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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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3 hours ago, The Beast said:

Most definitely, we were having our pissers pulled about this, but that is what governments do on pretty much everything. I think we were given a referendum by Cameron so cunts would turn out and vote for him in 2015, which they did, or else cunts who usually vote conservative may have voted UKIP, thus decreasing the conservative's chances of gaining a majority. It was also a way of settling the twenty odd year indifference about the EU that had manifested itself in the party. 

 Where he fucked up was in not getting the result he expected.

Sovereignty is an ambiguous term as I interpret it. Firstly, it is UK plc and all else is sentiment. As it is a business, it makes no sense being attached to a club that has allowed too many basket cases membership. The internal political workings of the sleazy cunts here are enough to cope with, let alone the 26 other members. I don't doubt there is the ability amongst the population to make a success of leaving the EU, I do doubt the political will.

Cameron figured he could get the Tory Eurosceptics and UKIP off his back once and for all. His biggest mistake, and I said this at the time, was putting himself at the helm of the Remain campaign. Such was his vanity that he mistook the Tories winning an unexpected small majority at the election for personal popularity. I suspect even some of those who voted Tory regard Cameron as a pretty unattractive entity, the archetypal over-privileged Tory posh boy, Eton educated, a member of The Bullingdon Club and a multi-millionaire from a family of multi-millionaires running a Cabinet stuffed with millionaires.

The Remain campaign was badly run from the start, relying almost entirely on "project fear" rather than addressing some of the more obvious flaws in the Leave campaign, notably the ludicrous claim of an extra £350 million a week for the NHS which nobody now is defending.

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15 hours ago, Snatch said:

I take it you will be deleting any anti French or Welsh comments on the grounds of racism.

Or does that only apply to blacks?


26 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

Cameron figured he could get the Tory blah blah blah

Fuck all that bollocks. When are you going answer my question? 

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6 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

It would have been pointless to have commented on the moot tax point. You're going to get taxed anyway so it matters not who you pay it to and who squanders it and you won't paying any less tax than what you already do.  Also I didn't imply that you are thick but I will if you keep up this fallacy that the EU regulates all aspects of your life. What does that even mean? You make it sound like you live your life at wrong end of a rifle. It's well established that 85% of news is actually made up 'mind manipulation' as you call it, I'd call it agenda based opinion forming, it's all mostly propaganda but I'm not the conspiracy theorist here so we'll call it mind manipulation if you like, your call. You're not thick, you've just chosen to be ill informed and as a result opted to make a rash decision based on a load untruths and twaddle, That's all, although I think that that's probably worse than being thick as you can't then use being thick for your gullibility. 

Hmm, who decides what tax and rate I'm required to pay is hardly a moot point..

Anyway, your still at it! Aside from you bringing the up business of "falling for the right-wing press" you now justify your stance by accusing me of, "choosing to be ill-informed" leading me to make a "rash decision based on a load of untruths and twaddle". Twaddle was touted on both sides of the In/Out campaign. I made that point before the vote...


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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Hmm, who decides what tax and rate I'm required to pay is hardly a moot point..

Anyway, your still at it! Aside from you bringing the up business of "falling for the right-wing press" you now justify your stance by accusing me of, "choosing to be ill-informed" leading me to make a "rash decision based on a load of untruths and twaddle". Twaddle was touted on both sides of the In/Out campaign. I made that point before the vote...


Yeah yeah we get it. Your right and everyone else is wrong.

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17 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Why did we have to go to the ECHR to remove a known terrorist supporter and hate preacher from our shores then? 

Apparently British courts telling him to fuck off home wasn't enough, we needed "approval" from the EU...

Courts in paddy land regularly boot out offenders. ..leave or jail. .probably find no country would take the raghead firebrand 



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41 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Oh dear, Mrs R, you see what happens when you argue with Snatch for too long?

Fucking *YOU'RE*

CB,she wasn't arguing with me this time.

Just sayin'.

