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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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9 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Well, we all know why they started having to be dropped in via helicopter, Panz. You're lot put their famous navi skills into work, and started digging out culverts filled with fertiliser and a sprinkling of tarmac. The intelligence services knew all the top players, and where they lived. All it needed was a PM with enough bollocks to give the 22nd the nod, and it would of been all over in a morning. Your mob used to shit their pants over sightings of the fine men of the SAS/SBS. Not that I'd imagine you'd notice one in your favourite Crossmaglen boozer. 

Nice work on old Louis though, if the rumours are true anyway. Just goes to show what utter cunts you are taking out a few kids at the same time. 

Mo Mowlam was a hard as nails girl wasn't she. Slipped her security, got a taxi to the IRA's top man, knocked on his door. And when he answered, "hello, I'm Mo Mowlam, I believe you want to kill me". 

Proper bird. 

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7 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

At the end of the day it will come down to money. The plastics don't have the same clout they used to because of the Hispanic invasion. We could reform the black and tans then rape the fuck out of Ireland and no cunt in congress would give a fuck as long as their pockets get firmly lined. US politics has been irredeemably corrupted by lobbyists who have lesser morals than the cheapest Bangkok prostitute. This something we may have to contend with after the trade deal is signed.

Nancy Pelosi still hasn't fully explained where her wealth comes from. Some say she made over $100 million from insider trading by passing a bill that caused the share price of a company she had recently invested in to increase ten fold. It gives you an idea about the integrity of the rest of them.

It's a similar story with NAFTA, Trucking. Clinton made the port of Los Angeles the busiest in America bringing in cut price goods from the dagos, and making his own country completely uncompetitive at the same time. Now the ports doing a roaring trade but just beyond its boundary is a wasteland. All those factories and warehouses that once stocked American goods are inhabited by meth heads now.

I support the Donald in his MAGA efforts, and he might not be the sharpest tool, but he's trying. Maybe we need Sir Alan Sugar to reverse our fortunes? I know he's a red sea pedestrian, but one of humble roots. Anythings better than the current fucking idiot! 

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Mo Mowlam was a hard as nails girl wasn't she. Slipped her security, got a taxi to the IRA's top man, knocked on his door. And when he answered, "hello, I'm Mo Mowlam, I believe you want to kill me". 

Proper bird. 

Congratulations Eric. 

‘Top o the world Ma!’

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9 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

It's a similar story with NAFTA, Trucking. Clinton made the port of Los Angeles the busiest in America bringing in cut price goods from the dagos, and making his own country completely uncompetitive at the same time. Now the ports doing a roaring trade but just beyond its boundary is a wasteland. All those factories and warehouses that once stocked American goods are inhabited by meth heads now.

I support the Donald in his MAGA efforts, and he might not be the sharpest tool, but he's trying. Maybe we need Sir Alan Sugar to reverse our fortunes? I know he's a red sea pedestrian, but one of humble roots. Anythings better than the current fucking idiot! 

Very true MC. Bill Clinton is portrayed by the democrats as a great statesman but in fact, he was a complete fucking idiot. Under his presidency, the US trade deficit with the NAFTA countries tripled, fucking tripled in 8 years! He then topped this by facilitating China's entry into WTO and gave them favoured nation status despite the world's foremost economists warning that they would repeatedly devalue their currency and flood the Western economies with cheap goods destroying their manufacturing industries while obstructing Western businesses expanding into the Chinese market. I would be keen to know how much state owned Chinese companies have given to his foundation (or him personally) because this has to be the only time in history that a major world leader has willingly handed over their country's economic hegemony without a shot being fired.

Trump isn't a professional politician, he's a businessman used to running a company with dictatorial powers. He's attempted to do the same while running the US and its made him a fuckload of enemies not least John Bolton who's book makes him appear as completely thick. That being said however, up until the chinky plague hit, the economy was doing well and he was slowly pulling the US away from foreign policy messes created by previous administrations while making it clear to the likes of China that their days of taking the piss were over. Obviously covid has been a complete disaster but that's only partially his fault because of the powers held by state governors. I'm predicting that he's going to land a knockout blow on Joe Biden within the next couple of weeks and I suspect it will take the shape of a direct link being established between the Democrat party and a criminal conspiracy to organize riots across the US. 

