😥I promised to be a good boy and you’re being horrible to me. I hate you! 😂

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On 30/12/2020 at 23:08, King Billy said:

I don’t follow Q Anon. If you’d understood what I said about the State legislatures being circumvented by corrupt AGs and Governors in the key swing states, in contravention of the US and in most cases their own State Constitutions, to change the processes around mail in ballots which enabled widespread fraud and manipulation of the result in Bidons favour, then you would clearly also be able to see that the SCOTUS acted improperly in not taking the Texas suit on and upholding the law as specifically defined in the US Constitution. That is their sole reason d’être and by their cowardly and corrupt action they have given a green light to  anyone in future elections to cheat and fix the outcome. You can pooh pooh all you like but as I’ve said there is a mountain of evidence and just like the ‘Russian collusion’, the ‘Ukraine impeachment’ hoax, the ‘Hillary Clinton emails’, the ‘Hunter Biden laptop’ the ‘Eric Smallwell Chinese spy scandal’, the ‘General Flynn frame up’ the absolutely criminal cabal of Comey, Stroek, Page, Obama, Biden, Clinton etc. etc. etc. using the FBI, DOJ, CIA etc. etc. to attempt to remove the President. If there was even a tiny bit of honesty or impartiality in the MSM in the US these cunts would all be in jail. But the sad fact is that they cream their pants over completely unsubstantiated allegations about Trump, every one of which has been proved to be bollocks after being reported as fact day after day for 4 years, while provable and evidentially backed scandals concerning Dems have been and still are ignored, censored or brushed off as Russian disinformation by the traitors in the MSM. 

Billy, can I ask what you make of Trumps’ taped phone call? Rather pisses on Watergate, no? I know he is from New York but fuck me his shakedown technique is top notch. Except the bit where he is recorded committing crimes. No doubt it’s all deepfake etc etc

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Billy, can I ask what you make of Trumps’ taped phone call? Rather pisses on Watergate, no? I know he is from New York but fuck me his shakedown technique is top notch. Except the bit where he is recorded committing crimes. No doubt it’s all deepfake etc etc

You have obviously only heard the edited Washington Post clip of what was a 1 and a half hour call I presume? Taken completely out of context  (well there’s a surprise) Raffenberger immediately leaked the call which he secretly and illegally recorded. POTUS has the whole call as every call he makes or takes is recorded without exception. He has filed two lawsuits against the corrupt cunt and is apparently talking to the DOJ about having Rattburger arrested. Listen to the Washington Post excerpts and it seems bad but listen to the whole thing and you will hear the reality.  

Diversion. That’s all.

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

You have obviously only heard the edited Washington Post clip of what was a 1 and a half hour call I presume? Taken completely out of context  (well there’s a surprise) Raffenberger immediately leaked the call which he secretly and illegally recorded. POTUS has the whole call as every call he makes or takes is recorded without exception. He has filed two lawsuits against the corrupt cunt and is apparently talking to the DOJ about having Rattburger arrested. Listen to the Washington Post excerpts and it seems bad but listen to the whole thing and you will hear the reality.  

Diversion. That’s all.

Er, no. I listened to the whole thing because I’m laid up after surgery. Even aside from the cheap gangster act of ordering the Georgians to find him more votes, the mere way he conducts himself in the phone call is jaw dropping. The hesitation, the completely bonkers stream of consciousness, the tying together of entirely disparate issues, the paranoia. It’s all on display. I’m afraid the only conclusions one can make from listening is that he is thick, mentally unwell, or both. What I had not heard until yesterday though was how scared he is. There is a distinct tremble in his voice, an imploring for help from people to keep the toxic show going. He knows they are coming for him, and he might well get Jeff Epstein’s old room. 

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9 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I hope too he gets Epsteins room, and a fucking massive daily bumming of his flabby fat white arse as well.  The corrupt lying piece of shit deserves everything that's coming his way.  Looks like the USA is completely fucked under his watch. What a complete and utter cunt. 

Trump aside, let’s think of the future for a moment. This region without American muscle or the will to use it is a very different place. Much is made by fellow contributors of Australia’s China problem, and living in the minerals capital of the Asia Pacific within a nuke strike of a submarine base it is a bit of a worry I must say. So when the PLA roll down my street any time soon, I’m wondering whether to go Red Dawn Wolverine or IV opiate overdose in response. What is NZ’s plan for repelling invasion? Does it involve a Hakka in front of the bemused Beijing Paratroopers?

