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Cunts that think we live in a computer simulation.

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

I get it, you've watched The Matrix. Every cunt has watched The Matrix. Most cunts have the common sense to go 'huh, an interesting idea', and then move on. Some insufferable cunts get off on being the 'deep cunt' in their social circle, and insist that the idea that we live in a computer simulation is somehow a possibility.

These cunts have been recently validated by that git wizard yank cumstain, and failed rocket designer, Elon Musk, who continues the longstanding tradition of Americunts with stupid names. For more stupid Yank names look no further than Tipper Gore, Al Gore, Wolf Blitzer, Newt Gingrich and any cunt with fucking "Stone" as a first name.

Elon Musk believes this shite, enough said.

Same cunts think that the kitten shagger Nikola Tesla is some misunderstood counter-cultural genius, cruelly robbed of all his decent inventions by the scheming Thomas Edison working with 'The Government'. In other words conspiracy theory cunts who think they are engineers and scientists, but in reality they just spend too much time smoking cooncil hash and watching V for Vendetta in their boxer briefs. Cunts.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Cracking nom. These cunts are in the same group as comic fanatics and marijuana using movie nutters. They get philosophical and spout utter bollocks about our insignificance as living beings in the universe; they get off put when a story line deviates from the original comic interpretation and they memorize the powers and abilities of each character and bleat on and fucking on about it. 

I wish for just one thing with this lot, that they'd help themselves to a large slice of throat. 


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Guest luke swarm

to be honest TSD I have not really met anyone who believes that we live in a computer construct........I think that living in the Wolverhampton area with all its wonders and marvels, the idea that any machine smart enough to formulate such a construct would actually create such an utter shithole for people to live in, is utterly inconceivable.

I think that this must be a purely Murricunt thing as no British cunt would believe such a thing no matter how stupid they are. There were so many plot flaws in the movie that although it was entertaining, it was logically a load of arse gravy. The two follow up movies were unwatchable.

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19 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

I get it, you've watched The Matrix. Every cunt has watched The Matrix. Most cunts have the common sense to go 'huh, an interesting idea', and then move on. Some insufferable cunts get off on being the 'deep cunt' in their social circle, and insist that the idea that we live in a computer simulation is somehow a possibility.

Computer simulation or not, where do you stand on the "free will" question?

Nick Bostrom is a cunt.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
Just now, Snatch said:

So we're talking about students then.

With students it is forgivable. When those cunts are still dossing around in their late twenties postulating this shit then you have to get concerned. If that cunt watches My Little Pony, Japanese children's cartoons, has a blunt replica Katana and a girlfriend who is still in high school but is "really mature for her age" then you get really worried. 

Elon Musk is the figurehead and hero for all these desperate cunts. 

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Cuntybaws said:

Computer simulation or not, where do you stand on the "free will" question?

Nick Bostrom is a cunt.

Free Will, no such thing....I answered an ad saying they would do a "free will"...cunts still somehow charged me £75

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1 minute ago, luke swarm said:

Free Will, no such thing....I answered an ad saying they would do a "free will"...cunts still somehow charged me £75

You answered the ad of your own free will. That's where it stopped.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

Computer simulation or not, where do you stand on the "free will" question?

Who gives a fuck? We are slightly better, slightly more evolved apes. We are good at blindly running into the same traps and hurdles endlessly. Enough of us will probably survive to keep the species going, but anything beyond that is meaningless window-dressing. Ultimately we aren't the best at looking at ourselves objectively, and for every smart fuck there is thousands dialing up premium-rate Tarot-reading phone lines or getting hooked on Codeine or doing some other daft destructive shit like that.

The only cunts I know that read Ayn Rand are those that should, for obvious reasons, realise that they are NOT John Galt and that those books weren't written with them in mind. If you work in Little Chef as a line cook then there isn't any shit resting on your shoulders, beyond a failed marriage and some bastard offspring, Atlas. The whole idea of 'pulling yourself up by your bootstraps' was that it was an impossible feat, but people somehow see that as empowering and inspiring? Fucking crazy bastards. 

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3 minutes ago, Gurt said:

I live in south London which seems to be a simulation of Africa and Pakistan combined after 11am once they've got up.

I am in SouthEast London Gurty and agree about the Africa/Asia simulation. The computer controller probably got fed up with us cuntbrains and went for broke.

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Snatch said:

You answered the ad of your own free will. That's where it stopped.

ah, that where you are wrong...Mrs Swarm nagged me senseless to answer the ad.......resistance is useless, resistance is useless 

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1 minute ago, ThunderCunt said:

I am in SouthEast London Gurty and agree about the Africa/Asia simulation. The computer controller probably got fed up with us cuntbrains and went for broke.

I can imagine anyone getting fed up with a "cuntbrain" such as you TC, and pretty fucking quickly too. Around 0.2 attoseconds after meeting you I'd estimate.

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Cuntybaws said:

You stole my punchline, you cunt. Luckily I can now see that it has a hint of the MikeD about it, so you're fucking welcome to it.

so its not free will then, its gods fault after all.

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Guest DingTheRioja

You forgot chem-trails.... I know someone who reckons they're a "distinct possibility" and that only by smoking dope can you see them for what they are, it enhances the clarity of your vision...

He's a nice lad, daft as a fucking brush, but a good laugh. 

One of his "proofs" that weed is good for you is that the fastest man on land and the fastest man in the water are both self confessed stoners... he might have a point there...

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
2 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

One of his "proofs" that weed is good for you is that the fastest man on land and the fastest man in the water are both self confessed stoners... he might have a point there...

Fastest case of emphysema as well, probably. Stoners think cigarettes are the devil, but think nothing of holding unfiltered weed smoke in their lungs for half a minute at a time. Some cunt I know lost his voice for a while because his weed was dusted with glass particles to make it heavier.

"That wouldn't happen if it was legalised"... yeah? Fuck off.

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The other equally laughable concept is that of the infinite multiverse, which insists that anything that you can imagine WILL happen. This means that somewhere there exists a parallel Earth where Cuntwad is the supreme ruler, Roops is shagging Decimus, and Donner has a double figure likes-to-posts ratio. If that isn't a cast iron example of what mathematicians and logicians call "proof by contradiction" then I don't know what else will convince you.

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Guest DingTheRioja
8 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The other equally laughable concept is that of the infinite multiverse, which insists that anything that you can imagine WILL happen. This means that somewhere there exists a parallel Earth where Cuntwad is the supreme ruler, Roops is shagging Decimus, and Donner has a double figure likes-to-posts ratio. If that isn't a cast iron example of what mathematicians and logicians call "proof by contradiction" then I don't know what else will convince you.

Yes but even in the infinite multiverse, Stickers would always be a useless fucktard.

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