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Those cunts who used to knock on your door and try and sell you an aerial picture of your house taken out the side of a shitty Cessna

Guest Bill Stickers

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Guest luke swarm
20 minutes ago, Dai O'Rhea said:

Ha Ha Bill, sounds as if you just found one of these fuckers in your late uncles loft and then got the arse up cos he wasted some of your inheritence money. Bloody hell, they haven't been trying to flog this shit for years and quite frankly I don't know how, as a seller you would make it from one end of the street to the other without getting a smack in the mooey for being a time wasting, privacy invading, tatt peddling, cheeky CUNT. I suppose these body odour minging wazzocks are now cold calling for PPI claims companies....Oh wait, I forgot, those cuntfaces have had their day as well!

Nice One Dai....not a bad attempt at humour with just a tinge of ironic humour.

Don't be put off by a few jeers from the cheap seats, you are always going to get that here......now have another go and this time ask somebody to help you with paragraphs, punctuation, spelling, humour, clarity,the english language and indeed breathing and blinking at the same time.

Good Man.  

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
31 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm afraid its been a long day, and I simply can't summon up the strength to properly reply to the ramblings of yet another new, boring illiterate cunt.

Perhaps someone with more inclination and patience will engage you, and try and piece together the disconnected fragments of your decaying mind.

A quick scan sees you bounce between living in an attic, B.O., and payment protection insurance. I'm lost, quite frankly. Metaphorically lost in that pile of steaming shit. I'd love it if you quite literally got lost though. Preferably in the Australian outback or the Canadian wilderness. 

You utter, utter cretin.

You seem to have summoned up a couple of prize fucksticks from the depths with this nom . Just so you know, you're responsible. What do you intend to do about these pair of brassy, thick cunts?

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Guest Dai O'Rhea
6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

When your trousers are made out of sack cloth, it's hardly any loss. Obviously I'm disappointed that it didn't set you alight, but I hope that as a bonus prize you die imminently of lung cancer.

Not so fast, I've only just started enjoying my fucking self on this board of utter low life fellow purveyors of cuntishness!

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Not the kind of action they were after anyway. A grown man leaping around in a shawl with it tucked between his legs. 

That would be preferable to stumbling upon Punkapes bedsit where he is re-enacting Jaime Gumb/Buffalo Bill's frontal scene stuffing is shit stick between his legs while in full make up and wearing a freshly dissected girl skin suit. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
23 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You seem to have summoned up a couple of prize fucksticks from the depths with this nom . Just so you know, you're responsible. What do you intend to do about these pair of brassy, thick cunts?

The final aspects of the site sale are currently being processed, as soon as its done I'll post their IP addresses on Stormfront and say interracial couples live there.

The negotiations have been long and protracted. Admin is trying to keep hold of some stock options, and intellectual property rights to Jazz's pictures and Punky's insults. I'm pretty sure I can close the deal by offering him a handjob though.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

I can't believe there hasn't been a queue of premium offers to buy such an esteemed collection of cuntings, prose, philosophy, modern art and musical offerings, and comedy relief. 

The corner has it all AND Frank! 

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Guest Piston


6 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Fucking dai o'reah more chris rea, on a really terrible shitty day. 

Are you sure you're not thinking of Gon O' Rheah?  A lifelong companion of Spunkape, I believe.

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1 hour ago, Ape said:

Am I missing something, or is this nom a pile of utter fucking shit?

Bill called it "a niche nom for the connoisseur" and its undoubted originality in a sea of repeat fucking bollocks is to be applauded.

I'm sure now though, with hindsight, he wishes he had died before posting it.

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

Bill called it "a niche nom for the connoisseur" and its undoubted originality in a sea of repeat fucking bollocks is to be applauded.

I'm sure now though, with hindsight, he wishes he had died before posting it.

It's a HOT TOPIC according to the Gods of the Corner. Fuck off.

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Guest I know that Cunt
6 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

It's a HOT TOPIC according to the Gods of the Corner. Fuck off.

It's a brilliant topic, it ranks alongside some other great topics like "people that use telephones" and "cunts that walk on the left"

Well done Billy

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Guest luke swarm
Just now, Ape said:


you cunt Ape...I was looking forward to IKTCs imput tonight....now he will spend all evening wracking his brains trying to decipher this.....you realise his head might explode as he gurns hideously with the effort. 

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Guest I know that Cunt
3 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

you cunt Ape...I was looking forward to IKTCs imput tonight....now he will spend all evening wracking his brains trying to decipher this.....you realise his head might explode as he gurns hideously with the effort. 

I managed to twist a putlog out tonight so I'm done gurning hideously for the day.

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Guest I know that Cunt
6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm fluent in vitriolic acronyms, but I feel that you might be heavily overestimating IKTC's powers of intelligence and comprehension here, Apers.

Fuck off. Twat

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