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Billy, can I ask what you make of Trumps’ taped phone call? Rather pisses on Watergate, no? I know he is from New York but fuck me his shakedown technique is top notch. Except the bit where he is recorded committing crimes. No doubt it’s all deepfake etc etc

You've gotta factor in his skyscrapers built in New York at a time when the mob charged a 5% tax on all concrete poured. Then there's New Jersey only a stones through away in American georgrahics, and all the unions controlled by the families. There's no way Trump couldn't have dealt with the mob and was probably on good terms with the Don's (no pun intended). 

How much of this was brought up in the elections is negligible though as the only time mafioso speak to authority is when their looking to avoid a 30 stretch. 

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30 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

I'd go opiate overdose if i were Australian, and i'm quite surprised more shackle rattlers havnt already under the guidance of fucking Scott Morrison. A bigger galah you wont find anywhere, but thast just my opinion which is worth fuck all in the scheme of things. 

I think China though as such is changing and will continue to change so not as fearful as they used to be. Certainly they seem to be more attuned than Trump to the world issues. I'm no "god botherer" by any means, but somewhere in the bible im told by some religious zealot i met a while back. There's a passage or statement, that the yellow men or peril or something like that will rule the world. Ive never bothered to look or even find out about it though. 

Whats the NZ plan, i'm sure we have one at all, we have basically no army or air force or navy. Plus we pissed off the yanks years ago by banning their nuclear ships in our ports. So we are probably fucked.  The Maoris would probably take to the forests and progressively ambush the fuckers, boil them or just eat then raw. A return to the good old days.  I'd probably just find myself a good looking Chinese bird with a tight quim, and shag myself into an early grave. 

Historically, the slopes have never been empirical conquerors. They’re definitely planning an economical takeover, but territorially? Perhaps a few islands that clear their way for shipping and they’d quite like Taiwan back, but that’s about it. The more prosperous their middle and lower classes get, the more chance that they won’t stand for their commie masters and they’ll be overthrown, but by that time, the little yellow cunts will own everything.

More crucial in this discussion is how flexible are you,physically JSP? You do know that their flat-arsed tart’s clungepots go sideways? And what about their constant subservient whimpering and gunge collecting straight pubes? It’ll get old....quickly, I’d suggest.



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1 minute ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Im yet to be convinced DC. My mates been knocking one off for quite some time. She's quite tall, good looking with a fantastic figure and dosnt have the often typical chinky bandy legs, She lives mostly here but goes back to Chink land quite often for a week or two. According to him, she's a major share holder in a massive Chinese construction company and lives a multimillionaire lifestyle, which she certainly seems to do. He tells me she shaves her mick too, so no worries about the pubes. 

To be honest, i'd be up it's snatch like a rat up a drain pipe given half the chance. Must ask him if she has a sister. 


If you get a slope, don't let her slide down your bannisters. The cross-mounted piss flaps judder and make a horrible squeaking noise.

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31 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Im yet to be convinced DC. My mates been knocking one off for quite some time. She's quite tall, good looking with a fantastic figure and dosnt have the often typical chinky bandy legs, She lives mostly here but goes back to Chink land quite often for a week or two. According to him, she's a major share holder in a massive Chinese construction company and lives a multimillionaire lifestyle, which she certainly seems to do. He tells me she shaves her mick too, so no worries about the pubes. 

To be honest, i'd be up it's snatch like a rat up a drain pipe given half the chance. Must ask him if she has a sister. They met at the V8 car races in Auckland. 


How did he catch her? I mean, a V8 in a rickshaw?

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39 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Im yet to be convinced DC. My mates been knocking one off for quite some time. She's quite tall, good looking with a fantastic figure and dosnt have the often typical chinky bandy legs, She lives mostly here but goes back to Chink land quite often for a week or two. According to him, she's a major share holder in a massive Chinese construction company and lives a multimillionaire lifestyle, which she certainly seems to do. He tells me she shaves her mick too, so no worries about the pubes. 

To be honest, i'd be up it's snatch like a rat up a drain pipe given half the chance. Must ask him if she has a sister. They met at the V8 car races in Auckland. 


She’s unique then and lucky to be alive. They’ve killed most of their female children and a long-legged one ain’t no good in a paddy field.

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’re a bloke. You shouldn’t care.

Unless, of course, you’re a Ugandan mullah?

I'm pretty sure Ugandan mullahs have a different interpretation "of flicking the bean", the barbaric backwards noncing cunts! 