I'm of the opinion that Boris's health is completely shot after his bout of chinky flu. I'm no doctor but seeing him at PMQs this week, he looked a nervous wreck and like he was going to have a heart attack. I think he's right over the withdrawal agreement and telling the EU to fuck off but he's getting his arse handed to him by Jimmy Krankie and Bunter Blackford over Scotland. If he doesn't stamp on those cunts soon I fear its curtains for the union. I wouldn't be surprised if he quit once Brexit is done. I reckon it will then be a toss up between Michael Gove and Dominic Raab for PM. I would favour Raab but I think Gove being the sneaky cunt he is will be more adept with the dark arts of politics that will be needed to put the Scottish Nazi Party back in their box. He's a jock as well so Sturgeon won't be able to play the victim card.

I don't think Alan Sugar would be accepted by any political party at the moment. He's too thuggish working class for the Tories and too right wing for Labour plus he can get pretty volatile when somebody starts bullshitting him. I wouldn't mind seeing him walk into the commons then rip Abbotopotomus and race baiter Lammy new arseholes though!

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Well, the only reason the pervert ever got the presidency was his role in the Mena scandal. Being ex CIA director Bush, and Ollie North's go to governor when importing tonnes of Bolivian marching powder. I'm amazed he hasn't been hung out to dry, he's obviously still of great use to some, or more likely he'd bring the rest of the crooked clan down. A cunt of interstellar proportions, without a shadows. 

I've just pictured Sir Alan in PMQ's after a tame grilling by the black whale. I'd imagine he'd say something along the lines of, "are you having a laugh or something? Is this a joke I'm not privy too? I watched you on Countdown, and you struggle with basic maths". Followed by a roar of laughter from most MP's, and Abbott storming out crying whilst playing the race card. 

Now that would be a PMQ's worth watching! 

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

Very true MC. Bill Clinton is portrayed by the democrats as a great statesman but in fact, he was a complete fucking idiot. Under his presidency, the US trade deficit with the NAFTA countries tripled, fucking tripled in 8 years! He then topped this by facilitating China's entry into WTO and gave them favoured nation status despite the world's foremost economists warning that they would repeatedly devalue their currency and flood the Western economies with cheap goods destroying their manufacturing industries while obstructing Western businesses expanding into the Chinese market. I would be keen to know how much state owned Chinese companies have given to his foundation (or him personally) because this has to be the only time in history that a major world leader has willingly handed over their country's economic hegemony without a shot being fired.

Trump isn't a professional politician, he's a businessman used to running a company with dictatorial powers. He's attempted to do the same while running the US and its made him a fuckload of enemies not least John Bolton who's book makes him appear as completely thick. That being said however, up until the chinky plague hit, the economy was doing well and he was slowly pulling the US away from foreign policy messes created by previous administrations while making it clear to the likes of China that their days of taking the piss were over. Obviously covid has been a complete disaster but that's only partially his fault because of the powers held by state governors. I'm predicting that he's going to land a knockout blow on Joe Biden within the next couple of weeks and I suspect it will take the shape of a direct link being established between the Democrat party and a criminal conspiracy to organize riots across the US. 

I'm of the opinion that Boris's health is completely shot after his bout of chinky flu. I'm no doctor but seeing him at PMQs this week, he looked a nervous wreck and like he was going to have a heart attack. I think he's right over the withdrawal agreement and telling the EU to fuck off but he's getting his arse handed to him by Jimmy Krankie and Bunter Blackford over Scotland. If he doesn't stamp on those cunts soon I fear its curtains for the union. I wouldn't be surprised if he quit once Brexit is done. I reckon it will then be a toss up between Michael Gove and Dominic Raab for PM. I would favour Raab but I think Gove being the sneaky cunt he is will be more adept with the dark arts of politics that will be needed to put the Scottish Nazi Party back in their box. He's a jock as well so Sturgeon won't be able to play the victim card.

I don't think Alan Sugar would be accepted by any political party at the moment. He's too thuggish working class for the Tories and too right wing for Labour plus he can get pretty volatile when somebody starts bullshitting him. I wouldn't mind seeing him walk into the commons then rip Abbotopotomus and race baiter Lammy new arseholes though!

Out of likes TF. Get back to you when I get my pocket money. I agree with most of what you say apart from the democrats thing.

The Democrat party have been criminally conspiring   with the FBI the DOJ and the MSM against Trump for almost 5 years now. They just happen to be so fucking incompetent that they couldn’t even frame him.

Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler etc. have carte blanche to break the law, knowing that there will be no media exposure and no legal consequence. The whole Washington DC swamp is rotten to the core.           Trump, and some but not all, of the GOP  are the last line of defence against a socialist takeover of the USA. That is something that should worry the rest of the world.

