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Walnut the Whippet


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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That there is ma klan hood, you kinda look blue an green to me, y' ain't from arand here are ya boy?.... Don't take kindly to green fellas arand these parts, we calls em boogers.

Great now I cant stop thinking about an alternate universe filled with legions of racist south American default avatars. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Great now I cant stop thinking about an alternate universe filled with legions of racist south American default avatars. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.

Erm , I think South Americans are the ones with sombreros, little donkeys full of sweets and a strange habit of falling asleep in the street at 3 in the afternoon. Nightmare fuel indeed! Owing to the time difference in Newcastle it's only 6pm where you are. Ages til bedtime yet.

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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Great now I cant stop thinking about an alternate universe filled with legions of racist south American default avatars. Thanks for the nightmare fuel.

On an unrelated subject the term  "mackem" comes from the days when Sunderland shipyard workers would build boats by day and then sneak back and steal them at night, hence, "make em and take em" leading to mackem. Is that right or just more bollocks from Wikipedia ?

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10 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

I never fucking said that!

Apologies. My antique iPhone sometimes fucks up and the only way I know how to clear it is delete everything in the quote box, type in what I wanted to say and hit send. Didn't mean to impersonate you. Needless to say my internet skills leave quite a fucking lot to be desired.

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

On an unrelated subject the term  "mackem" comes from the days when Sunderland shipyard workers would build boats by day and then sneak back and steal them at night, hence, "make em and take em" leading to mackem. Is that right or just more bollocks from Wikipedia ?

Don't know, probably just more bollocks from you

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

Withers, you were meant to be dead. It would have been better if you had stayed dead - look at this watery dog shit thread you've started. Fucking abysmal, as is the rest of the shit this weekend. Abysmal. I'm going to top myself. Fuck off.

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1 minute ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Withers, you were meant to be dead. It would have been better if you had stayed dead - look at this watery dog shit thread you've started. Fucking abysmal, as is the rest of the shit this weekend. Abysmal. I'm going to top myself. Fuck off.

Good, but before you do, break the habit of a lifetime and post a nom. Fucking Paddy rent boy.

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Guest Gong Farmer
15 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

So an aged dog is to be put 'to sleep' and its owner goes on Facebook. 100's of people join Walnut for his last drag on a Devon beach. Open your eyes you stupid thick cunts, all around you there are kids being abused, shit and lawlessness, and social injustice. Do you do anything about these issues, do you fuck. Its just a pity there wasn't a Devon tsunami at that very moment that washed all these wankers, and the fucking dog away. This shit made National news for fucks sake.

I don't care about social justice, I think it's a load of shit along with the smelly work and soap shy social justice warriors that involve themselves with it. I propose that they be rounded up into concentration camps, humanly euthanized and then ground up into Soylent green biscuits to be fed to their fellow libtard ilk that will be cleaning my toilets before the decade is out.


I'd rather read about some poor dog on his last legs than be dictated to by some toxic fat fuck ugly green haired Milly Tant persona manufacturing offence about some geezer sitting with his legs spread on the tube for ten minuets between Latimer Road and Royal Oak. 

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4 hours ago, Punkape said:

You're going to be sorry for getting Frank banned.....you're a a fucking slimeball.

Ooh, scary. Are you frank ? Apparently he controls several ID's, and he is a spy of some sort. Now fuck off back to work, and don't forget to count out the correct number of McNuggets or they will strip you of one of the little gold stars on your name badge. Fucking twat.

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Guest Extremecunt
2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Ooh, scary. Are you frank ? Apparently he controls several ID's, and he is a spy of some sort. Now fuck off back to work, and don't forget to count out the correct number of McNuggets or they will strip you of one of the little gold stars on your name badge. Fucking twat.

What the fuck do you want Eric. Everyone hates you.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Ooh, scary. Are you frank ? Apparently he controls several ID's, and he is a spy of some sort. Now fuck off back to work, and don't forget to count out the correct number of McNuggets or they will strip you of one of the little gold stars on your name badge. Fucking twat.

Is it true that you got Bill banned.

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Guest Extremecunt
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Ooh, scary. Are you frank ? Apparently he controls several ID's, and he is a spy of some sort. Now fuck off back to work, and don't forget to count out the correct number of McNuggets or they will strip you of one of the little gold stars on your name badge. Fucking twat.

Don't let witheredscrote bully you. He's extremely hurtful.

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