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Walnut the Whippet


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have appealed to admin to have bill reinstated, explained to them that I prefer to fight my own battles. I hope they let him back in but if they don't it must be for reasons other than the little to-do between him and myself. Besides that I quite miss cunting him off and exposing him for the toss bag that he is.


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52 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Admin are all unreliable in these matters. Just pm from the subjects profile, mail symbol by profile photo. There is to be a hearing, where your fate shall be decided.

Already worked it out and PM'd you to let you know. If I'm found guilty will there be a lynching like in " hang em high" ? Clint Eastwood films are great, I like the one with the big gun, and the one with the monkey.

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21 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Can you imagine Roops reading Eric's appeal for William's release. I bet she couldn't stop laughing and her office floor was covered in piss. What a cunt Eric is.

Don't tell me that you don't miss kicking the shit out of him as much as I do,and I know what a cunt I am because it says proper cunt on my profile info.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What the fuck has bubble got to do with this one? Haven't heard from him for a day or 2.

Quality Control. Bubba is an angry, grudge bearing, wee Welsh bastard. Last time I made a post below his standards he used his shaman powers to reach through my computer monitor and disembowel me with the bottle of Brown Ale I had on my desk at the time. Be wary of him.

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Quality Control. Bubba is an angry, grudge bearing, wee Welsh bastard. Last time I made a post below his standards he used his shaman powers to reach through my computer monitor and disembowel me with the bottle of Brown Ale I had on my desk at the time. Be wary of him.

I love nookie brown but find it produces a monumental amount of flatulence the next day. Is that normal or am I allergic? I quite enjoy bubs posts though, told my mum he called me the spasticated son of a nazi raped farmhand and she found it funny too.

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16 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Quality Control. Bubba is an angry, grudge bearing, wee Welsh bastard. Last time I made a post below his standards he used his shaman powers to reach through my computer monitor and disembowel me with the bottle of Brown Ale I had on my desk at the time. Be wary of him.

Gonna start drinking scotch now so hopefully I can fall asleep tonight and not sit here all night reading through the shit on here. Looked at open corner and discovered I had my own thread. Aww you guys.

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11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I can remember when all this round 'ere was just fields.

My grandad used to say, (and he fought in both world wars) that you were safe unless your name was on it.

Mr and Mrs Doodlebug at No 37 spent the war shitting themselves.

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