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Guest Bill Stickers

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9 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Eric if what you say is true you have my deepest sympathy, It must be a very painful thing to see.

You have now learnt that this place is dominated by a small clique of idiots that will do their best to drive away newcomers by any means necessary even taking the piss when someone's family member has cancer which is totally out of order. There are now only around a dozen or so regular users here, most members in the list don't bother anymore and you can see why. I only hope the owner sorts it out before it's too late. I will have dogs abuse for this post but fuck'em the wankers.


Thank you, appreciated. I'm starting to get the lay of the land now and have worked out that the bully clique is comprised of Decimus Quincy and their kennel master frank, bill and bubba are probably ok but they need to get out of the shadow of the previous three I mentioned, especially frank who I shall make it my mission to skullfuck at every opportunity, not sure what to make of punkape yet but I'll no doubt get there. On the plus side, ding lady p Roadkill and now yourself have proved to be decent human beings worth knowing. Nice to make your acquaintance. As for the bully clique they can get my preferred meeting place coordinates from bill if they want to know what real nastiness feels like. Hope you're all reading this cyber warriors and let me know date and time. The real world arena awaits all 3 of you. Anyway thanks again IKTC, all support appreciated.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Thank you, appreciated. I'm starting to get the lay of the land now and have worked out that the bully clique is comprised of Decimus Quincy and their kennel master frank, bill and bubba are probably ok but they need to get out of the shadow of the previous three I mentioned, especially frank who I shall make it my mission to skullfuck at every opportunity, not sure what to make of punkape yet but I'll no doubt get there. On the plus side, ding lady p Roadkill and now yourself have proved to be decent human beings worth knowing. Nice to make your acquaintance. As for the bully clique they can get my preferred meeting place coordinates from bill if they want to know what real nastiness feels like. Hope you're all reading this cyber warriors and let me know date and time. The real world arena awaits all 3 of you. Anyway thanks again IKTC, all support appreciated.

I hope despite being married you're not a bit nosh on the side Eric....

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13 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Eric if what you say is true you have my deepest sympathy, It must be a very painful thing to see.

You have now learnt that this place is dominated by a small clique of idiots that will do their best to drive away newcomers by any means necessary even taking the piss when someone's family member has cancer which is totally out of order. There are now only around a dozen or so regular users here, most members in the list don't bother anymore and you can see why. I only hope the owner sorts it out before it's too late. I will have dogs abuse for this post but fuck'em the wankers.


If a small number of regular posters seem to dominate the site and that is the nature of things. What do you suggest? That everyone must post 50 times a month, no more, no less?

Regular posters will have a better grasp of what is going on and familiarity with each other that may make them seem like some all-powerful sturmabteilung but are in reality a bunch of dibdob pansies ready to rip each other to shreds when the pressure is on. I seem to be in perpetual man to indescribable thing combat with Spunkape whereas my preferred tactic is to roll up, play a while then fuck off for an indeterminate period to lick my wounds.

I try never to forget Rule 1. Don't  take things seriously, all the others are immature, friendless losers as well.

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19 minutes ago, Ape said:

Anyone naive enough to post deeply person information on a forum called Cunts Corner is a fucking spacker.  

Yes I've realised that now brainiac, but when you're new to a community sometimes you have to put real shit out there to see who's who.and now I know who the gutless inhuman maggots really are. Lots of love, the fucking spacker.

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

Yes I've realised that now brainiac, but when you're new to a community sometimes you have to put real shit out there to see who's who.and now I know who the gutless inhuman maggots really are. Lots of love, the fucking spacker.

I'd have thought you'd have noticed the clue in the name of the "community". I assume you looked in as a guest for a while before joining?

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Just now, Ape said:

I'd have thought you'd have noticed the clue in the name of the "community". I assume you looked in as a guest for a while before joining?

I didn't. I read a super old post about Bernie Ecclestone and joined up. Literally the first thing I was asked was 'are you a homo?' by Punkape.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

I didn't. I read a super old post about Bernie Ecclestone and joined up. Literally the first thing I was asked was 'are you a homo?' by Punkape.

Forgive P, his tertiary syphilis renders him unable to tell whether he's logged into his CC or Grindr account.

