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Walnut the Whippet


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1 hour ago, Punkape said:

Bill has  been banned permanently......you're for the fucking high jump pal.

Have appealed to admin to have bill reinstated, explained to them that I prefer to fight my own battles. I hope they let him back in but if they don't it must be for reasons other than the little to-do between him and myself. Besides that I quite miss cunting him off and exposing him for the toss bag that he is.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

No, I don't know why he got banned. I've never grassed anyone on here and I never will.

I ain't no grass either Ericly. You do get them on here occasionally, although fuck knows why. Jewdy was the worst, he grassed up my Aunty Vi for smashing dogs with a mallet. A mallet! I ask you! You can't get more humane than a mallet these days. She knew The Krays. "You 'ad respect in them days Ratty" she used to say to me when I was shat on her lap

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Just now, ratcum said:

I ain't no grass either Ericly. You do get them on here occasionally, although fuck knows why. Jewdy was the worst, he grassed up my Aunty Vi for smashing dogs with a mallet. A mallet! I ask you! You can't get more humane than a mallet these days. She knew The Krays. "You 'ad respect in them days Ratty" she used to say to me when I was shat on her lap

We need the Krays back. They'll get this site back on track in a jiffy.

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8 minutes ago, Punkape said:

You fucking cunt.

Frank's going to sort you out.

He may well try but I think you'll find my skin has grown surprisingly thick in the time since I had my much discussed wobble and I don't fear anybody, especially frank who has 4 or 5 alter egos just so that it appears he has support, for all I know I'm replying to him now. Good luck with the vendetta, you're going to need it.( and I'm trying to get bill reinstated so I can continue to cunt him off as well as the rest of you).

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

He may well try but I think you'll find my skin has grown surprisingly thick in the time since I had my much discussed wobble and I don't fear anybody, especially frank who has 4 or 5 alter egos just so that it appears he has support, for all I know I'm replying to him now. Good luck with the vendetta, you're going to need it.( and I'm trying to get bill reinstated so I can continue to cunt him off as well as the rest of you).

You fucking tosser.

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26 minutes ago, ratcum said:

I ain't no grass either Ericly. You do get them on here occasionally, although fuck knows why. Jewdy was the worst, he grassed up my Aunty Vi for smashing dogs with a mallet. A mallet! I ask you! You can't get more humane than a mallet these days. She knew The Krays. "You 'ad respect in them days Ratty" she used to say to me when I was shat on her lap

I grassed Bill, and I would do it again.

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7 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I grassed Bill, and I would do it again.

Sorry, can't agree with you there Fast Eddie, even concerning a drip like Still Bickers. In the end he's just a boring little tit and completely harmless. Without the intellectual capacity to reason or argue effectively, his sort just gets hissy and all hot and bothered. Seen it many times on here.

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21 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You could leave ya front door open in them days.

My Aunty Vi used to do abortions in the old days. You soon knew which side your eggs were buttered then, I'll tell you. She had to push Mad Frankie's eye back in after a Messerschmidt caught it

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