I actually find those adverts about female genital mutilation baffling and disgusting. No bird should be deprived the future privilege of an eye rolling bean licking (unless their munters), no matter their colour or creed. 

Some enterprising charity should start a campaign to remove the cunt's banjo strings instead. 

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21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Er, no. I listened to the whole thing because I’m laid up after surgery. Even aside from the cheap gangster act of ordering the Georgians to find him more votes, the mere way he conducts himself in the phone call is jaw dropping. The hesitation, the completely bonkers stream of consciousness, the tying together of entirely disparate issues, the paranoia. It’s all on display. I’m afraid the only conclusions one can make from listening is that he is thick, mentally unwell, or both. What I had not heard until yesterday though was how scared he is. There is a distinct tremble in his voice, an imploring for help from people to keep the toxic show going. He knows they are coming for him, and he might well get Jeff Epstein’s old room. 

If you’ve listened to the whole call then you can obviously see that he was attempting to persuade Raffenberger to order an open and public audit in order to reject illegal ballots, which he has refused to allow. His protesting that the ballots had been found to be in order is a laughable untruth. And another thing is that Trump has 4 lawyers present during the call and Ratsarse also had his attorney present the whole time. The cowardice of many Republicans is quickly becoming their undoing, as the people who voted for Trump in 2016 and saw him working tirelessly for the ordinary Americans who had been abandoned and shit on by both parties for decades, instead of promising them everything before gaining power and then breaking every promise afterwards and selling them and the country out to enrich the elite few, are for the first time being exposed as the crooks and traitors that they are. I’m surprised you’ve allowed yourself to be overcome by TDS actually LCS. I’d have thought you would see through the 4 1/2 years of non stop anti Trump bullshit which has all been shown to be untrue. I wouldn’t have put you down as someone of that ilk. I must have got you all wrong. 

My apologies.

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18 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You do know that their flat-arsed tart’s clungepots go sideways?

That won’t be a problem to Jonny. The only clunge he’s ever seen will probably have been sideways quite often, lying on his side in bed with a grot mag propped up against the wall. He’d definitely faint instantly if he ever set eyes on a real growler, so he wouldn’t have time to work out whether it was horizontal or vertical.

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43 minutes ago, King Billy said:

That won’t be a problem to Jonny. The only clunge he’s ever seen will probably have been sideways quite often, lying on his side in bed with a grot mag propped up against the wall. He’d definitely faint instantly if he ever set eyes on a real growler, so he wouldn’t have time to work out whether it was horizontal or vertical.

He won't give a shit whether it goes north to south or east to west... he only wants to watch her fire ping-pong balls out of it anyway.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

If you’ve listened to the whole call then you can obviously see that he was attempting to persuade Raffenberger to order an open and public audit in order to reject illegal ballots, which he has refused to allow. His protesting that the ballots had been found to be in order is a laughable untruth. And another thing is that Trump has 4 lawyers present during the call and Ratsarse also had his attorney present the whole time. The cowardice of many Republicans is quickly becoming their undoing, as the people who voted for Trump in 2016 and saw him working tirelessly for the ordinary Americans who had been abandoned and shit on by both parties for decades, instead of promising them everything before gaining power and then breaking every promise afterwards and selling them and the country out to enrich the elite few, are for the first time being exposed as the crooks and traitors that they are. I’m surprised you’ve allowed yourself to be overcome by TDS actually LCS. I’d have thought you would see through the 4 1/2 years of non stop anti Trump bullshit which has all been shown to be untrue. I wouldn’t have put you down as someone of that ilk. I must have got you all wrong. 

My apologies.

I've listened to the call in its jaw-dropping entirety. FWIW, I think any prosecuting attorney would have his work cut out in securing a conviction unless there is some obscure law that covers political coercion. It seems that Trump is basing his assertion that he won Georgia on two premises, firstly his rallies were bigger than Biden's and that the pollsters told him he would win the vote in that state. After that, Trump rambled on listing every tin-foil conspiracy and rumour gleaned from the MAGA-loonies' forums. Naturally, he didn't have any hard evidence that could be presented in court. He didn't seem that interested in a full blown audit either, (the State had already conducted several by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation) he just wanted the Georgia State officials to "find" him an extra 11,780 Trump votes. He was appealing to fellow Republicans and clearly wasn't interested in doing right for the constitution but to do right for him.

Best statement of the conference call (said by a Georgia State official to Trump), "your problem is that your data is wrong"

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