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Keith lemon

Guest Roger cuntwing

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Guest Roger cuntwing

Another cunt.!!!!

fucking want to smash his face in!!

stupid squeaky voice!! Ugly bastard looks like a perv!! How did this cunt ever get on tv???? Most unfunny cunt ever so annoying!!

cunt!! Cunt!! Cunt!!!

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He's another  of my "I don't get it" celebrities along with the likes of Corden, Moyles and Chris Evans. I don't get how they're so popular. Has anybody heard the Chris Moyles show on Radio X? If you like to wait 8 to 10 minutes for the next record listening to the inane bollocks that emanates from this arseholes mouth than this is the show for you. Keith Lemon is as funny as colon cancer. The bandage round his hand was done 40 years ago by Spike Milligan in his Q series. I decided to watch his film to see just how bad it was. I lasted 30 minutes. I hate this wanker with passion. 

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Guest nobgobbler
7 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Is this the cunt that dresses up as a little bear that says "fuck"? If so, totally not a cunt, that's the very pinnacle of cutting edge comedy. Well, cutting edge compared to Sarah fucking Millican anyway. 

He was funny in "busted bastard" - did you call me a care bear - fuck off Charlie from Busted and take your fucking sluglike eyebrows with you, you busted bastaaaaaaaaard. Apart from that, I agree he's a massive cunt for all the reasons gyps said.

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I have honestly never seen a programme with him in, (Air Crash Investigation is my favourite so maybe that is a pity)

Is not having seen him a sign of being cultured or being uncultured.

He seems a cunt.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 hour ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

This nom. would be even more effective if you didn't include any Lemon as it is commonly universally accepted that anybody called Keith is a colossal cunt.

Such subtle, understated truth delivered with that biting cuntish edge.  Really drew, have you been studying vocabulary to make such eloquent statements of fact?  

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Guest DingTheRioja
On 22/09/2016 at 8:24 PM, Manky said:

I have honestly never seen a programme with him in, (Air Crash Investigation is my favourite so maybe that is a pity)

Is not having seen him a sign of being cultured or being uncultured.

He seems a cunt.

Fucking lucky.

He's the twat on the carphone shithouse ads at the moment, you could call the new one racist since it prejudges all arabs to wear a bedsheet and a teatowel, be stinking rich and drive/fly/captain vehicles only if they are gold plated and have staff...

He appears to be a ginga as well.

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On 22/09/2016 at 11:24 AM, Cuntybaws said:

Is this the cunt that dresses up as a little bear that says "fuck"? If so, totally not a cunt, that's the very pinnacle of cutting edge comedy. Well, cutting edge compared to Sarah fucking Millican anyway. 

Sarah Millican's act is basically "My cat oooooooh biscuits oooooooh my weight ooooh. Aaahv been Sarah Millican goodneeet". 

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Sarah Millican's act is basically "My cat oooooooh biscuits oooooooh my weight ooooh. Aaahv been Sarah Millican goodneeet". 

Like ALL female comics she does vagina gags as well, but delivered in her case, with that oh so funny Geordie attitude. Massive yawns all round in Rathaus 

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Guest DingTheRioja
8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The only female comic I ever liked was Joan Rivers basically because she tore into the rich and famous. 

She was funny, didn't half rip the shit out of everyone.  Can't remember if it was her or that Jewish yank comedian (Jackie Mason?) who did one of th Audience with... programmes and incessantly took the piss out of the front row about their trophy wives

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Uncanny - if she'd added "You bellends!" she would be functionally indistinguishable from Cuntwad.

Never mind all that CB, I think Frank's spirit has entered my body! In typical Greek style he used my bumhole to gain access. I feel strangely comforted by him being there

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1 hour ago, mothra said:

I saw the headline "Halliwell may have killed 6 more people". The fuckin mad cow should be called Murder Spice from now on


She has murdered a few tunes in her time.

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