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Those fucking did you have a P.P.I. adverts

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Lady Penelope

They are every fucking where. Do these cunts not think that we don't fucking know that they are slimey cunts after the comminsion for the two bob compo that you might get?


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There is no brilliant way, secret way, clever trick, easy new way etc to find out if you had PPI and of course the photos are entirely irrelevant. As soon as you click free check they want your full name, phone number, email address , date of birth and post code. It's worth bearing in mind that once you sign up with these people you may be liable to pay them commission, often around 25% plus VAT, even if you successfully reclaim the money yourself without their help.

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:


6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I've had a phone call from someone called Mike from a PPI company asking me if I had a PPI. I told him to shove the phone up his arse. That's how I deal with these bastards. Don't get me started on cunts ringing up about accident compensation either. 

Can I ask you about your experience with cunts ringing you up about accident compensation?

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9 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I've had a phone call from someone called Mike from a PPI company asking me if I had a PPI. I told him to shove the phone up his arse. That's how I deal with these bastards. Don't get me started on cunts ringing up about accident compensation either. 

Some cunt just rang me up with a story about how, against all odds, they've found a kidney donor for Mrs Baws at last. I took your advice though, and told him to shove the phone up his arse. Anyway, can't hang around chatting, I've got to go sort out the dialysis machine, it's on the blink again.

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Some cunt just rang me up with a story about how, against all odds, they've found a kidney donor for Mrs Baws at last. I took your advice though, and told him to shove the phone up his arse. Anyway, can't hang around chatting, I've got to go sort out the dialysis machine, it's on the blink again.

Did they ask you to take a minute and sit right there, then start babbling about being the Fresh Prince of Bel Air?

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51 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I've had a phone call from someone called Mike from a PPI company asking me if I had a PPI. I told him to shove the phone up his arse. That's how I deal with these bastards. Don't get me started on cunts ringing up about accident compensation either. 

The little cunt isn't dead. He must be wired in to a pretty aggressive auto-dialer if he's unable to find time to post here. 

If Mike ever rings you back, tell him we all hate him and to get a proper job. 

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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

Then stop thinking . ...free yer mind and yer arse will follow 


Just do what I do, draw little dots on your screen with a sharpie and move your silhouette up and down until it has eyes. Roadkill is obsessed with avatars coz he drew his own one and his mandatory attendant said it was ace.

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1 hour ago, Rick_B said:

There is no brilliant way, secret way, clever trick, easy new way etc to find out if you had PPI and of course the photos are entirely irrelevant. As soon as you click free check they want your full name, phone number, email address , date of birth and post code. It's worth bearing in mind that once you sign up with these people you may be liable to pay them commission, often around 25% plus VAT, even if you successfully reclaim the money yourself without their help.

I just wish that people from Bangladesh call centres would stop telling me that their names are david or Richard or Jennifer etc. if they just introduced themselves as Rajiv or Prakash I still wouldn't be interested in talking to them but I would at least respect the fact that they were real  and not trying to gain favour by pretending to be English ( with a Chittagong accent for fucks sake!)

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I just wish that people from Bangladesh call centres would stop telling me that their names are david or Richard or Jennifer etc. if they just introduced themselves as Rajiv or Prakash I still wouldn't be interested in talking to them but I would at least respect the fact that they were real  and not trying to gain favour by pretending to be English ( with a Chittagong accent for fucks sake!)

Well goodness gracious me old fruit.

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1 hour ago, Snatch said:

So tell me about your experiences with cunts ringing you up about accident compensation.

Would you mind if I rang you to discuss your experiences while ringing cunts to discuss their experiences talking to cunts wishing to talk about accident compensation ? Do to have a moment to discuss our lord Jesus Christ?

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Did they ask you to take a minute and sit right there, then start babbling about being the Fresh Prince of Bel Air?

23 years on and I can still recite every word of that theme song, last decent thing Will Smith did before he started getting his talent free kids lucrative showbiz careers. And anyway, Carltons dancing was the funniest thing in it so fuck Will Smith, and his son who he should have named Won't smith

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