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5 hours ago, Snatch said:

Still avoiding my question but then you never could back up your racist arguments.

Are you STILL trying to get the admins to see anything close to reason? I've spent the last few days herbally meditating on the subject and I've come to the conclusion that they're both long term mental health patients who only got the job because they're cheaper to employ due to all the government support they get to distract them from licking the windows.

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On 15/11/2016 at 9:04 AM, Witheredscrote said:

So a 'leaked' report claims that Mdm May and her cronies have no strategy for leaving the EU. Well, well, that is a surprise. The suggestion is that another 30,000 civil servants be employed to cope with the process of leaving. That is 30,000   more salaries that you British taxpayers will have to pay these free loading cunts. The U.K. will not leave the EU, the deal has been done behind closed doors weeks ago.  Those of you who voted leave have been conned. A clear cut case of clowns led by clowns.

Marine Le Pen is more shaggable than May anyway. Vivre

What a fucking thick foreign cunt you are....Mistress Leather pants has cum out this week and told every cunt that There is no negotiation to be had beyond...BYE !!!!!   What more is there to say, nothing to negotiate, just fuck off Johnny Foreigner, get collecting your own taxes and paying for those useless cunts in Brussels on your own.   Ohhh and by the way just as we are leaving you can bet the Germans take us to one side and say.....can we have 5 minutes to chat about the 850,000 cars a year we sell to the uk !!!   The French won't be far behind them to seal a deal for all that shit spunk riddled cheese and piss wine they will have to consume without us.    Ooooh and don't think Italy going down the pan before 2018'will be something the EU can prop up.....it's just too big a fuck up.   Negotiate with Europe, have a plan...... what the fuck for.    We don't need to negotiate THEY DO.....and what fucking Europe will exist when Italy is as fucked as Greece....... open your fucking deluded fucking brainwashed eyes you dick head.....you are the sort of cunt who would have blindly followed that tooth brush moustachioed lecture thumping cunt at Nuremberg.   We would have been the ones playing cricket, reading books, sitting in the sun waiting for the bell to ring, jumping into a Hurricane and shooting you blind followers of cunts out of the sky.   You will thank us one day......and it will be sooner than you think.   Last time I looked...no tanks on our streets, no mass unemploymentent hysteria, pound now jumped this week on hearing the fuck off news.....all good.   Only thing left to do is fuck all you cunts off to places like Scotland and Northern Ireland and other third world cuntries!!!!!  Where you re moaners can all suck each other off and cry.

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35 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

What a fucking thick foreign cunt you are....Mistress Leather pants has cum out this week and told every cunt that There is no negotiation to be had beyond...BYE !!!!!   What more is there to say, nothing to negotiate, just fuck off Johnny Foreigner, get collecting your own taxes and paying for those useless cunts in Brussels on your own.   Ohhh and by the way just as we are leaving you can bet the Germans take us to one side and say.....can we have 5 minutes to chat about the 850,000 cars a year we sell to the uk !!!   The French won't be far behind them to seal a deal for all that shit spunk riddled cheese and piss wine they will have to consume without us.    Ooooh and don't think Italy going down the pan before 2018'will be something the EU can prop up.....it's just too big a fuck up.   Negotiate with Europe, have a plan...... what the fuck for.    We don't need to negotiate THEY DO.....and what fucking Europe will exist when Italy is as fucked as Greece....... open your fucking deluded fucking brainwashed eyes you dick head.....you are the sort of cunt who would have blindly followed that tooth brush moustachioed lecture thumping cunt at Nuremberg.   We would have been the ones playing cricket, reading books, sitting in the sun waiting for the bell to ring, jumping into a Hurricane and shooting you blind followers of cunts out of the sky.   You will thank us one day......and it will be sooner than you think.   Last time I looked...no tanks on our streets, no mass unemploymentent hysteria, pound now jumped this week on hearing the fuck off news.....all good.   Only thing left to do is fuck all you cunts off to places like Scotland and Northern Ireland and other third world cuntries!!!!!  Where you re moaners can all suck each other off and cry.

