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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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Guest I know that Cunt
2 minutes ago, Manky said:

99% of the whole debate was speculation. The government will have kept the lid on any awkward facts that would aid Brexit. At the same time, the Remainers will have been thoroughly briefed on any positive information about Europe. The Brexit team had an uphill fight against lies, disinformation and the weight of the establishment.

The truth was in short supply for Brexiteers and the margin would have been much larger on a level playing field. I am genetically programmed to oppose liaisons with Johnny Foreigner so the place my cross went was not in any doubt, regardless of any facts 

So in 41 years you have formed no opinion? You only judged it on what you were being told during the campaign were you? Are you serious?

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Guest I know that Cunt
1 minute ago, Punkape said:

Not really... If our government had adopted similar rules to my golf club and not taken their eye of the ball we wouldn't have Islamified ghettos all over the fucking country.My golf club doesn't have iIslamic cunts in it because we have a proper application system.

Here here! 

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Guest Gong Farmer
8 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Gong, no one said it would. But one day, come the revolution...............

There's not going to be any revolution. Revolution comes when people are pushed to the edge with nowhere to go. If most people can be kept entertained by their flat screen tellys watching mind mumbing bilge they'd rather not get involved with up risings if it's going to interfere with their Eastenders and the footy.

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3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Not really... If our government had adopted similar rules to my golf club and not taken their eye of the ball we wouldn't have Islamified ghettos all over the fucking country.My golf club doesn't have iIslamic cunts in it because we have a proper application system.

It may not have Islamic cunts in it, but I know for a fact it's got at least one stupid fucking cunt in it. 

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Guest I know that Cunt
7 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

So do you not think that you might have fallen fowl to media mind fucking even by the right wing media that might have forced a rather brash Brexit referendum . I know that I've often fallen fowl to it. I'm  now a fence sitter when it comes to politics, I sometimes exercise my democratic right not to vote simply because the choices that are offered up are not worth a wank, won't deliver what they promise and are clearly a public piss take.

No because I'm an intelligent adult that observes and understands the issues and I've been observing for a long time [which I may have mentioned]

[btw, its fallen foul]

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Guest I know that Cunt
7 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

There's not going to be any revolution. Revolution comes when people are pushed to the edge with nowhere to go. If most people can be kept entertained by their flat screen tellys watching mind mumbing bilge they'd rather not get involved with up risings if it's going to interfere with their Eastenders and the footy.

Gong, a comic reference to Wolfie Smith.........

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15 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

So in 41 years you have formed no opinion? You only judged it on what you were being told during the campaign were you? Are you serious?

I voted no in 75 and out this year. My attitudes to my race and my nation pre-date 1975 and are extremely  unlikely to change in the future.

Not everything can be blamed on Europe, but lots can. I like Europe ( not the EU ) to a certain extent, but as an Englishman and not a European.

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 hour ago, Ape said:

I voted remain as 1). my life is pretty good the way things are, and 2). because I fucking hate IKTC and his ilk. 

I can't say that I live a shitty existence under the EU either. I can't say that my life would be improved without it but what does grate me is that the main body is not democratic and transparent enough for my liking. If that can be rectified I could vote to stay if we're given a referendum. I don't live my life at the wrong end of gun, I have freedoms and liberties, I can travel and work anywhere within the EU and see the whole continent as my back yard. Europeans get on well with each other, we've retained our individual cultures whilst at the same time embracing each other's, some how it all works on a grass roots level but that's got nothing to do with EU government and everything to do with the people of Europe themselves that understand that we have to live with each other and we have to get on, and we do. If the UK doesn't want to be a part of that then fine, it just seems unfair on those that do, but that's the price you have to pay for having the luxury of living in a democracy.

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42 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

Those Islamics are not there because of the EU, they're there because the UK let them in and will continue to let them. I'm waiting to see how voting Brexit is going de-islamicfy those shitty grim northern towns where no European's actually live. 

