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Londoncentric Wankstains

Guest luke swarm

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Guest luke swarm

So, our bought and paid for by big business Government have finally and bravely decided to cave in and give the go ahead for the expansion of possibly the worst located airport in the civilised world, Heathrow.

Hard to access, overpriced, user unfriendly, surrounded by a huge carpark called the M25......and now even fucking bigger although the infrastructure around it is already struggling to cope. But its in that there fucking London and our stupid cunt wanker politicians never venture outside of the fucking place apparently.

Its going to cost zillions in buying up the properties around the new runway let alone the actual building of the damned thing, and at London prices the actual forecasted costs will obviously bear no resemblance to the final costs which will almost certainly double or treble. Whatever happened to promises of northern powerhouse and all that crap.  

We have ample area around Birmingham airport to expand and Manchester is centrally located for all of the UK but no, they picked fucking cunting London as per usual. The only good thing to come out of this is, the amount of Londoners it has pissed off and that Zac Goldsmith has resigned, why doesn't that cunt Boris Johnson also fucking resign in principle as he was against it originally when it meant he could get some votes out it.  

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6 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

So, our bought and paid for by big business Government have finally and bravely decided to cave in and give the go ahead for the expansion of possibly the worst located airport in the civilised world, Heathrow.

Hard to access, overpriced, user unfriendly, surrounded by a huge carpark called the M25......and now even fucking bigger although the infrastructure around it is already struggling to cope. But its in that there fucking London and our stupid cunt wanker politicians never venture outside of the fucking place apparently.

Its going to cost zillions in buying up the properties around the new runway let alone the actual building of the damned thing, and at London prices the actual forecasted costs will obviously bear no resemblance to the final costs which will almost certainly double or treble. Whatever happened to promises of northern powerhouse and all that crap.  

We have ample area around Birmingham airport to expand and Manchester is centrally located for all of the UK but no, they picked fucking cunting London as per usual. The only good thing to come out of this is, the amount of Londoners it has pissed off and that Zac Goldsmith has resigned, why doesn't that cunt Boris Johnson also fucking resign in principle as he was against it originally when it meant he could get some votes out it.  


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Guest Bill Stickers

London, despite everyone else in the country bemoaning it as a cesspit, is the only reason this country is as successful and wealthy as it is.

Shut your fucking trap Swarm you midland inhabiting weasel. Nothing is forcing you to live in that depressing dump except your own shortcomings. 

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

You didn't fall for that bollocks, surely? That was down to George Osborne's spell checker auto-correcting "Northern shithouse" in his maiden budget speech.

I don't think I want a Northern Powerhouse. It will only damage the rustic charm and beauty of this untouched corner of the country. There is ample room around Manchester Airport for 10 new runways and if we made one 28 miles long and 4 miles wide, we could get a CPO and bulldoze a notorious gay golf club with all its twisted members still inside.

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Guest luke swarm
4 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

London, despite everyone else in the country bemoaning it as a cesspit, is the only reason this country is as successful and wealthy as it is.


and therein lies the problem......the only reason the wealth is concentrated there is that our cunt politicians reside there......come to think of it, you can keep them.

I am just pissed off that airfares are usually higher in the provinces than in London...other than that you can make the fucking place as big as you like. I like the midlands, why, because its not fucking London you stupid southern ponce .

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Guest luke swarm
3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Frankly I think they missed a trick by not committing to expand Heathrow AND Gatwick. What a post-Brexit statement of intent that would have been. To compensate for the environmental impact they could have bulldozed the whole of the West Midlands flat and planted a fuckload of trees instead.

you stupid cunt......trees do not grow in the west midlands, the heavy metals and poisons from our industrial heritage destroys them. Have any of you cunts ever been to Southall where I usually have to go to meet the wifes relatives.....its a fucking stinking cesspit. 

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19 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

you stupid cunt......trees do not grow in the west midlands, the heavy metals and poisons from our industrial heritage destroys them. Have any of you cunts ever been to Southall where I usually have to go to meet the wifes relatives.....its a fucking stinking cesspit. 

