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These tie died, louse ridden cunts are a fucking menace on modern society. I'm sick of stig of the dump type wasters swanning around in hemp sweaters, telling me to turn my lights off and piss in a chamber pot instead of one of crappers finest. It's a load of old bollocks, climate change has been a natural part of the earth's history for eons. The last ice age didn't occur because sabre tooth tigers were burning fossil fuels in between savaging Neanderthals, and the medieval warm period didn't come about because Prince John had a lynx Africa addiction.

I'm sick of do gooder cunts telling me what I can and can't throw into my green wheelie bin, and how I should spread world peace with nothing but a set of pan pipes and a bag of third class student weed.

Get fucked, you soap dodging hippy cunts.

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Guest luke swarm
10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

These tie died, louse ridden cunts are a fucking menace on modern society. I'm sick of stig of the dump type wasters swanning around in hemp sweaters, telling me to turn my lights off and piss in a chamber pot instead of one of crappers finest. It's a load of old bollocks, climate change has been a natural part of the earth's history for eons. The last ice age didn't occur because sabre tooth tigers were burning fossil fuels in between savaging Neanderthals, and the medieval warm period didn't come about because Prince John had a lynx Africa addiction.

I'm sick of do gooder cunts telling me what I can and can't throw into my green wheelie bin, and how I should spread world peace with nothing but a set of pan pipes and a bag of third class student weed.

Get fucked, you soap dodging hippy cunts.

Bin day can be quite stressful Decimus.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Well done Dec's.  The fact you have a green wheelie bin means you don't live within the juristiction of Norwich Shitty Council.- they use blue wheelie bins.

He probably lives in it, the fucking disgusting cunt.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

These tie died, louse ridden cunts are a fucking menace on modern society. I'm sick of stig of the dump type wasters swanning around in hemp sweaters, telling me to turn my lights off and piss in a chamber pot instead of one of crappers finest. It's a load of old bollocks, climate change has been a natural part of the earth's history for eons. The last ice age didn't occur because sabre tooth tigers were burning fossil fuels in between savaging Neanderthals, and the medieval warm period didn't come about because Prince John had a lynx Africa addiction.

I'm sick of do gooder cunts telling me what I can and can't throw into my green wheelie bin, and how I should spread world peace with nothing but a set of pan pipes and a bag of third class student weed.

Get fucked, you soap dodging hippy cunts.

Its a great pity some do gooder didn't tell you to put this shit nom in the bin you soppy cunt.

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2 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Well done Dec's.  The fact you have a green wheelie bin means you don't live within the juristiction of Norwich Shitty Council.- they use blue wheelie bins.

Just returned from North Norfolk. As you can see from my activity (or lack of it) on this site since Thursday night I couldn't get a fucking signal on my phone. I got snared in heavy traffic on the ring road round Norwich and I visited Cromer which I think was the town what that veggie fascist Morrisey sang about in "Everyday is like Sunday". Fuck Norfolk and Norwich.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just returned from North Norfolk. As you can see from my activity (or lack of it) on this site since Thursday night I couldn't get a fucking signal on my phone. I got snared in heavy traffic on the ring road round Norwich and I visited Cromer which I think was the town what that veggie fascist Morrisey sang about in "Everyday is like Sunday". Fuck Norfolk and Norwich.

At least you had the common sense to drive around Norwich using the half of an outer ring road that we've had for many years. What did you think of our 'international' airport?

Cromer is okay. It's like an episode of waiting for god with the amount of old cunts shuffling about.

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9 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

Its a great pity some do gooder didn't tell you to put this shit nom in the bin you soppy cunt.

I'm done Withers, it's over, my last ever post. I'd like to say that it's been a pleasure, but it hasn't, you miserable old cunt.

Admin, delete me please, I'm not coming back.


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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm done Withers, it's over, my last ever post. I'd like to say that it's been a pleasure, but it hasn't, you miserable old cunt.

Admin, delete me please, I'm not coming back.


You stupid fucking cunt. I'll tell you when you're done.

Get on with it you idiot. 

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Top nom. These cunts get right on my fucking nerves. Alot of them come from well off families. Funny how in winter you don't see alot of them as they go back to their homes with heating. Maybe even fly out for a nice holiday somewhere.

Hypocritical,worthless cunts that will not change a fucking thing. As Decs said,it's the natural life of the Earth. Nothing is said about the 1940's when the Earth cooled down for a while.

Will throwing away a tin can end the world? No. The Earth will out live humans.

Anyone who believes this is the fault of man deserves to be fucked in the arse by Punkape.

Swampy was,is and shall remain a complete and total fuckwitted cunt.

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2 hours ago, Snatch said:

Top nom. These cunts get right on my fucking nerves. Alot of them come from well off families. Funny how in winter you don't see alot of them as they go back to their homes with heating. Maybe even fly out for a nice holiday somewhere.

Hypocritical,worthless cunts that will not change a fucking thing. As Decs said,it's the natural life of the Earth. Nothing is said about the 1940's when the Earth cooled down for a while.

Will throwing away a tin can end the world? No. The Earth will out live humans.

Anyone who believes this is the fault of man deserves to be fucked in the arse by Punkape.

Swampy was,is and shall remain a complete and total fuckwitted cunt.

Can I interest you in some recycled wooden pegs? Recycled from Frank's putrid remains we dug up. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
10 minutes ago, Cardinal Sin said:

Decimus has flounced off before, it all depends on how well his pills are working.

It's too public to be real, if he was that bored etc he'd just go.

Put a sweepstake on how many days/weeks before he visits again... or check new accounts more carefully...

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1 minute ago, DingTheRioja said:

It's too public to be real, if he was that bored etc he'd just go.

Put a sweepstake on how many days/weeks before he visits again...

I'm not so sure Ding, he p.m'd me and said he was very depressed. Apparently his wife has fucked off with a golf playing Nigerian, and some cunt has been posting turds through his letterbox.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 minute ago, witheredscrote said:

I'm not so sure Ding, he p.m'd me and said he was very depressed. Apparently his wife has fucked off with a golf playing Nigerian, and some cunt has been posting turds through his letterbox.

I thought he'd be happy if she fucked off, given half, I mean all, of his comments about her and the sprog(s).

As for the turds, you've only got yourself to blame on that one.

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Guest luke swarm
5 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

I'm not so sure Ding, he p.m'd me and said he was very depressed. Apparently his wife has fucked off with a golf playing Nigerian, and some cunt has been posting turds through his letterbox.

are you sure you got that right...I heard she had ran off with a golf playing turd and a Nigerian had been shitting thru his letterbox, so easy to get those two mixed up I know.  

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