You are accurate about moslems being in the UK due to a very lax immigration policy for many years and EU immigration being a separate issue. However, with Turkey doing its best to join the club, soon the issues will merge. We are told it will be many years before they are allowed to join. If you believe that yarn then you are having your pisser pulled. Another good reason for wanting to leave in my book. I have worked with Mauritians, Filipinos and Indians for over 28 years and they will tell you the moslem communities in their countries are a source of conflict. Many of them voted to leave the EU because they are not stupid and foresee Turkey joining soon and with it many more moslems having the right to reside in the UK plc. I don't have time for the Islamic ideology and I find it deeply offensive to be referred to as a non-muslim, which, to me, implies that the default position is to be a moslem. I am not a non anything.

I am a cunt. A fucking proper one at that.

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21 minutes ago, The Beast said:

You are accurate about moslems being in the UK due to a very lax immigration policy for many years and EU immigration being a separate issue. However, with Turkey doing its best to join the club, soon the issues will merge. We are told it will be many years before they are allowed to join. If you believe that yarn then you are having your pisser pulled. Another good reason for wanting to leave in my book. I have worked with Mauritians, Filipinos and Indians for over 28 years and they will tell you the moslem communities in their countries are a source of conflict. Many of them voted to leave the EU because they are not stupid and foresee Turkey joining soon and with it many more moslems having the right to reside in the UK plc. I don't have time for the Islamic ideology and I find it deeply offensive to be referred to as a non-muslim, which, to me, implies that the default position is to be a moslem. I am not a non anything.

I am a cunt. A fucking proper one at that.

Well said and reported. Germany has taken nearly 2 million Muslim 'refugees' 2nd in amount only to Turkey. Even without Turkey joining the EU we would soon have been asked to do our bit and take our fair share. When Turkey joins, the average European will be fucked.

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Guest Gong Farmer
1 minute ago, The Beast said:

You are accurate about moslems being in the UK due to a very lax immigration policy for many years and EU immigration being a separate issue. However, with Turkey doing its best to join the club, soon the issues will merge. We are told it will be many years before they are allowed to join. If you believe that yarn then you are having your pisser pulled. Another good reason for wanting to leave in my book. I have worked with Mauritians, Filipinos and Indians for over 28 years and they will tell you the moslem communities in their countries are a source of conflict. Many of them voted to leave the EU because they are not stupid and foresee Turkey joining soon and with it many more moslems having the right to reside in the UK plc. I don't have time for the Islamic ideology and I find it deeply offensive to be referred to as a non-muslim, which, to me, implies that the default position is to be a moslem. I am not a non anything.

I am a cunt. A fucking proper one at that.

My government are bending over backwards to make sure that Turkey doesn't get a foot in the EU door, it would be political suicide for them not to oppose it as the so called 'far right' PVV, Gert Wilders's party would make politcal gains. They're fighting a two way battle on that front so it's imperative that Turkey stands no chance of getting EU membership, there isn't one EU country that would agree to it save there mainstream political parties losing power. I'd noticed in the British press, especially the right wing press during the Brexit debacle that EU countries on the whole are dead against the idea of Turkish membership was never reported, never reported that the countries like the Netherlands have a vito to depose Turkey's entry and wil do just that. Instead it's just reported that  the EU is going to let Turkey join. The Netherlands deposed the plan on Turkey's human rights record alone, that was enough to keep Turkey out even before that dubious coup earlier this year. To add to it Turkey is planning on reinstating the death penalty, some voices im our government called to encourage it as then it would be dead cert that Turkey would never get EU membership.


I find Islam deeply offensive but I'm still more of a proper cunt that you are. 

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43 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Well said and reported. Germany has taken nearly 2 million Muslim 'refugees' 2nd in amount only to Turkey. Even without Turkey joining the EU we would soon have been asked to do our bit and take our fair share. When Turkey joins, the average European will be fucked.

The Germans will get the ovens out again eventually...


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Guest Gong Farmer
33 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Well said and reported. Germany has taken nearly 2 million Muslim 'refugees' 2nd in amount only to Turkey. Even without Turkey joining the EU we would soon have been asked to do our bit and take our fair share. When Turkey joins, the average European will be fucked.