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45 minutes ago, I know that Cunt said:

Eric if what you say is true you have my deepest sympathy, It must be a very painful thing to see.

You have now learnt that this place is dominated by a small clique of idiots that will do their best to drive away newcomers by any means necessary even taking the piss when someone's family member has cancer which is totally out of order. There are now only around a dozen or so regular users here, most members in the list don't bother anymore and you can see why. I only hope the owner sorts it out before it's too late. I will have dogs abuse for this post but fuck'em the wankers. There is no defence of their inhuman abuse, it just cannot be defended.


Yes what I said was true, to make up something like that would put me on the level of frank and his gang of sycophants.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Yes I've realised that now brainiac, but when you're new to a community sometimes you have to put real shit out there to see who's who.and now I know who the gutless inhuman maggots really are. Lots of love, the fucking spacker.

That seems like sticking your head over the parapet once to often. Check the post count. The higher the count the bigger the pondlife tosser behind it. Myself not included.

Now get stuck in there and give Stickers and Decimouse some shit,,they deserve it, Inshallah.

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10 minutes ago, Ape said:

I'd have thought you'd have noticed the clue in the name of the "community". I assume you looked in as a guest for a while before joining?

Not a lot, I saw the name of the site and thought this has got to be a better bet than joining Facebook which seems to be populated by illiterate 18 yr old single mums about to give birth to their 4th crack baby

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Just now, Ape said:

Well then, you and Punkers should get along famously.

Nah he's a closet dwelling bible basher. Maybe if he just manned up and accepted it, took a bath, shave, brushed his teeth, haircut, nail trimming, AIDS test, clap test, psychiatric meetings, AA meetings, social anxiety management, superiority complex management, basic social norm classes, learned how to cook, learned how to clean, learned how to drive and learned how to write full sentences instead of single word insults.

In fact no. Not even then.

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Yes what I said was true, to make up something like that would put me on the level of frank and his gang of sycophants.

You wouldn't be the first ever to make up something exactly like that on here. Not even the first this week.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

For fucks sake frank, I realise that this was my fault for mentioning personal shit on here but for you to say that is low. Yes you're right, my wife is dying and it hurts to watch it happen and I can't see why you would use that to get a laugh. My earlier aggression was a reaction to certain other posts and  I truly regret reverting to that level. I can't believe that you really find someone's pain a good excuse for a cheap laugh. I can see nobody wants me here so I shall fuck off and concentrate on giving her as much happiness as possible with the time she has left. Give my regards to Roadkill and tell bill and Decimus that I can't be bothered with cunts like them anymore so please would they not email me with meaningless crap. I will leave you in peace now and despite what you said above I genuinely hope this never happens to you or anyone you love. Eric

Eric, we haven't spoken much, but if I may...this site is typically used for blowing off steam.  Things we all would like to tell the fuckwits in daily life, but don't.  The remarks often do get quite controversial, as you've experienced with Frank.  It doesn't excuse him, but he does that with everybody that he can con a bit of personal info from....don't let him get the better of you, the cunt simply isn't worth all that.  I think you should spend more time with your missus, comforting her for the time she has left.  This place will probably be here for some time to come, and you will be ready to vent at the darkest of hours.  But you can't go like this.  Don't let Frank or any other cunt, myself, included, run you off.  

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42 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

On the plus side, ding lady p Roadkill and now yourself have proved to be decent human beings worth knowing.

It's a shame that this isn't called "Decent human beings worth knowing corner" then isn't it, you soppy fucking cunt. Shove your violin up your arse and change the fucking record.

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Nah he's a closet dwelling bible basher. Maybe if he just manned up and accepted it, took a bath, shave, brushed his teeth, haircut, nail trimming, AIDS test, clap test, psychiatric meetings, AA meetings, social anxiety management, superiority complex management, basic social norm classes, learned how to cook, learned how to clean, learned how to drive and learned how to write full sentences instead of single word insults.

In fact no. Not even then.


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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's a shame that this isn't called "Decent human beings worth knowing corner" then isn't it, you soppy fucking cunt. Shove your violin up your arse and change the fucking record.

I thought I told you to fuck off shitcunt. Don't worry franks anal cavity will be back to provide you with shelter soon

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