Just what I needed at midnight ( FRENCH TIME ), the rantings of a pissed, bigoted madman. Much better than a mug of Horlicks to send me to sleep. I just pity your boyfriends arsehole tonight, so much anger.

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4 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Just what I needed at midnight ( FRENCH TIME ), the rantings of a pissed, bigoted madman. Much better than a mug of Horlicks to send me to sleep. I just pity your boyfriends arsehole tonight, so much anger.

Are you really French Scrotely?

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55 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

What a fucking thick foreign cunt you are....Mistress Leather pants has cum out this week and told every cunt that There is no negotiation to be had beyond...BYE !!!!!   What more is there to say, nothing to negotiate, just fuck off Johnny Foreigner, get collecting your own taxes and paying for those useless cunts in Brussels on your own.   Ohhh and by the way just as we are leaving you can bet the Germans take us to one side and say.....can we have 5 minutes to chat about the 850,000 cars a year we sell to the uk !!!   The French won't be far behind them to seal a deal for all that shit spunk riddled cheese and piss wine they will have to consume without us.    Ooooh and don't think Italy going down the pan before 2018'will be something the EU can prop up.....it's just too big a fuck up.   Negotiate with Europe, have a plan...... what the fuck for.    We don't need to negotiate THEY DO.....and what fucking Europe will exist when Italy is as fucked as Greece....... open your fucking deluded fucking brainwashed eyes you dick head.....you are the sort of cunt who would have blindly followed that tooth brush moustachioed lecture thumping cunt at Nuremberg.   We would have been the ones playing cricket, reading books, sitting in the sun waiting for the bell to ring, jumping into a Hurricane and shooting you blind followers of cunts out of the sky.   You will thank us one day......and it will be sooner than you think.   Last time I looked...no tanks on our streets, no mass unemploymentent hysteria, pound now jumped this week on hearing the fuck off news.....all good.   Only thing left to do is fuck all you cunts off to places like Scotland and Northern Ireland and other third world cuntries!!!!!  Where you re moaners can all suck each other off and cry.

There's still some cheap ski wear in Aldi if you get there in the next few days MC

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1 hour ago, Monumental cunt said:

What a fucking thick foreign cunt you are....Mistress Leather pants has cum out this week and told every cunt that There is no negotiation to be had beyond...BYE !!!!!   What more is there to say, nothing to negotiate, just fuck off Johnny Foreigner, get collecting your own taxes and paying for those useless cunts in Brussels on your own.   Ohhh and by the way just as we are leaving you can bet the Germans take us to one side and say.....can we have 5 minutes to chat about the 850,000 cars a year we sell to the uk !!!   The French won't be far behind them to seal a deal for all that shit spunk riddled cheese and piss wine they will have to consume without us.    Ooooh and don't think Italy going down the pan before 2018'will be something the EU can prop up.....it's just too big a fuck up.   Negotiate with Europe, have a plan...... what the fuck for.    We don't need to negotiate THEY DO.....and what fucking Europe will exist when Italy is as fucked as Greece....... open your fucking deluded fucking brainwashed eyes you dick head.....you are the sort of cunt who would have blindly followed that tooth brush moustachioed lecture thumping cunt at Nuremberg.   We would have been the ones playing cricket, reading books, sitting in the sun waiting for the bell to ring, jumping into a Hurricane and shooting you blind followers of cunts out of the sky.   You will thank us one day......and it will be sooner than you think.   Last time I looked...no tanks on our streets, no mass unemploymentent hysteria, pound now jumped this week on hearing the fuck off news.....all good.   Only thing left to do is fuck all you cunts off to places like Scotland and Northern Ireland and other third world cuntries!!!!!  Where you re moaners can all suck each other off and cry.

There is nothing the old cunt said that she shouldn't have or couldn't have said 6 months ago. I can't believe people can be soft soaped so easily. Never trust these slippery cunts.

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