The UK is a soft touch, we don't take in many 'refugees' and the ones that we do are put into camps for processing, not left to wander the streets so that we don't know how many of them there are. They're humanly given a roof over their heads, fed, watered and processed with the ones not fitting the criteria as a real asylum seekers put on a plane and taken back to whence they cometh. That the UK is a soft touch for illegal immigrant piss takers is the reason they were camped out in Calais trying to cross the channel, because they knew that they'll get something for fuck all in the UK that they can't get anywhere else in Europe, if they thought they could get something off the tight arsed Dutch they would have been making their way to the Netherlands where it was made known to them in advance and under no uncertain terms that they would be wasting their boot leather making the journey only to be prosecuted as illegal aliens and vagrants that carries a hefty fine and ejection out of the country, a slim chance of that happening in the UK. The administration here is very strict on even legal immigration, even EU citizens are not allowed citizenship without passing a language exam and even then have to understand fully the Dutch constitution that demands that you respect the constitution, traditions and way of life of the country. I think if you UK weren't so compliant and forced to be so tolerant a lot of your problems wouldn't exist. PC is an Anglo-centric phenomenon, it just seems to have taken hold much more in English speaking countries than with non English speaking countries with a few exceptions, Sweden and Germany to name but two, that was even mentioned at the UN during a debate and I think that there's and element truth in it. Even the right wing in the UK ask's the left what it can say and do.  

 Stop being so fucking compliant.


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Guest DingTheRioja
15 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I can't say that I live a shitty existence under the EU either. I can't say that my life would be improved without it but what does grate me is that the main body is not democratic and transparent enough for my liking. If that can be rectified I could vote to stay if we're given a referendum. I don't live my life at the wrong end of gun, I have freedoms and liberties, I can travel and work anywhere within the EU and see the whole continent as my back yard. Europeans get on well with each other, we've retained our individual cultures whilst at the same time embracing each other's, some how it all works on a grass roots level but that's got nothing to do with EU government and everything to do with the people of Europe themselves that understand that we have to live with each other and we have to get on, and we do. If the UK doesn't want to be a part of that then fine, it just seems unfair on those that do, but that's the price you have to pay for having the luxury of living in a democracy.

I've spent a couple of years in various parts of europe and seen how well they get on with each other, and it's really not that great as far as I've seen. 

Varying between complete disinterest in each other to open hostility, especially near the franco-german border or the franco-italian border.  Being on or around the french side of the italian border you're better off being German than Italian, they fucking despise the italians with a passion and I've yet to find an italian working there as they simply refuse to employ them, distrusting them not to steal their money or shag their wives/daughters.  Go near the german border you're better off being anything else other than the "opposite number".

If you want any balance in this argument, well meeting someone in a country that is foreign to them and you, and they are very much on your side since the locals hate both our nationalities. 

And no, it's not just me, having looked at buying property in both France and Italy, I got the same stories from many ex-pats, especially the non-brit ex-pats.


They hate each other as much as us/them.

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Guest Gong Farmer
28 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

I've spent a couple of years in various parts of europe and seen how well they get on with each other, and it's really not that great as far as I've seen. 

Varying between complete disinterest in each other to open hostility, especially near the franco-german border or the franco-italian border.  Being on or around the french side of the italian border you're better off being German than Italian, they fucking despise the italians with a passion and I've yet to find an italian working there as they simply refuse to employ them, distrusting them not to steal their money or shag their wives/daughters.  Go near the german border you're better off being anything else other than the "opposite number".

If you want any balance in this argument, well meeting someone in a country that is foreign to them and you, and they are very much on your side since the locals hate both our nationalities. 

And no, it's not just me, having looked at buying property in both France and Italy, I got the same stories from many ex-pats, especially the non-brit ex-pats.


They hate each other as much as us/them.

As someone who's lived near the German border for the last twenty six years what you're saying sounds totally alien to me. There's an estimated 150.000 Dutch people living on the other side of border, some living and working on the other side of the border, in fact it's quite normal for different nationalities to live just over the border in another country. There's four German families living on the same road where I live, I work with Germans, some of my Dutch colleagues live in Germany. The same thing happens on our Dutch Belgium border, it happens because it's now possible. You'd think that being German in Europe was a bad thing to be when considering two world wars when in fact everyone's moved on. The war is over Ding, as I keep having to remind you.

