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The Postwick Hub


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Possibly the most niche nom I've ever made, and only relevant to about three of us, but I don't give a flying fuck.

£27 million was spent on this fucking mess and I'm still none the wiser as to it's purpose. Apparently, traffic from the east A47 into Norwich was bringing the city to a stand still. Their solution was to build a shit load of fucking roundabouts and slip roads that go absolutely fucking nowhere at Postwick. It's done absolutely fuck all and leads straight into single lane traffic in Thorpe, which was the problem all along. In summary, you still spend 20 fucking minutes crawling through Thorpe behind the entire city's population of fucking cyclists and bus wankers, but now you're also dizzy as fuck after going endlessly round a 27 million pound roundabout. Fuck off.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Possibly the most niche nom I've ever made, and only relevant to about three of us, but I don't give a flying fuck.

£27 million was spent on this fucking mess and I'm still none the wiser as to it's purpose. Apparently, traffic from the east A47 into Norwich was bringing the city to a stand still. Their solution was to build a shit load of fucking roundabouts and slip roads that go absolutely fucking nowhere at Postwick. It's done absolutely fuck all and leads straight into single lane traffic in Thorpe, which was the problem all along. In summary, you still spend 20 fucking minutes crawling through Thorpe behind the entire city's population of fucking cyclists and bus wankers, but now you're also dizzy as fuck after going endlessly round a 27 million pound roundabout. Fuck off.

A worthy project in my opinion. The authorities probably knew I was moving to the county and rightly wanted to impress me, as I  indeed am. Pay your tax and stop whinging.

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Just now, witheredscrote said:

Fucking typical of the cunts on here. At last a truly riveting nom after a very lean period and nobody is interested. This is much more exciting than  Bill's 'Luton Airport', and that shit got 33 replies.

Thanks for the pity quotes, Withers. We're up to four posts now. You know you're fucked when you're relying on the likes of Drew to make a riveting statement to get a nom off the ground running.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Thanks for the pity quotes, Withers. We're up to four posts now. You know you're fucked when you're relying on the likes of Drew to make a riveting statement to get a nom off the ground running.

Its definitely not out of pity, I just want to keep this nom alive so that lots of people can see what a soppy cunt you are. You have yet to be lolled by Punky.

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Interesting but not a lot, just reminds me a bit of the work going on in Lewisham, there used to be a roundabout there but apparently it was cutting off the DLR and other such delights. So they have removed it and now building Lewisham Gateway..Yippee..looking forward to the completion of this bollocks to see what improvements have been made...if any !!

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Thanks for the pity quotes, Withers. We're up to four posts now. You know you're fucked when you're relying on the likes of Drew to make a riveting statement to get a nom off the ground running.

The brilliance is in the subtlety. 

Fucking terrible nom, quick, chuck some racist terms in to heat things up, before it slopes off into obscurity. 

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Actually fuck this wank nom, let's get more comments on here. Oi Deminge this is a worthless piece of complete shit just like the cuntbreed who nominated it, if i ever see you then you better cross over the other side of the fucking road and give me a wide berth or i will have to spread your fucking conk all over your ugly face..CUNT !!

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1 minute ago, ThunderCunt said:

Actually fuck this wank nom, let's get more comments on here. Oi Deminge this is a worthless piece of complete shit just like the cuntbreed who nominated it, if i ever see you then you better cross over the other side of the fucking road and give me a wide berth or i will have to spread your fucking conk all over your ugly face..CUNT !!

Fuck off over to Erith tonight and distribute some of your hammers. 200 rioting last night. Estimates are 500 tonight.

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4 minutes ago, ThunderCunt said:

 if i ever see you then you better cross over the other side of the fucking road 

Back on topic. I could crawl over the fucking road at Postwick, have a wank in the centre lane, and still get to the other side before the traffic started moving and you had the chance to unsheathe your claw hammer from your gaping fucking arsehole.

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6 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

Fuck off over to Erith tonight and distribute some of your hammers. 200 rioting last night. Estimates are 500 tonight.

Really? It could only improve the place.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Back on topic. I could crawl over the fucking road at Postwick, have a wank in the centre lane, and still get to the other side before the traffic started moving and you had the chance to unsheathe your claw hammer from your gaping fucking arsehole.

That's the fucking spirit Mingey, show us what makes Norfolk great.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I actually live not to far from this hub. (fuck knows why it's called a 'hub', Prehaps it is the collective term for a bunch of roundabouts) and I think it's quite good but then I only use it to see how hard I can drive the mid engined, two seater. That sits quite low as well, like a bungalow on wheels. If ever I see you wanking in the road Dex, I'll make sure I run you over.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
2 minutes ago, ThunderCunt said:

Thanks for the heads up, but i'm cleaning my hammers tonight..

Cleaning your shit off your hammers, you filthy cunt. Deminge was right about your fudge stuffing.

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Guest I know that Cunt
8 minutes ago, Manky said:

Roundabouts used to be called Gyratory Circles in the USA. It says so in a book I own, "Roundabouts of Great Britain" 

You so need to get out more you dopey cunt.

Yes, it's a shot nom, didn't know they have cars in Norfolk, I knew they don't in wales but not Norfolk

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

@Punkape, they knocked down a catholic church and a YMCA to build these roundabouts. What do you fucking think of that?

And a public toilet, didn't  they? (That should bait the turd inspector)

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