The dems have put forward Biden who is absolutely away with the fairies, and they also don’t even have any policies going into this election apart from ‘We’re not Donald Trump.’ The only way they can defeat him is by cheating the result through mail in ballots, and that’s what they’re pinning their hopes on, and spreading lies that Trump is planning to cheat.

The left is now the party of race hate and division and have lost any decency they may once have had. That’s Obama’s only legacy.  Shameful cunts, every last one of them.

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7 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I went to Mo's Memorial Service in Coventry Cathedral Mozart Requiem etc. She was the real architect of the Peace Agreement not Blair. And proper old school Labour. If anybody deserves a fucking statue in Westminster it's her. 

Good looking cunt aswell. LOL

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7 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Very true MC. Bill Clinton is portrayed by the democrats as a great statesman but in fact, he was a complete fucking idiot. Under his presidency, the US trade deficit with the NAFTA countries tripled, fucking tripled in 8 years! He then topped this by facilitating China's entry into WTO and gave them favoured nation status despite the world's foremost economists warning that they would repeatedly devalue their currency and flood the Western economies with cheap goods destroying their manufacturing industries while obstructing Western businesses expanding into the Chinese market. I would be keen to know how much state owned Chinese companies have given to his foundation (or him personally) because this has to be the only time in history that a major world leader has willingly handed over their country's economic hegemony without a shot being fired.

Trump isn't a professional politician, he's a businessman used to running a company with dictatorial powers. He's attempted to do the same while running the US and its made him a fuckload of enemies not least John Bolton who's book makes him appear as completely thick. That being said however, up until the chinky plague hit, the economy was doing well and he was slowly pulling the US away from foreign policy messes created by previous administrations while making it clear to the likes of China that their days of taking the piss were over. Obviously covid has been a complete disaster but that's only partially his fault because of the powers held by state governors. I'm predicting that he's going to land a knockout blow on Joe Biden within the next couple of weeks and I suspect it will take the shape of a direct link being established between the Democrat party and a criminal conspiracy to organize riots across the US. 

I'm of the opinion that Boris's health is completely shot after his bout of chinky flu. I'm no doctor but seeing him at PMQs this week, he looked a nervous wreck and like he was going to have a heart attack. I think he's right over the withdrawal agreement and telling the EU to fuck off but he's getting his arse handed to him by Jimmy Krankie and Bunter Blackford over Scotland. If he doesn't stamp on those cunts soon I fear its curtains for the union. I wouldn't be surprised if he quit once Brexit is done. I reckon it will then be a toss up between Michael Gove and Dominic Raab for PM. I would favour Raab but I think Gove being the sneaky cunt he is will be more adept with the dark arts of politics that will be needed to put the Scottish Nazi Party back in their box. He's a jock as well so Sturgeon won't be able to play the victim card.

I don't think Alan Sugar would be accepted by any political party at the moment. He's too thuggish working class for the Tories and too right wing for Labour plus he can get pretty volatile when somebody starts bullshitting him. I wouldn't mind seeing him walk into the commons then rip Abbotopotomus and race baiter Lammy new arseholes though!

He's certainly not a full shilling is he? When I was oxygen deprived it turned me into raving nymphomaniac for a few months. 

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On 12/09/2020 at 15:43, Trucking Funt said:

At the end of the day it will come down to money. The plastics don't have the same clout they used to because of the Hispanic invasion. We could reform the black and tans then rape the fuck out of Ireland and no cunt in congress would give a fuck as long as their pockets get firmly lined. US politics has been irredeemably corrupted by lobbyists who have lesser morals than the cheapest Bangkok prostitute. This something we may have to contend with after the trade deal is signed.

Nancy Pelosi still hasn't fully explained where her wealth comes from. Some say she made over $100 million from insider trading by passing a bill that caused the share price of a company she had recently invested in to increase ten fold. It gives you an idea about the integrity of the rest of them.

A rape gang is about yer lot trukky baby..altho you'd probably be the fluffer n the wiper the rapee would probably laff at yer wiggly maggot 


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8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

cunt pedant

Your infantile attacks may appear a tad more palatable, still utterly fucking stupid - but palatable, if you wrap the crap accordingly; try cling film.

And try to cut down a little on your supremely frequent ball references; I am shocked that Wolfie hadn’t picked up on that little quirk of yours. 

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On 13/09/2020 at 19:57, White Cunt said:

Your infantile attacks may appear a tad more palatable, still utterly fucking stupid - but palatable, if you wrap the crap accordingly; try cling film.

And try to cut down a little on your supremely frequent ball references; I am shocked that Wolfie hadn’t picked up on that little quirk of yours. 

Analyse this



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