Poison were NEVER heavy metal you twit. They came from America unlike Sabbath and Judas Priest..and...oh....err..oh fucking hell......

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45 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

you stupid cunt......trees do not grow in the west midlands, the heavy metals and poisons from our industrial heritage destroys them. Have any of you cunts ever been to Southall where I usually have to go to meet the wifes relatives.....its a fucking stinking cesspit. 

Is your wife a Moslem terrorist ?

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Guest luke swarm
6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Is your wife a Moslem terrorist ?

no, she just likes to wear a full veil and go trekking a lot

 Dont tell me you and your husband are Islamaphobic Pinky.

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57 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

you stupid cunt......trees do not grow in the west midlands, the heavy metals and poisons from our industrial heritage destroys them. Have any of you cunts ever been to Southall where I usually have to go to meet the wifes relatives.....its a fucking stinking cesspit. 

Early in Motorhead's career I remember reading that if they moved in next to you, your lawn would die

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, mothra said:

Early in Motorhead's career I remember reading that if they moved in next to you, your lawn would die

you misread it...it actually stated your Inlaws would die. No worries

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, luke swarm said:

and therein lies the problem......the only reason the wealth is concentrated there is that our cunt politicians reside there......come to think of it, you can keep them.

Bullshit swarm. The politicians are such scum they are probably keeping the rents down. Nobody wants to live anywhere near them. 

Outside of London everyone seems to just work in call centres or McVitties factories. The major profitable sectors, especially tertiary, are concentrated in London. 

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1 hour ago, luke swarm said:

So, our bought and paid for by big business Government have finally and bravely decided to cave in and give the go ahead for the expansion of possibly the worst located airport in the civilised world, Heathrow.

Hard to access, overpriced, user unfriendly, surrounded by a huge carpark called the M25......and now even fucking bigger although the infrastructure around it is already struggling to cope. But its in that there fucking London and our stupid cunt wanker politicians never venture outside of the fucking place apparently.

Its going to cost zillions in buying up the properties around the new runway let alone the actual building of the damned thing, and at London prices the actual forecasted costs will obviously bear no resemblance to the final costs which will almost certainly double or treble. Whatever happened to promises of northern powerhouse and all that crap.  

We have ample area around Birmingham airport to expand and Manchester is centrally located for all of the UK but no, they picked fucking cunting London as per usual. The only good thing to come out of this is, the amount of Londoners it has pissed off and that Zac Goldsmith has resigned, why doesn't that cunt Boris Johnson also fucking resign in principle as he was against it originally when it meant he could get some votes out it.  

They can always find money for London shit like the Crossrail or repairs after the Blitz. I hate Londoners and Phil Collins

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

London, despite everyone else in the country bemoaning it as a cesspit, is the only reason this country is as successful and wealthy as it is.

Shut your fucking trap Swarm you midland inhabiting weasel. Nothing is forcing you to live in that depressing dump except your own shortcomings. 

And that's where you're fucking wrong again.

It was the original northern powerhouse that built this country, wool (production and processing) and then cotton processing.  Without these 2 commodoties we would not have had the rather excellent navy that scred/fucked over every other country... hence Rule Britannia.

Without us northerners, you southerners would still be inhabiting an entire city wide cesspit.


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Guest Bill Stickers
6 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

And that's where you're fucking wrong again.

It was the original northern powerhouse that built this country, wool (production and processing) and then cotton processing.  Without these 2 commodoties we would not have had the rather excellent navy that scred/fucked over every other country... hence Rule Britannia.

Without us northerners, you southerners would still be inhabiting an entire city wide cesspit.


Ding, I hate to break it to you, but it's not 1902 anymore. 

Get back in your time machine (a park bench and a 3 litre bottle of frosty jacks) you glassy eyed cunt. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
9 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Ding, I hate to break it to you, but it's not 1902 anymore. 

Get back in your time machine (a park bench and a 3 litre bottle of frosty jacks) you glassy eyed cunt. 

I hate to break it to you, actually, no I don't, I like breaking it to you... you are a stupid thick cunt who gets everything wrong, as evidenced by your above assertation that London built this country, it didn't.

It wasn't 1902 either.  Thick fuck.

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