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Guest DingTheRioja
13 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

As someone who's lived near the German border for the last twenty six years what you're saying sounds totally alien to me. There's an estimated 150.000 Dutch people living on the other side of border, some living and working on the other side of the border, in fact it's quite normal for different nationalities to live just over the border in another country. There's four German families living on the same road where I live, I work with Germans, some of my Dutch colleagues live in Germany. The same thing happens on our Dutch Belgium border, it happens because it's now possible. You'd think that being German in Europe was a bad thing to be when considering two world wars when in fact everyone's moved on. The war is over Ding, as I keep having to remind you.

I never said it wasn't possible, just relaying the experiences I have had and heard of.  I have rarely had any issues myself due to nationality, the few I had would be considered racist (as in anti-white) not nationalist, just telling it like I've seen.

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Guest Gong Farmer
31 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

I never said it wasn't possible, just relaying the experiences I have had and heard of.  I have rarely had any issues myself due to nationality, the few I had would be considered racist (as in anti-white) not nationalist, just telling it like I've seen.

There's bound to be a bit of discourse between peoples and cultures living in close proximity to each other. You only have to look as far as your own country where England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are concerned, you all like to think you're different, and quite rightly so, but you're all still commonly British and unit when the chips are down and still voted to stay United Kingdom. I'd wager that if it came to it you'd side with a Scot or a Welshmen over say a Dane or a Portuguese, it's natural to gravitate towards commonality and familiarity, it's tribalism and is completely natural.  The Netherlands is made up of separate provinces all with a degree of automy that creates a level of rivalry which in some cases results in some animosity, especially between Friesland and it's bordering neighbours such as the provinces North Holland and Groningen. The Friese are famously arrogant and obstinate towards people from other provinces even going as far refusing to speak anything other than there own language in their presence. You wouldn't have a problem going there because you're not Dutch, they're nice to people that aren't Dutch, the rest of us think it's hilarious. A tv show put up a fake border kiosk years that demanded that Friese people show their passports when crossing into Into North Holland from Friesland to prove a point, some of the Friese cunts complied, their perceived nationalistic cuntishness is a laughing stock but at least they're still holding on to their identity as a separate people and that should be applauded not ridiculed.

That's within our own countries so it's not surprising that tribalism still exists within Europe and it's a good thing too as all the scare mongering that goes on about the different cultures being diluted by EU regulation hasn't happened, and because of the innate tribalism that still exists within European society means that a German is still and German and an Irishman is still very much an Irishman, nothing's changed and not likely to.... and we're not killing each other for our national identities either.

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2 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

The war is over Ding, as I keep having to remind you.

If cunts like the British stopped banging on about how "we" beat them in 2 World Wars and the fucking football in 1966 maybe we can all  move on. The "we" being the quite a few other countries and the only reason the football cunts go on about 1966 World Cup is because the overpaid prima donna poofs have done absolutely fuck all since then. 50 years of being total losers on the pítch,

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37 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

There's bound to be a bit of discourse between peoples and cultures living in close proximity to each other. You only have to look as far as your own country where England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are concerned, you all like to think you're different, and quite rightly so, but you're all still commonly British and unit when the chips are down and still voted to stay United Kingdom. I'd wager that if it came to it you'd side with a Scot or a Welshmen over say a Dane or a Portuguese, it's natural to gravitate towards commonality and familiarity, it's tribalism and is completely natural.  The Netherlands is made up of separate provinces all with a degree of automy that creates a level of rivalry which in some cases results in some animosity, especially between Friesland and it's bordering neighbours such as the provinces North Holland and Groningen. The Friese are famously arrogant and obstinate towards people from other provinces even going as far refusing to speak anything other than there own language in their presence. You wouldn't have a problem going there because you're not Dutch, they're nice to people that aren't Dutch, the rest of us think it's hilarious. A tv show put up a fake border kiosk years that demanded that Friese people show their passports when crossing into Into North Holland from Friesland to prove a point, some of the Friese cunts complied, their perceived nationalistic cuntishness is a laughing stock but at least they're still holding on to their identity as a separate people and that should be applauded not ridiculed.

That's within our own countries so it's not surprising that tribalism still exists within Europe and it's a good thing too as all the scare mongering that goes on about the different cultures being diluted by EU regulation hasn't happened, and because of the innate tribalism that still exists within European society means that a German is still and German and an Irishman is still very much an Irishman, nothing's changed and not likely to.... and we're not killing each other for our national identities either.

I'm an Irish Republican and I'll make no apologies.

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